February 2013 Marvel Comics Diamond Previews Review

February 2013 Marvel Comics Diamond Previews Review


Hey guys! Let’s check out what Marvel has for us in April of 2013. Since Marvel Now launched I have been enjoying several of the titles, and the new direction for many of them. I have also felt that some of the roll out seemed rushed and not as solidly planned out. My second critique is the Age of Ultron crossover. It seems to be happening fairly early in the life of the Marvel Now initiative. As a long time fan of Marvel the crossover doesn’t seem so daunting but if Marvel Now is meant to draw in new readers, a crossover with the scope of Age of Ultron may have the opposite effect. No doubt it will sell, but it may also alienate new readers. This is just a personal opinion even though the fan in me is excited for this crossover.


Age of Ultron #4 Age of Ultron #5Age of Ultron #6    Speaking of Age of Ultron, there is no shortage of reading in May with issues 4, 5, and 6 of the main series hits shelves. Ultron #1AU



In addition to those issues we also get Ultron #1 AU which tells the story of Victor Mancha, the one time Runaway, and son of Ultron. I am looking forward to this book and think this will be one to watch.


Avengers Assemble #14AU Wolverine and X-Men #27AU          Avengers Assemble #14 AU, and Wolverine & the X-Men #27 AU also get into the Age of Ultron game showcasing the devastation that hit San Francisco, through the eyes of Black Widow, and Wolverine and the Invisible Woman visit the Avengers past.


Thanos Rising #1          Anticipation for Avengers 2 and Guardians of the Galaxy is already high and it will only get higher. Marvel is capitalizing on this with a five issue miniseries spotlighting the main villain coming soon to the Marvel Movie-verse, Thanos. Thanos Rising is by Jason Aaron (W), and Simone Bianchi (A) shows us how Thanos became the tyrant he is and how his past will shape the future of the Marvel Universe.


X-Men #1           The X-Men relaunches with a new #1 and a very publicized line up, all female. The roster is a who’s who of the X-Men women, including Storm (with her hottest look in years), Rogue, Psylocke, Shadowcat, Jubilee, and Rachel Summers. Brian Woods, who is one of my favorite writers, and I am sure many of you feel the same about him, and Olivier Coipel, who is one of the most striking artists on the stands, infuse new life into X-Men and I look forward to this book becoming a key book once again. Rumors abound that the real focus of this book will be Jubilee, and that has me excited.


Avengers #9 NOWAvengers #10 NOW          Over in the Avengers we meet a new Omega Flight team from Canada while the New Universe continues to get folded into the Marvel Universe proper. This relaunch of the Avengers has allot of promise but Jonathan Hickman needs to crank it up a notch because it feels like this title is not as tight as it could or should be. The pace seems uneven, but with Jonathan Hickman being one for layering story elements and really building a story from the ground up, I am going to stay with this book for the time being but changes need to happen soon.


Avengers Arena #7          When I started Avengers Arena I wondered where Arcade suddenly got his godlike powers from, but then I dropped the book because it seemed like a horrible riff on the Hunger Games, and Battle Royale. I don’t see myself coming back to the title but for those that have been patient the payoff is coming in issue #7 where we find out exactly how Arcade became the threat that he now is.


Fearless Defenders #3         Warrior Woman, a new character that looks like she should hop over to the Distinguished Competitions universe, and take up residence on Paradise Island, joins the Fearless Defenders. I appreciate the fact that Marvel has a hard time creating a long lasting book with a female lead but is trying the team route with both The Fearless Defenders, and The X-Men. Keep it up Marvel.


Young Avengers #4         Young Avengers #1 is one of my favorite titles in this relaunch, and a prime example of how to introduce a new book with established characters and still be new reader friendly while appreciating those that are coming onto the book who know the characters. Kieron Gillen is a writer who I am starting to take more notice of, and Journey Into Mystery, and Young Avengers are two of the reasons why.


Captain Marvel #12         Captain Marvel #12 kicks off a crossover with the Avengers. This usually means one thing, this is a last ditch effort to raise the profile of a book before possible cancellation. This is a shame because this is a really well done book. The art is solid and Kelly Sue Deconnick writes a realistic Carol, and she brings us into her world, not just during the superhero moments, but also Carols quietest moments in life.


X-Termination #2 Astonishing X-Men #61 XT           I assumed when X-Termination was announced that it was the death knell for any number of the titles involved, and I am still surprised that Astonishing X-Men survived.




Age of Apocalypse #14X-Treme X-Men #13          X-Treme X-Men is ending with issue #13, and Age of Apocalypse is ending with issue #14. They should have just brought back the Exiles.



Phase One Avengers Assembled Blue Ray box set


         Marvel Zombies everywhere will be eagerly anticipating April 2, 2013 when the Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase One Avengers Assembled collection is out. It includes all 6 movies in Phase One: Iron Man 1 and 2, Captain America: The First Avenger, Thor, The Incredible Hulk, and The Avengers, all on Blu-ray with Captain America, Thor, and The Avengers being released in Blu-ray 3D. It arrives in a very SHIELD looking briefcase, and even contains the Tesseract, well a facsimile of it anyway. A list price of $219.00 seems a steal for everything you get as part of this package. I cannot wait to see how they are going to release Phase 2!


Journey into Mystery featuring Sif vol 01         Some of the first Marvel Now trades start appearing on shelves in April, and there is one you should get if you haven’t been picking up the singles, Journey Into Mystery featuring Sif Vol. 1: Stronger than Monsters TPB by Kathryn Immonen (W) and Valerio Schiti (A). This is a strong female led book, that really shines the light on a character that has been deserving of more attention for awhile. It is obvious the creative team agrees and their appreciation of the character, and her world is evident in the writing, the art, and the covers by Jeffrey Becker.


That’s our look at Marvel for April 2013.

January 2013 Marvel Comics Diamond Previews Review

January 2013 Marvel Comics Diamond Previews Review


Time to dive into the Previews for product shipping in March of 2013. First we are going to visit Marvel and see what they have to offer.


Age of Ultron #1 NOW         First up is the long promised Age of Ultron, the last Avengers story to be told by Bendis. This seems like a series that was originally meant to be released earlier but was obviously side tracked due to the sprawling and Marvel Now catalyst Avengers Vs. X-Men. March sees the first 3 issues of the 10 issue series come out. Bendis is writing and Bryan Hitch will be providing his last mainstream work for a little while giving him the chance to focus on creator owned work.



Fantastic Four #5 NOW Superior Spider-Man #5 NOW        So far there are two tie ins announced for March and they are tie ins in a very unconventional way. While there is a Fantastic Four #5 and a Superior Spider-Man #6, there is also a Fantastic Four #5AU and a Superior Spider-Man #6AU.  Neither of these will be coming home with me. The main series will, and that is primarily because of Bryan Hitch, but as much as Marvel states this story will have ramifications, I cannot imagine it will, just because of the amount of work and planning that has gone into Marvel Now. I may be wrong, but time will tell. Avengers fans will scoop up these tie ins, and I am sure that April will bring more.

Fantastic Four #5AUSuperior Spider-Man #6AU


Either way, with Hitch doing the art on the main 10 issue series, this is worth picking up and admiring what may be Hitch’s last work on the Avengers for the next while.




Guardians of the Galaxy #1 NOW         The road to the next Marvel big screen masterpiece, Guardians of the Galaxy kicks off with the official first issue of the Marvel Now relaunch of the title. I am excited for this as it brings back some of the more fun characters of the Marvel Universe, namely Rocket Raccoon and Groot. How can a tree and a raccoon in space not be fun? The only flaw that I can see so far is the inclusion of Iron Man. I am assuming that this is a way to bring in new readers who might be more attracted to the title with an A list character from the movie-verse. I will try this title but the second it looks like it is turning into another Avengers, this one being galactic, I will drop it. Before that I will enjoy the book for what it is, and what I hope it becomes, a sprawling space epic with consequences for the universe as a whole.


Wolverine #1 NOW         Wolverine gets his second Marvel Now relaunch in the form of the simply titled Wolverine #1. The creative team is strong, not one that necessarily appeals to me, but one that will appeal to many. Paul Cornell, who did a masterful job on Captain Britain and MI 13 (but a less than stellar job on Doctor Who) is writing, and legendary artist Alan Davis is providing the pictures, in the wonderful fluid way that he does. I’m not sure why, but this strikes me as an odd creative team but as long as they can show the Canadian mutant doing what he does best, I am sure that it will do well.


Uncanny Avengers #6 NOW         Uncanny Avengers #6 brings Daniel Acuna on board as the new regular artist (the phrase “regular artist” really does not mean much these days does it?) with Rick Remember writing. This issue had me as soon as I read Apocalypse Vs. Thor in the 11th century! Throw in a little Kang and a sprinkle of Rama Tut and this is a recipe for an amazing issue. And yet again those often spoke reverberations will affect the entire Marvel Universe (another claim that is starting to lose quite a bit of its meaning due to repetitiveness). Regardless, Daniel Acuna is a worthy artist, the characters are well portrayed (even if they act occasionally out of character), and the premise of this issue seems to be an exciting start to a new story arc.


Avengers Arena #6 NOW         I really wanted to like Avengers Arena but can safely say that after two issues, I will be kicking this off of my pull list. If it was an indy title or one that was considered out of continuity I might be digging it but I cannot buy Arcade (seriously, when and why did he gain godlike powers?), and the title seems like a chance to off a chunk of the younger characters in the Marvel Universe, characters that had potential but are now used as cannon fodder.



Avengers #7 NOW New Avengers #4 NOW          Jonathan Hickman (W) and Dustin Weaver (A) bring on issues #7 and #8 of the Avengers to us in March. I am torn on this title, as after two issues it feels like trade padding. The story in the first two issues could have probably been told in 1 issue. But these issues seem to be hinting at an integration of the New Universe. How could one not think that with the obvious cover homage to that universe? Issue #8 also promises to tie into New Avengers and show how the two titles are related. The story ideas behind the Avengers seem to be sound but the pace needs to pick up a little bit.


All New X-Men #8 NOW          In the All-New X-Men issues #8 and #9 by Brian Michael Bendis (W) and David Marquez (A) (I am already missing Stuart Immonen, who is only providing covers for these issues) bring the Avengers face to face with the X-Men from the past, and they update their old school yellow and black uniforms with something a little more modern. This series has proven to be one of the best launches from Marvel Now, not always a home run, but there is a consistency to the series that keeps you hooked, and wanting to find out what happens next. The grasp that Bendis has of the old school X-Men seems to be stronger than the grasp he had of the Avengers at the beginning and I am excited about what that means for the future of the X-Verse!


Savage Wolverine #3 NOW         Amadeus Cho surprisingly joins the cast of Savage Wolverine in issue 3. Amadeus is one of a number of intriguing characters that have been conspicuously absent from the Marvel Now relaunch, and this is a surprising title to see him pop up in.


Journey Into Mystery #650 NOW          Journey Into Mystery has turned into another one of my favorites with Lady Sif taking on the lead role. Issue #650 of the series by creators Kathryn Immonen (W) and Valerio Schiti (A) wrap up the first arc that shows us whether Lady Sif can handle her new found abilities in the name of Asgard. This book is tied for my favorite female led book with DC’s Wonder Woman, and even though it will not happen, I cannot help but imagine what a crossover featuring these two leading ladies would be like. If you like fantasy, action, and strong characterization which really showcases who Lady Sif is, and this is just the beginning, you should be picking this book up. It is a worthy follow up to the run featuring Loki.


Ultimate Comics Ultimates #22          They may not be the West Coast Avengers, but over in Ultimate Comics Ultimates #22 and #23 by Sam Humphries (W) and Joe Bennet (A) bring us the West Coast Ultimates, and they may not be friends of the Ultimates but instead, are their opposites and strike at the United States, and it’s President, Captain America. As a fan of the original run of the West Coast Avengers, I am looking forward to seeing who makes up this team.



X-Treme X-Men #12 XT Age of Apolcalypse #13 XT X-Termination #1 XT          Another smaller crossover begins in X-Treme X-Men #12 and Age of Apocalypse #13 with prologues to X-Termination. The AoA Nightcrawler wants to go home and he will do anything to reach that goal. The story kicks off properly in X-Termination #1 by David Lapham (W), Marjorie Liu (W), and David Lopez (A) where we see Wolverine battle a one time ally who betrayed him.


Astonishing X-Men #60 XT          Part 2 of the crossover takes place in Astonishing X-Men #60 where we see Wolverine Vs. Wolverine. The one thing that worries me about this is that these titles are low selling titles for the most part, and have been completely disregarded as part of the Marvel Now event, which means that this could very well be a last ditch effort to save one, two, or all three titles from cancellation. With the uninspired writing in X-Treme X-Men, I would not be surprised if that one was going to end shortly after the crossover, the same with Age of Apocalypse could happen.


Doom 2099 Complete Collection by Warren Ellis          Over on the collections front I am excited to see a complete Warren Ellis collection of his run on Doom 2099. Warren Ellis started his re-imagining of the series with issue #24 and ran until issue #39 when most of the 2099 line ended. Also in this 432 page collection is material from the short lived 2099: World of Tomorrow. This series sees the Latverian ruler set his sites on a new office, the Oval Office. Being a long time fan of Warren Ellis, I will be bringing this home.


That’s Marvel for March 2013, next we will tackle DC, see you soon.

December 2012 Marvel Comics Diamond Previews Review

December 2012 Marvel Comics Diamond Previews Review

          Marvel Now! I applaud you, nay, I give you a standing ovation! You are truly showcasing yourself as the House of Ideas. After trying the bulk of your offerings to date, I have been nothing but impressed. All gushing aside, let’s see what Marvel has coming in February of 2013!


Guardians of the Galaxy #0.1 Now          Guardians of the Galaxy is getting it’s first issue of a new ongoing, and it’s a #0.1 issue. Brian Michael Bendis is writing and one of my favorites, Steve McNiven is providing the art. Near the end of his Avengers run it became a little drawn out and I was anxious for him to leave the books, but he is the reason I have the interest I do now, and he is also the reason I am finding a new love of the X-Men (no offense to previous creative teams) and I cannot wait to see what he does to kick start the soon to be movie stars, The Guardians of the Galaxy.


Iron Man #6 Now          A misfire in my eyes, was the Gillen penned, Land drawn Iron Man. The first issue did not gel on any level for me and there is something creepy about all the strange smiles Land draws that I find way to distracting. It looks like a world populated by mannequins, in odd, smiling poses. In issue #6 however, he appears to be donning space armor, perhaps the armor he is going to wear on his upcoming stint as a Guardian of the Galaxy?


Nova #1 Now          Nova #1 fills me with a combination of excitement, and nervousness. Excitement because the creative team is amazing! Jeph Loeb is a writer, whose career is full of amazing stories, with so many more to come, and Ed McGuinness is an artist who has a strong fluid style, that is easily recognizable as his. He is what makes me nervous. When I heard about a Nova relaunch I imagined it a little less kid friendly. When I say kid friendly I mean the style of art. It has a cartoony feel to it. I am going to give the first arc a go but I make no promises.


Uncanny X-Men #1 Now          For the first time ever I think Cyclops is an interesting character. For years I have wanted to reach through the comic book page and smack Scott. He has been boring, whiny, and missing any semblance of a back bone. That is different now. Following Avengers Vs. X-Men and Scott’s life changing encounter with the Phoenix he is a changed man. He has become much more aggressive then we are used to seeing him. He still has his emotional moments, but now instead of showing weakness, those moments seem to be building his resolve, making him stronger, finally Scott Summers is complicated, and interesting. His attitude, and look get remakes in the Brian Michael Bendis written Uncanny X-Men, which launches with a whole new #1 in February.


          With a brief introduction to the team playing out in All-New X-Men, we see that Magik, Magneto, Emma, and Scott take up residence in the original Weapon X lab that Wolverine was created in, we see Scott creating the new Xavier’s. Seems like an interesting concept and puts Scott and his team somewhere between the Xavier’s original idea for the X-Men and the Brotherhood that Eric once ran. Having Chris Bachalo as artist will definitely add to the book as Bachalo demonstrates an amazing ability to really use emotions in panels in one of the most effective ways I have ever seen. The most important part is Emma, starting with Generation X, we have been treated to a character evolution that took a character who most people did not really care about, to a character that is essential to the X-Men Mythos. With her recent intergalactic jilting at the hands of her lover, she is sure to be pissed, and that is when Emma is at her most fun.


The Fearless Defenders #1 Now          The Defenders were not gone long as a new series, titled The Fearless Defenders, fills their void. This is a different take on the property and starts with Valkyrie and Misty Knight beginning to assemble the team, while staying alive. I like books that have strong female leads and hope that they catch on. The creative team is not one I have read allot of but Cullen Bunn (writer) is a mainstay at Marvel, and the art, provided by Will Sliney, looks nice in the previews.


Uncanny Avengers #5 Now          Uncanny Avengers #5 by Rick Remember (writer) and Olivier Coipel (artist) unveil further additions to the lineup with Sunfire, Wonder Man, and Wasp join the team. It is a given that Havok would have leadership issues, with a lineup like this one it should be expected, and I honestly think that Havok may have been the wrong choice for the team leader. Before anyone accuses me of hating Havok, I don’t. He is and always will be my favorite of the Summer’s brothers.


          This is a team of big egos, and big abilities, and the purpose of the team carries a big amount of responsibility, all of which Havok may not be ready for. The solicit promises a death of a major character, and by an Avenger nonetheless. I hope it’s not a mutant who did it, they have been through more than enough. Either way Rick Remember is a talent unlike any other and if anyone can juggle, and make work, this diverse cast, he is the man. Olivier Coipel is an artist I hold in high regard and find he draws my eye into the page with his layouts and backgrounds.


Secret Avengers #1 Now          My current favorite Marvel title, Secret Avengers, is launching with new #1 issue and a new creative team of Nick Spencer writing, and Luke Ross drawing. Good creative team? Check. The lineup includes Nick Fury Jr., Hawkeye, Hulk, Black Widow, Winter Soldier, Maria Hill and Phil Coulson. Intriguing lineup? Check. The best part? They won’t remember these missions ever happened. This sounds like a wonderfully logical direction for the book. They are creating something new out of a concept that was only starting to find its footing under Remember’s guiding hand. This is my Marvel Pick of the Month.


Indestructible Hulk #4 Now Captain America #4 Now Journey Into Mystery #649 Now All New X-Men #7 Now








          Marvel Now has successfully increased the amount of Marvel on my pull list with Indestructible Hulk, Captain America, Journey Into Mystery, and All-New X-Men becoming mainstays.


Red She-Hulk #62 Now X-Men Legacy #6 Now           So far the only mis-steps in my eyes are Red She-Hulk (was it even needed?), Iron Man (Extremis…again?) and X-Men: Legacy (again….needed?).





Deadpool #5 Now Fantastic Four #4 Now FF #4 Now Thor God of Thunder #5 Now







          I haven’t tried Deadpool (never liked the character), Fantastic Four (interesting hook to the first arc though), FF (have not heard good things about it, sadly), and Thor. My budget can only go so far.


Alpha Big Time #1          And because no one demanded it, the first issue in a five issue Alpha mini-series. And that is all I have to say about that.


Dexter #1          Dexter fans will be pleased. The previously solicited Dexter five issue mini-series is back and February will bring us #1. Jeff Lindsay, who created the character, is the writer, which means that these characters should bring to the page what you see in the show in terms of tone and character. This is one of the best ways to do media tie ins, with the involvement of the shows creative team. This is a smart way to entice fans of one medium to pay a visit to another.


X-Men #41Astonishing X-Men #59          Going out with a whimper is a book I fear had fallen by the wayside months ago. X-Men #41 is the last for the series. This is something that should have happened sooner. Sure, the creative teams have at times been solid enough, but this book has rarely had any idea what to do with itself. I wouldn’t be surprised to see this relaunch soon though, perhaps another Bendis written book. Now if only they could bring Astonishing X-Men to an end.


Powers Bureau #1          Retitled and re-solicited, Powers: Bureau #1 by Brian Michael Bendis (writer), and Michael Avon Oeming (artist) comes our way in February. This time Deena is playing in a larger pond, power crimes still, but this time they are Federal. Her former partner, Walker, joins her as the crimes are bigger and so are the stakes.


New Warriors Omnibus HC vol 01          Well I told myself that I would not order any more large ticket items until I am caught up on my current orders. After 1 month I am allot closer and because of that I could not resist ordering the New Warriors Omnibus Vol. 1 HC. Clocking in at 1,064 pages and featuring the first twenty-six issues plus various other comics, detailing the earliest phase of the New Warriors career. This is one title that I was surprised didn’t come out of the Marvel Now! Initiative. $99.99 is an excellent value for this much story, about some of the most interesting characters in the Marvel Universe. I could list all of the artists involved but between the writers and the artists, it is the cream of the crop of the comic book professionals that worked during the 80’s and 90’s.


Avengers Season One Prem HC          The final book to talk about is the Avengers: Season One book. Allot of fans wondered where this book would land in the House of Idea’s publishing schedule, and some even thinking that it would not appear. Well I was thrilled when it was announced that Peter David was writing the book. I am not overly familiar with the art team but if they are consistent with the dynamic art that has appeared in some of the Season One books than I am sure it will look amazing. Peter David is the draw for me, and the reason why I am picking it up.


          That is it for Marvel in February, see you shortly with DC.

November 2012 Marvel Comics Diamond Previews Review

November 2012 Marvel Comics Diamond Previews Review


Uncanny X-Force #1 NOW          I cannot lie, Marvel Comics may become my favorite publisher again, sorry Valiant, as they roll out even more Marvel Now releases, and they are an exciting batch! The second X-Force book is out in January, and this time it is the Pyslocke led Uncanny X-Force. The line up and hairstyles have me excited, as does the creative team of Sam Humphries (Fraggle Rock, Ultimates) writing and art provided by Ron Garney. First lets address the hairstyles, and one in particular, Storm’s. The mohawk is back and it is paired perfectly with a modern X-Force redesign of one of her trademark 80’s costumes. The mohawk was always one of my favorite hairstyles of the African goddess.

As for lineup we get a member, or former member of Alpha Flight, Puck! I am anxious to see how he is brought into the story as this was never the type of book I pictured him in. The strangest team member is Spiral. I may not be aware and have missed something, but I am not sure how she will come to be a member, considering her status as villain through most of her career. I will give props to the designer of her uniform, it works well beside the others, while appearing original and strong on it’s own design sensibilities. Overall the characters, and their redesigns would intrigue me enough to pick this up, but we also get the reintroduction of one of the best known, but missing for several months, former X-Men, Bishop.

I have a strong suspicion that Sam Humphries is going to knock this out of the park and, while moving ahead with his own stories of the X-Universe’s kill squad, respect all that Rick Remember built before. Sam definitely has allot more pressure on his hands compared to the team behind the adjective less X-Force because Sam’s team, while most of the members have changed, already has a history, and a fan loved back story. I think this is going to be one of the breakout hits of the Marvel Now initiative and it is my Marvel Pick of the Month for January, 2013. I should also add that it is nice to see Betsy taking on enemies in more than a one piece swimsuit.


New Avengers #1 NOW          For the past few months I have noticed that there are certain writers I will follow pretty well anywhere, Jeff Lemire, and Rick Remember for example. Well I think I can add Jonathan Hickman to that list. He is wonderfully suited for New Avengers #1 because of the potential in the cast. Black Panther is essentially the leader of, what some may consider, the largest collection of ego’s in the Marvel Universe, namely the Illuminati. The players are mostly the same: Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Black Bolt, Mr. Fantastic, Beast, Namor, and Black Panther.

New Avengers #2 NOW          Beast? You ask? Well I won’t spoil it, but if you check out the end of Avengers Vs. X-Men #11 you will see why Professor Xavier is missing. The big elephant in the room will be the slight grudge that team leader T’Challa will have against Namor, who, while possessed by the Phoenix, destroyed Wakanda. I am expecting that to be dealt with, or at least talked about in issue #1.

One thing that has me worried is that it seems to be another time travel/parallel universe type event that kicks off the inaugural storyline of this relaunch. Hickman proved that he can tell unpredictable stories with an amazing layering of plots, and sub-plots with Secret Warriors, and that he can make the cliche sounding idea into something more. Steve Epting provides the art and if the early preview art is anything to go by he is a good fit for this type of book. It looks to be dark, and moody, which works well in a series about the most powerful, banding together to try and fix the universe, in a possibly covert style. His facial expressions are strong and really pull you into the world, bringing emotion to couple with Hickman’s words. Doctor Strange? Has the former Sorcerer Supreme regained the title?


Superior Spider-Man #1 NOWSuperior Spider-Man #2 NOW          I have never been a huge fan of the Spider-Man comics since the Amazing Spider-Man 2099 series. I am in luck, or I will be, if the rumors are true about the identity of the man behind the mask in Superior Spider-Man #1. Miguel O’Hara has been bandied about as the one replacing the one and only Peter Parker. This will be interesting as Marvel will not have a Peter Parker web slinging in either the 616 universe or the Ultimate universe, in his own book. I could be wrong but I think that while Peter isn’t in his books, he may still don the red and blue in an Avengers book. With someone like Miguel as Spider-Man, he would probably not have the easiest time of just joining the Avengers.


Alpha #0.1          Even with an expanded roster I would hope that they pick and choose who fills their ranks carefully, and Spider-Man, while maybe not as powerful as Miguel, will remain as a main cast member. Again I could be wrong but it wouldn’t surprise me if that happened. Of course it could be Alpha. With a special printing of his appearances in a 0.1 issue being released in January, that could a clue. If that is the case then I will probably pass on this book as Alpha was one of the most disappointing new characters, which is totally my own opinion, he may have struck a chord with other readers, but not with me.


Savage Wolverine #1 NOW          I may not be picking up Savage Wolverine #1, but that does not stop me from admitting that having Frank Cho as both artist and writer, almost made me do it. I am not a fan of Wolverine solo, and generally I like team books more, where I find Wolverine really shines. However, Frank Cho illustrating a story that takes place in the Savage Land, and featuring Shanna, makes this a book that will be at the top of many fans must read lists. The only thing I find a bit disconcerting is the playing with Wolverine’s memory schtick. That poor mind of his must be so jumbled by this point. If the story quality matches that of the art this book that will save it and it will be one to watch.


Young Avengers #1 NOW          We are going to keep going on the Marvel Now tip with another high profile launch, that of much beloved, and missed Young Avengers #1. Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie are the new driving force for this new assemblage of young heroes to take on the Avengers moniker. Kieron Gillen, who was a fan favorite with his Journey Into Mystery run will be importing Loki from that series, into the role of, what seems to be, the driving force of this new team. The line up is a mixture of original members, and some new additions. Wiccan, Hulkling, and Hawkeye join up with Loki, Marvel Boy, and Ms. America in a tale that seems to worryingly start in an alternate dimension? It would seem to be the world where Ms. America resides, at least at the start of the story, is not the one we are familiar with. If it is another alternate Earth then I am curious as to why that seems to be an important story point in several Marvel comics? Either way I will be picking this book up, and I can already see more issues in my future.


Morbius Living Vampire #1 NOW          A book that I am hoping does well, and one I am looking forward to is the story of Morbius the Living Vampire, who has his own ongoing series ship with a #1 issue. Previously only having had written for Image, Joe Keatinge brings the words for this tale of a vampire trying to fit into a world that has left him behind. Richard Elson provides dark images that brings us into this deadly characters life. My fingers are crossed for a Blade appearance as he has been conspicuously absent from the Marvel Now information that has been coming out. I am also going to put my wish out there in the interwebs and imagine that we could eventually see a return of the Midnight Sons, but that may just be a pipe dream. This book will be near the top of my read pile.


Secret Avengers #36Secret Avengers #37          One of my favorite series releases the final two issues of its run before it is relaunched under the Marvel Now initiative. I am talking about the Rick Remember written Secret Avengers. Issues #36, and 37 bring an end to the long running Descendants storyline that has been brewing for a large portion of Remembers run. I am going to be sad to see this title go, even though I am quite intrigued in the new direction, but find this run to be one of my all time favorite runs. Rick Remember tightly paces this book with all of the characters getting some moments to shine, and chances to display their personalities with it all feeling natural. The cast is very large but Remember manages it perfectly which adds further to my excitement over his upcoming Avengers run.


Deadpool Killustrated #1          Deadpool comics sell well and for the second time I am going to give him a go. The recently completed Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe started off promising but kind of petered out at the end where it got too meta for me. The new series “Deadpool Killustrated” combines my love of superheroes with a fondness for literary classics. Deadpool takes on Moby Dick in this first issue written by Cullen Bunn, and drawn by Matteo Lolli. What caught my eye immediately is the cover by Michael Del Mundo. I want that as a poster.


Well it was nice to write an entry for Marvel Comics that was exciting. In recent months the Avengers Vs. X-Men cross-over felt a bit draining, even with my happiness over the end result, but now that the new landscape of the Marvel Universe is being explored I cannot wait to see how it functions as a cohesive universe.


On a side note, shortly after I wrote this, Disney purchased LucasArts granting them the rights to the Star Wars franchise, and it got me wondering, How long until Marvel is publishing the Star Wars comics or are they going to stay at Dark Horse? I would be thrilled if they moved over to Marvel. That is not a slam towards Dark Horse who puts out some amazing product, but a realistic possibility, especially when one looks at the publishing of Pixar/Disney titles originally through Boom, then Marvel.


See you soon with my look at DC Comics for the first month of the new year.

October 2012 Marvel Comics Diamond Previews Review

October 2012 Marvel Comics Diamond Previews Review

Avengers vs X-Men #12

          WARNING – This article contains spoilers relating to the end of Avengers Vs. X-Men so if you do your best to avoid them, read Avengers Vs. X-Men #12 and then come back here.

          Hello comic book fans. It is Previews time again, and that means taking a peak through the pages and seeing what the different publishers have for us, as well as some possible gift ideas for fans of the fantastic or perhaps someone who has never picked up a comic book before. December, and the holidays, is a perfect time to indoctrinate someone new into this exciting and constantly evolving hobby.

Avengers vs X-Men logo

          We are going to start this month with Marvel. With the conclusion of Avengers Vs. X-Men upon us the Marvel Universe is a very different place. There was a fair amount of bad reviews surrounding the storyline but it provided something that not many other cross-overs could, a sense of closure, real change, and renewal. House of M was the opening salvo that led the inhabitants of the 616 universe to where they are now. Unlike Dark Reign, which really didn’t create any permanent change and really was just a chance to re-brand, Avengers Vs. X-Men has created real change. Marvel has taken advantage of this by shaking up the creative teams, and launching new chapters for many, if not most, of Marvel’s most recognizable characters, and concepts.

Thunderbolts #1Thunderbolts #2          The first book listed is perhaps one of the most drastically changed, Thunderbolts. The team is completely different from any previous incarnation and features five characters who do not function well in a team environment, who now have to act as a team. Red Hulk has hand picked Elektra, Deadpool, Punisher, and Venom to make up the roster. With a team like that and a writer like Daniel Way you can be sure that the threats will be big, and the response by General “Thunderbolt” Ross and his team will be even bigger. Steve Dillon provides the art and if the preview pages are any indication he has the right kind of style to bring the over the top violence (with the above cast would you expect anything less?) to the page.

Avengers #2          Jonathan Hickman, one of Marvel’s best writer’s, and Jerome Opena, a powerhouse of a penciler are ushering in the next era for the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, with the first two issues of The Avengers. 18 team members have been announced including some surprises (Cannonball, and Sunspot), and those you would expect (the movie line up of the Avengers). Mr. Hickman has stated that the roster will actually expand to 22 members. With a line up that size it is a good thing this book will be shipping twice a month. The other aspect I am looking forward to is the done in one stories that Mr. Hickman has also mentioned in relation to this title. The Marvel Universe is a much different world after Avengers Vs. X-Men, and those changes have forced the Avengers to think globally, and the cast size showcases that. I am psyched for another spin on the current flagship franchise of Marvel Comics.

Cable and X-Force #1Cable and X-Force #2          The first two issues of the first of two promised X-Force titles, Cable and X-Force, are released in December. I am not sure why but this line up of characters speaks to me. Separately I like the characters, but they aren’t a draw for me, but Domino, Colossus, Dr. Nemesis, Forge, and the epitome of the 90’s, Cable, fill the pages of this book, and together, I am intrigued by the line up. From the looks of the early art previews I wonder if Pyotr is done with Cytorak? Dennis Hopeless isn’t a writer that has really wowed me but with Salvador Larroca providing the art I will definitely give this book a try. The team is wanted and on the run, and with Cable leading, and, from the solicitations, recruiting the team, this book might be the grittier of the two X-Force books. We will have to see what the other book has to offer when announced.

Avengers Arena #1          The gritty award of the month might have to go to my Marvel Pick of the Month, and that is Avengers Arena. For months I had mentioned how Avengers Academy seemed to have lost its purpose and quickly derailed after the initial arc. This gives those kids a purpose, and that purpose is to survive. As a fan of Battle Royale I am anxious to see a similar premise applied to the teens of the Marvel Universe. We see the Avengers Academy kids, a couple of the Runaways, Darkhawk, and students of the Braddock Academy having to resort to methods they never imagined when Arcade pits them all against each other at a newly revamped Murder World. The creative team of Dennis Hopeless (again), and Kev Walker on art, have gone on record as saying that this book will have a body count, and no one is safe. Count me in!

Uncanny Avengers #3          Uncanny Avengers #1 proved to be an amazing read, with Rick Remember proving, yet again, that the Avengers is right where he belongs. John Cassaday’s art is always a joy to look at, and even though when I see the likes of Captain America, and Thor on the same page it automatically feels like an Avengers book, the way Rick weaved the dialogue, creating a smooth interaction between Havok and Captain America, allowed it to feel natural. This is definitely a great way to start off the Marvel Now! Initiative, and a good way to weave the X-Universe in with the rest of the toys in the sandbox. Issue #3 of the series is out in December and I say pick it up! Go and get #1, and get #2 held for you because if the first issue was any indication, this is a ride you will not want to stop!

All-New X-Men #3All-New X-Men #4          Some of the biggest fallout is sure to come in the pages of the All-New X-Men #4 where the original 5 X-Men meet their counterparts. The meeting between the original Cyclops and the current one who just murdered their mentor in cold blood is sure to be intense, to say the least. The preceding issue, #3, shows us the status of the Phoenix 5 once the dust cleared. I cannot wait, and am a little nervous, about the status of Emma in the Marvel Now world, and with this book being the flagship X-Book I hope it can provide me those answers.

Amazing Spider-Man #699.1          Amazing Spider-Man #699.1 brings us the return of Morbius the Living Vampire, no doubt this will lay some of the groundwork for his own, upcoming solo series. That is the only reason I am picking up this book. I have normally found the .1 books to not deliver in terms of story, and I have yet to read one that actually felt important, but this is one .1 that seems to count. Although I have a feeling it also could have been the #0 issue for Morbius, but it helps having Spider-Man’s marquee appeal.

Amazing Spider-Man #700          An end of another era happens at Marvel in December. Amazing Spider-Man #700 is the final issue of that series. With the recent announcement that Peter Parker will not be slinging the webs in Superior Spider-Man #1, it makes one wonder what exactly is going to go down in these pages, and if Peter Parker will be bowing out of the 616 universe, much like his Ultimate counterpart did? I am sure Peter Parker will still be around, and considering that they never undid the whole Mephisto debacle, I believe Dan Slott when he says that this is going to break the internet in half.

Uncanny X-Force #35          Writer extraordinaire Rick Remember, and uber artist Phil Noto brings us the conclusion of Final Extinction and this volume of Uncanny X-Force in issue #35. The recent revelations about the line up of Psylocke’s X-Force makes me curious about the end of this volume. Notably a female Fantomex?, Spiral?, Mohawk Storm? This must be one heck of a transition issue. With Wolverine off the team, (thankfully, no knocks against the scrappy Canuck but how many books can he appear in without the powers of DC’s Flash?) does Psylocke have the strength to carry on the teams mission? This final issue of Remember’s X-Force should hopefully provide closure to Wolverine’s team, and help set up the answers to the above question. Kudos to Marvel for putting Ororo back in the ‘hawk.

          That brings us to the end of our look at Marvel, up next will be DC Comics. Watch for it shortly.