September 2013 Alternate Comics Diamond Previews Review

September 2013 Alternate Comics Diamond Previews Review


With DC Comics and Marvel Comics out of the way we can now turn our attention to the rest of the publishers in Previews and what they have in store for us starting in November.


Brain Boy #3         Dark Horse Comics is releasing the 3rd issue of Brain Boy by Fred Van Lente (W) hits the stands in November. While my excitement for this series is still intact I was a little surprised to see an interview on Newsarama where they talked about the series being a 4 issue mini. Previews has it listed as an ongoing. While I will pick this up either way Dark Horse really should clarify what type of series this is. Issue #3 gives us Brain Boy vs. mind-controlled New Yorkers while trying to defeat a mental giant that rivals Brain Boy. The covers by Ariel Olivetti is enough for me to want this but the story is what guarantees this comes home with me, whether it’s for four issues or more.


         Comic book companies are really getting into the $1 comics as a way to introduce readers to titles they may not have tried. The next one coming out from Dark Horse is The Victories #1 by Michael Avon Oeming. I didn’t pick up the first issue the first time it was released, just because I was starting to feel buried under so many superhero titles, but I want to try it, and for a dollar I am more than happy to see if Mr. Oeming can bring something new to the world of super-heroics.


1 for $1 Abe Sapien #1         Another $1 first issue is Abe Sapien. I have long wanted to delve into the world of Hellboy and the other wonderful creations by Mike Mignola, and this is another perfect opportunity. For $1 I get to see a solo story featuring my favorite, so far, of Mignola’s creations, Abe Sapien.



Mr Peabody & Sherman #1Ben 10 #1         Over at IDW they welcome two new licenses into the fold with Ben 10 #1 by Jason Henderson (W) and Gordon Purcell (A), and Mr. Peabody & Sherman #1 (of 4). The latter ties into the 2014 Dreamworks Animation movie that will be visiting the big screen.



The Sword TP vol 01 Fire The Sword TP vol 02 Water The Sword TP vol 03 Earth The Sword TP vol 04 Air Alex & Ada #1


          The Sword by the Luna Brothers ended three years ago and in November Jonathan Luna returns to comics being joined by Sarah Vaughn as co-writer in Alex + Ada #1. While the solicits indicate a love story between a human and an android in the near future, the Luna’s always provide an interesting twist to whatever they right. Jonathan provides beautiful artwork that the Luna’s are known for. Luna combined with Image Comics makes this a must have.


Protectors Inc #1         J. Michael Straczynski (W), Gordon Purcell (A), and Mike Atiyeh (A) brings us an Image #1 that combines an old school retro flair with today’s superstar/reality television sensibilities. Protectors, Inc. #1 presents a world where the villains are gone, and all that there is are corporate sponsorships and “heroes” with egos that really need an adjustment. The story takes a turn when one of the “Protectors” is murdered, and it is clear that it was done by another with powers. J. Michael Straczynski is hit or miss with me but the genres that he visits in this first issue are intriguing and worth at least one look.


Ash & Army of Darkness #1 Ash & Army of Darkness #1 sub         One of the best horror writers in the field today, Steve Niles, is the writer behind Ash and the Army of Darkness #1. Dennis Calero joins him as the artist as they reboot a true horror icon. Army of Darkness fans should snap this up. I could go into many reasons why but all you need to know is Ash plus Steve Niles equals one heck of a good time, horror-wise that is.


Unity #1 pullbox AUnity #1 pullbox DUnity #1 pullbox CUnity #1 pullbox EUnity #1 reg Braithwaite Unity #1 Team USAUnity #1 pullbox B Unity #1 - 8 bitUnity #1 blank             Valiant continues to be one of the best publishers on the market and they continue that trend with the release of Unity. This isn’t the epic crossover of Valiant past but a new team book, the first super-team book of the Valiant Universe. Matt Kindt (W) and Doug Braithwaite (A) shows us the how and why Toyo Harada forms a team to take down one man, X-O Manowar. I will definitely check this out, and for all those that have yet to pay a visit to the Valiant Universe, do take this opportunity to see how rich and layered this universe can be.


That brings our look at Previews and the merchandise starting to ship in November. Good reading.

Let Judy know if you are interested in any of the titles asap, so she bring in a copy for you.