October 2013 Marvel Comics Diamond Previews Review

October 2013 Marvel Comics Diamond Previews Review


Inhumanity #1          I am getting more and more confused by Marvel these days, and the December solicits continue that confusion. The follow up to Infinity is the aptly named Inhumanity. What confuses me is whether this is a crossover or a re-branding a la Dark Reign? Either way this “event” kicks off with a launch of a new monthly titled Inhumanity by Matt Fraction (W) and Olivier Coipel (A) which focuses on the Inhuman family and specifically Karnak in the first issue. I enjoy the artwork of Olivier Coipel and hope he stays on the title for awhile before Marvel moves him over to the next event comic.


Mighty Avengers #4.INH New Avengers #13.INH Indestructible Hulk #17.INH Avengers Assemble #22.INHUncanny X-Men #15.INH Avengers AI #7.INH Inhumanity Awakening #1          Now we get to the part that confuses me, the numbering. Several stories are tied into Inhumanity and so people know exactly which we get a .INH at the end of each tie in issue. I would just like to point out that INH is not a number. Putting a banner on the top of the cover makes sense to me, the numbering is just silly. The .INH numbering is added onto Mighty Avengers #4, New Avengers #13, Indestructible Hulk #17, Avengers Assemble #22, Uncanny X-Men #15, and Avengers A.I. #7. Surprisingly only one tie in mini is solicited but being Marvel, I am sure more are on the way. Inhumanity: The Awakening #1 (of 2) continues to showcase the younger generation of Marvel’s heroes. Infinity: The Hunt has done an amazing job of introducing us to some of the younger super powered students that reside in the Marvel Universe (why wasn’t there a Department H run school from Canada?) and if you haven’t tried it, pick it up, along with the Heist mini tied into the event, and here we go further with them and see them stuck in between the new Inhumans and those that want to destroy them. This is brought to you by Matt Kindt (W) and Paul Davidson (A).


Origin II #1         Well acetate covers are making a return and Origin II #1 (of 5) by Kieron Gillen (W) and Adam Kubert (A) bring it to us. My interest in Wolverine is small and while this series will not grace my collection, fans of the canucklehead will undoubtedly pick up this series. This is a strong creative team and hopefully they can add something interesting to a slightly over exposed character.


Avengers #24.Now         Further odd numbering is happening in Avengers when Avengers #24.NOW (again letters are not numbers) by Jonathan Hickman (W) and Esad Ribic (A) hits the shelves in December. While I do enjoy the Avengers and will be picking this up out of curiosity, is it really necessary to change the team again? One of the reasons I ended up shying away from Marvel is because of all the sales inflating stunts they do. They don’t seem to have faith in their own product and instead want to attach all the books to an event, a relaunch, or any other ploy. Let them stand on their own. The Avengers is a great team and it would be nice to see a long-term plan that lets the team gel, grow, and not be bogged down by everything else. There is such a thing as too big. Either way I will be picking up this issue out of curiosity.


Amazing Spider-Man #700.1 Amazing Spider-Man #700.3         Fans of Peter Parker get to see him in the red and blue again as we get Amazing Spider-Man #700.1, .2, .3, and .4 by a slew of creators including David Morrell (W), Joe Casey (W), Jen Van Meter (W), Clay Chapman (W), Klaus Janson (A), Tim Green (A), Emma Rios (A), and Javier Rodriguez (A). With all of the recent hints at upcoming Marvel Now Wave 2 story lines, and new series, I can’t help but wonder if this heralds the return of Peter and the end of Superior. It would almost be a shame because what I have read of Spider-Man since Doc Ock took over has interested me more than when Peter resided in his own body. It is a testament to the talent of Dan Slott to make something so oddball work as well as it does.


Scarlet Spider #26         Scarlet Spider #25 by Chris Yost (W) and David Baldeon (A) brings an end to that series. Sad to see this go but comic book buyers obviously want to see only the headline characters who appear in multiple series instead of giving a shot to something without an X or Avengers in the title. Maybe they will relaunch this as the Superior Scarlet Spider? Probably not, but it would be nice to see Kaine appear in another title. His character has been developed to the point where he shouldn’t be buried in the back of the character closet.


Guardians of Galaxy #10 INF         Having been unjustly removed from Justice League 3000 over at the distinguished competition Kevin Maguire pops over to Marvel for a guest spot drawing the Brian Michael Bendis written Guardians of the Galaxy #10. I will be picking this up just to see Maguires art as he is the master of facial expressions in my opinion, and a tale focusing on Angela and Gamora seems like a perfect fit for Maguire’s style.


All New X-Men #20         It’s interesting how the X-Men of the past have not been on the covers of any of the books since the end of X-Men: Battle of the Atom and issue of All-New X-Men #20 looks to continue that as the cover features X-23, returned from her stint in Avengers Arena, and she is lip locked with a mysterious man who has been blacked out on the cover. If the original X-Men stuck around I would love to see the blacked out figure as Cyclops. Imagine Wolverine’s reaction if she hooked up with past Scott? Soap opera to the extreme!


X-Men #8         Judging from the solicitation art for X-Men #8 by Brian Wood (W) and Terry Dodson (A) it looks like M is joining the book, which would make sense since X-Factor recently ended. I could be wrong since the solicitation text mentions Frenzy, but I am hoping for M.


Wolverine and X-Men #39         It is kind of scary that Wolverine & the X-Men #39 is the highest numbered book put out by Marvel. Probably means it will relaunch soon since it is almost halfway to triple digits and Marvel seems afraid to let books get that high in numbering.


Longshot Saves Marvel Universe #3         The last two issues of Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe comes out in December and features Hulkvengers, Kraven the Phoenix, and many, many more. Christopher Hastings (W) and Jacopo Camagni (A) look to be bringing the fun in a mini-series that I am so excited to read. These will be coming home with me and I hope they bring the enjoyment the solicitations lead me to believe will fill the pages.


X-Men Battle of the Atom HC         A couple of collections are solicited that are of note. As someone who recently switched to collections over monthlies I am anxious for X-Men: Battle of the Atom HC which collects all 8 parts of the epic X-Men crossover is handled by the creative teams of all of the books involved. X-Men from the past, present, future, and even more future make this a time travel story I am excited to read. I did pick up the first issue of the crossover and while it is tough to not pick up the other single issues I can bide my time knowing that they will all be mine under one cover in January. My only dislike is the price point, $49.99 seems a little steep for a 224 page book.


Uncanny X-Force by Rick Remender Omnibus HC         Uncanny X-Force under the guiding hands of Rick Remender was one of my favourite recent runs at Marvel. While I have several of the single issues I won’t be picking this up but urge anyone who hasn’t experienced the X-Men kill squad to grab the 928 page Uncanny X-Force Omnibus HC by Rick Remender. It collects issues #1-35, #5.1, and #19.1, and material from Wolverine Road to Hell #1 in one volume. I hope they do the same with the Secret Avengers, Vol. 1 another stellar Remender book.


Well that’s my look at the somewhat confusing landscape of Marvel. Some interesting books are coming out I just wish they would make things a little easier to follow.

September 2013 Marvel Comics Diamond Previews Review

September 2013 Marvel Comics Diamond Previews Review


Infinity #6          Marvel Now didn’t do much for me except shorten the list of must haves and make DC Comics my main go to publisher. They do have a couple of interesting titles coming out in November that are worth looking at while we wait for the latest crossover before another crossover to come to an end. Luckily in November, Infinity ends with it’s 6th issue. If I had just one wish it would be for Marvel to quit with these crossovers for one year and just tell self contained stories in their books instead of hinging their success on artificially bloated crossover sales. At the end of the day the same people that complain about the crossovers are also the ones buying them. Until people close their wallets to these crossovers Marvel will continue to ignore storytelling in hopes of increasing sales. They are a business mind you, and profit is what matters most. Well time to get off my soapbox and talk about some of the more interesting books coming from Marvel.

Uncanny Avengers #14          Uncanny Avengers is still dragging on. This is one long storyline that I have already lost interest in. Rick Remember is a great writer, and his run on Secret Avengers shows why, but his writing on Uncanny Avengers has been ridiculously decompressed. I look forward to the next arc, just to see if it will reignite the excitement for Remembers work that Secret Avengers inspired.

Avengers Arena #17          Avengers Arena #17 & #18 bring that series to a close. This title has split fandom with people either disliking the series or loving the series. I belong in the dislike camp. Either way these issues bring an end to Arcade’s plan. More deaths are promised as well as this being the “launch pad for what comes next!” This isn’t really news as Marvel is constantly building and building on everything, with everything promising to change the Marvel Universe! Anyone who reads my Previews reviews knows my opinion on Marvel’s non stop crossovers, and seemingly lack of short form storytelling.

          Cataclysm is the latest universe wide event in the Ultimate Universe. Anyone who read Age of Ultron knows that Wolverine pulled a Superboy and broke time. One of the affects of said time breaking was the appearance of Galactus in the Ultimate Universe. Some have been heralding this as the end of the Ultimate line and I for one would not see that as a bad idea. Since the wholesale snuff film like slaughter of several big name characters in Ultimatum the Ultimate line has not held my interest in the slightest.

Cataclysm Ultimates Last Stand #1Cataclysm Ultimates Last Stand #2Cataclysm Ultimate Spider-Man #1Cataclysm Ultimates #1 Cataclysm Ultimate X-Men #1 I will be trying out the first issues of the mini-series involved as they replace the regular Ultimate titles for a three month period. Brian Michael Bendis orchestrates his portion of the crossover in the pages of Cataclysm: The Ultimates Last Stand #1 & 2, and Cataclysm: Ultimate Spider-Man #1. Joshua Hale Fialkov, the writer of the under appreciated I, Vampire over at DC Comics writes Cataclysm: Ultimates #1 and Cataclysm: Ultimate X-Men #1. While I am not expecting much I will try out the first issues and go from there.

Agents of SHIELD TP          September sees the television premiere of Marvel: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.. In November Marvel releases The Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. #1 giving us the premiere appearances of Agent Phil Coulson and Nick Fury Jr. as well as other stories that highlight S.H.I.E.L.D. including its first appearance as an organization from the comic books. I personally have most of these issues already but highly recommend it as a primer for anyone familiar with the spy organization through only the movies.

Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe #1          An interesting book is solicited for November featuring the lucky mutant known as Longshot. Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe by Christopher Hastings (W) and Jacopo Camagni (A) goes from bad to worse for our X-Factor Alum. The lucky are being killed and Longshot will soon be in the mysterious killers cross hairs. Dealing with that is difficult enough but when the entire Marvel Universe seems to target Longshot will he be able to save everyone when no one else can? The first two issues hit in November, and just the quirkiness and unexpected nature of this four issue series has me excited and more than willing to bring it home with me.

Amazing X-Men #1          Even though the X-Men have far too many titles (just like the Avengers, Batman, Superman, etc) I am looking forward to Amazing X-Men #1 by Jason Aaron (W) and Ed McGuinness (A). While the solicit seems to indicate the return of Nightcrawler (again negating death in the Marvel Universe) they also indicate a strong team lineup including Firestar. After having been a founding member of the New Warriors, and even making it to the big time in the Avengers, Angelica joins Wolverine (hey Marvel, he doesn’t need to be in every book), Storm, Beast, Iceman, and Northstar as they seek to bring back the blue elf. I have always liked Firestar and felt that the X-Men is where she truly belonged, and now my dream is coming true. Issue #1 of this book will be coming home and maybe it can do what no other X-Book has been able to do and that is make me want a monthly dose of mutants.

           That brings our look at Marvel to an end.

August 2013 Marvel Comics Diamond Previews Review

August 2013 Marvel Comics Diamond Previews Review

Marvel Universe Avengers Assemble #1 SYU         Time to look at the items coming to your local comic shop starting in October of 2013 and listed in the August 2013 issue of Previews. Marvel is once again aiming their marketing machine at the sadly lacking youth market with their new “Share Your Universe” initiative, and with the initiative comes the launch of the comic book adaption of the current Disney series Avengers Assemble. Marvel Universe Avengers Assemble adapts stories from the lackluster follow up to Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.


Marvel Universe Hulk Agents of Smash #1         Hulk: Agents of S.M.A.S.H. #1 is the first in a four issue mini-series adapting the next animated release from Marvel. These titles are sure to appeal to a younger audience but it’s a shame that Marvel has seen fit to alienate their adult fans that do enjoy animation.


Infinity #4 Infinity #5         Infinity is close to running it’s course and will undoubtedly change the Marvel Universe forever, as every cross-over claims to do. The Jonathan Hickman penned story brings the war front to Earth with the solicitation for issue #5 promising that “The War for Earth Begins.” I hope that the New Universe characters are involved, if the Infinity #5 Heroes Variant is any indication, because that would be the one possible aspect that would intrigue me.


Avengers #21 Infinity Avengers #22 Infinity New Avengers #11 Infinity Secret Avengers #10 InfinityMighty Avengers #2 Infinity Nova #9 Infinity Guardians of the Galaxy #8 Infinity Fearless Defenders #10 InfinityAvengers Assemble #20 InfinityThunderbolts #16 Infinity Heist #2 Infinity Hunt #2
         Infinity also spills into the pages of Avengers #21, and #22, New Avengers #11, Secret Avengers #10, Mighty Avengers #2, Nova #9, Guardians of the Galaxy #8, The Fearless Defenders #10, Avengers Assemble #20, Thunderbolts #16, and #17, Infinity: Heist #2, and #3, Infinity: The Hunt #2, and #3. It is the constant building towards the next big event that finally turned me off of monthlies. The one thing I look forward to with these events are the titles that they sometimes spawn, and with the promise of a Marvel Now Phase 2 there should be some intriguing books released.


 Avengers AI #4        Avengers A.I. #4, and #5 continues to unfold and the first issue was very intriguing and sheds light on the robotic side of the Marvel Universe. This squad helps S.H.I.E.L.D. and Vision may not like dancing to their tune. Sam Humphries (W) is a capable writer and proved with issue one that even though it is a roster of robots, character development is still absolutely possible.


Hunger #4         The Ultimate Universe seems to be heading towards another rough stretch of highway when Hunger #4, the last issue of the Galactus visit to their Earth, hits the stands. My prediction is the complete destruction of the Ultimate Universe or a New 52 style reset. Cataclysm #0.1, also arriving in October, will give us hints as to the goal of the story, or I hope it does. The Ultimate Universe lost me as a fan when they did the Ultimatum hack job. Let’s hope that Cataclysm is more than a wholesale murder of the remaining characters.


Marvel Knights Spider-Man #1         Matt Kindt (W) and Marco Rudy (A) help rejuvenate the Marvel Knights line with Marvel Knights: Spider-Man #1 (of 5). The premise sounds like fun, and a whole heap of danger for the webslinger as he has to face down 99 of the Marvel Universes toughest villains, ones that will have no problem killing innocents if he doesn’t.


Captain Marvel #17         The recent cross-over with Avengers Assemble, and the rapidly spreading good word of mouth seems to have helped Captain Marvel stave off cancellation for the time being. Kelly Sue DeConnick (W) and Filipe Andrade (A) bring us issue #17, billed as the Carol Corps Issue! This is one of the most under appreciated books put out by the House of Ideas, and deserves a stronger showing. There are very few titles that have managed to star a female lead and exhibit the quality and relatability of it’s lead.


Iron Man #17         The fanboy conversations online about Iron Man and the current running “The Secret Origin of Tony Stark” will no doubt reach a crescendo in October with the release of the concluding chapter in Iron Man #17 by Kieron Gillen (W) and Mahmud Asrar (A). Yet another promise that “Nothing Will Ever Be The Same!” I won’t lie, I am interested, and intend on reading the story as a whole in trade form. Iron Man has become such a stronger character over the years, in no small part to his movies, and a change in his history compels me to read it. With what looks like possible green blood on the broken picture of the Iron Man headed Stark family, it is sure to be a change that might very well break the internet in half…..again.


Thor & The Mighty AvengersThor Crown of Fools #1         With a Thor movie out in November the product of the Thunder God starts to roll out. Both Thor: The Crown of Fools #1 by Bryan J.L. Glass (W), and Andrea Di Vito (A), and Thor & The Mighty Avengers by Roger Langridge (W) and Chris Samnee (A) bit shelves, presenting a chance to do a little catch up on the history of this son of Asgard.


Fantomex Max #1         Rarely does a Max series catch my attention but Fantomex Max by Andrew Hope (W) and Shawn Crystal (A) has done just that. Fantomex has been an interesting character from the start, and with the exception of the current arc in Uncanny X-Force, he has consistently made me want to know more. This four issue mini-series brings Fantomex back to his international super-thief routes. Some might argue that that role is handled quite capably by Gambit, but as I am not a fan of the Cajun thief, I am more than willing to give Fantomex a shot.


Thor vs Thanos TP         Once we hit the collected edition portion of Marvel’s Previews we see a couple of pages of Thor trades. One of the more interesting ones is Thor Vs. Thanos. At 256 pages and a creative roster including: Dan Jurgens (W), John Romita Jr. (A), Michael Ryan (A), Jerry Ordway (A), and Jose Ladronn (A) this is well worth the $24.99 price tag. With Thanos figuring quite prominently in the ever expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe this is an exciting way to witness the God of Thunder facing off against a villain that wants nothing more than Death.


JIM featuring SIF TP vol 02 Seeds of Destruction         Another trade worth looking at is Journey Into Mystery featuring Sif Vol. 2: Seeds of Destruction. Journey Into Mystery by Kathryn Immonen (W), Matteo Scalera (A), and Valerio Schiti (A) made Sif a leading lady and it is a shame that this title was so drastically over looked. Get this trade and Volume 1 if you haven’t yet. You are in for a treat. Plus in Volume 2 you get Beta Ray Bill, and that can be nothing but entertaining.


         That is our look at Marvel for product shipping starting in October of 2013.

July 2013 Marvel Comics Diamond Previews Review

July 2013 Marvel Comics Diamond Previews Review


Infinity #2           While DC has gone evil for September Marvel is trying to stop that from happening as Infinity crosses over with many of the Avengers, and Avengers related titles. If there was one group I would worry about in this crossover it would be the Inhumans as Jonathan Hickman (W) and Jerome Opena & Dustin Weaver (A) bring bad things to Attilan in issue #3 of the 6 issue main series.




New Avengers #10 InfAvengers #19 InfAvengers #20 InfThunderbolts #15 Inf Nova #8 InfSuperior Spider-Man Team-Up #3 InfCaptain Marvel #16 InfAvengers Assemble #19 Inf          This Thanos centric crossover also graces the pages of New Avengers #10, Avengers #19 & #20, Thunderbolts #15 (I smell an attempt to boost sales), Nova #8, Avengers Assemble #19, Captain Marvel #16, and oddly enough Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #3 & #4.


Infinity Hunt #1           Two mini series spinning out of Infinity are intriguing and uses the Thanos invasion as an interesting framing plot point. Infinity: The Hunt #1 (of 4) by Matt Kindt (W, and appearing everywhere now), and Steven Sanders (A) tells the story of a new Contest of Champions, arranged by Wolverine, Hank Pym, and She Hulk, and what happens when there contest is interrupted by Thanos and his invading forces. I wonder if the poor snuff victims in Avengers Academy will be referenced at all?


Infinity Heist #1           Over in Infinity: Heist #1 (of 4) it’s the time old tale of the cat being away and the mice being at play. Spymaster and a team of villains seize the opportunity to strike when all of the heroes are occupied with Thanos. While it is a story we have seen in many forms this one is being handled by Frank Tieri (W) and Ramon Bachs (A), a creative team that will introduce something new to the mix. It may be hard to resist picking these up in single issues, but trying the first issue wouldn’t hurt.



Mighty Avengers #1 Inf Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #27           The release that has been getting allot of attention in the comic book press is the relaunch of the Mighty Avengers. This time with Al Ewing (W) and Greg Land (A) behind the wheel. The critics, both professional and armchair, such as myself, have gone back and forth about this title. It is interesting to note that this is an entirely minority team of heroes, with the possible exception of Spider-Man. With Wolverine having broken time it would not be surprising to see Ultimate Spider-Man, Miles Morales, behind the mask and mingling with the heroes of the 616. Is this a possible ploy? It could be. Does it look like a possible origin story that makes sense? Yes and no. Will it be worth picking up? I think it will.


Superior Spider-Man #17 Superior Spider-Man #18           It looks like Dan Slott’s previous hints to an appearance by the future web-head proved true as Spider-Man 2099 appears in the pages of both Superior Spider-Man #17 & #18. If stories like this are the result of Wolverine breaking time then I am in! I will be getting these for sure.




Morbius Living Vampire #9           No surprise that Morbius: The Living Vampire #9 is the last of the series. Joe Keatinge (W) and Richard Elson (A) try to bring closure to a book that Marvel never really promoted or involved with the larger Marvel universe. While I tried the first few issues, it was good, but needed to find it’s footing and sadly it will not get to fulfill its potential. Hopefully the character gets put into a supporting role in another book because the only way Morbius can work is to have a proper reintroduction into the Marvel Universe, in the background. Cultivate him to the point he can headline his own book for at least a year.


Hawkeye #15           Hawkeye is easily one of the best books Marvel is putting out and their covers are some of the most creative on the market, and issue #15 is an example of a strong cover design from artist David Aja.


X-Men Battle of Atom #1           With time already broken, what would be the best thing to add to the mix? Another team of X-Men, and this time from the future. X-Men: Battle of the Atom begins in September and Brian Michael Bendis (W) and Frank Cho (A), in the first issue of the main mini series. This issue kicks off a ten issue crossover. I will be checking out the first issue seeing if it would be worth waiting for the inevitable collection.


All-New X-Men #16 X-Men #5 Now Uncanny X-Men #12 Now           Also part of this X-Men event are: All-New X-Men #16, X-Men #5, and Uncanny X-Men #12.





X-Factor #262           The long running fan favorite series X-Factor, comes to an end with issue #262. This is a sad ending for a book that has survived so many crossovers, so many changes to the Marvel universe, and yet succeeded in carving it’s own niche, setting it apart from the other mutant titles on the stands. I am hoping that the announced second wave of Marvel Now includes a relaunched X-Factor. It isn’t a book that will stay dead for very long. Not to mention where the characters may land? I hope Multiple Man finds a home somewhere.


Gambit  #17           Gambit ends with its 17th issue. I am honestly surprised that the book lasted that long. Not to slight James Asmus (W) and Clay Mann (A), because they do great work. I just think Marvel did not support this book like they should have, much the same with the tragically under appreciated Journey Into Mystery which has been canceled.


Ultimate Comics Divided We Fall United We Stand TP           The Ultimate line has been hit or miss for me since the wholesale slaughter that was Ultimatum. Once in awhile a storyline will grab my attention and the write ups that appeared in the solicitations definitely grabbed my interest. I am happy to report that the entire story will be appearing in one 408 page collection. This is the way to change a comic book universe without killing off most of your characters. The USA is fragmented and while Captain America rallies the troops to help reform the crumbling country, Kitty Pryde leads to protect her kind from the deadly Sentinels. Miles Morales will do anything to prove he has what it takes to join the Ultimates to help when the country is at their darkest. With Brian Wood, Sam Humphries, and Brian Michael Bendis writing, I am sold.


And with that we complete our look at Marvel for September 2013. See you soon when we look at the rest of the book.