July 2013 Marvel Comics Diamond Previews Review

July 2013 Marvel Comics Diamond Previews Review


Infinity #2           While DC has gone evil for September Marvel is trying to stop that from happening as Infinity crosses over with many of the Avengers, and Avengers related titles. If there was one group I would worry about in this crossover it would be the Inhumans as Jonathan Hickman (W) and Jerome Opena & Dustin Weaver (A) bring bad things to Attilan in issue #3 of the 6 issue main series.




New Avengers #10 InfAvengers #19 InfAvengers #20 InfThunderbolts #15 Inf Nova #8 InfSuperior Spider-Man Team-Up #3 InfCaptain Marvel #16 InfAvengers Assemble #19 Inf          This Thanos centric crossover also graces the pages of New Avengers #10, Avengers #19 & #20, Thunderbolts #15 (I smell an attempt to boost sales), Nova #8, Avengers Assemble #19, Captain Marvel #16, and oddly enough Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #3 & #4.


Infinity Hunt #1           Two mini series spinning out of Infinity are intriguing and uses the Thanos invasion as an interesting framing plot point. Infinity: The Hunt #1 (of 4) by Matt Kindt (W, and appearing everywhere now), and Steven Sanders (A) tells the story of a new Contest of Champions, arranged by Wolverine, Hank Pym, and She Hulk, and what happens when there contest is interrupted by Thanos and his invading forces. I wonder if the poor snuff victims in Avengers Academy will be referenced at all?


Infinity Heist #1           Over in Infinity: Heist #1 (of 4) it’s the time old tale of the cat being away and the mice being at play. Spymaster and a team of villains seize the opportunity to strike when all of the heroes are occupied with Thanos. While it is a story we have seen in many forms this one is being handled by Frank Tieri (W) and Ramon Bachs (A), a creative team that will introduce something new to the mix. It may be hard to resist picking these up in single issues, but trying the first issue wouldn’t hurt.



Mighty Avengers #1 Inf Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #27           The release that has been getting allot of attention in the comic book press is the relaunch of the Mighty Avengers. This time with Al Ewing (W) and Greg Land (A) behind the wheel. The critics, both professional and armchair, such as myself, have gone back and forth about this title. It is interesting to note that this is an entirely minority team of heroes, with the possible exception of Spider-Man. With Wolverine having broken time it would not be surprising to see Ultimate Spider-Man, Miles Morales, behind the mask and mingling with the heroes of the 616. Is this a possible ploy? It could be. Does it look like a possible origin story that makes sense? Yes and no. Will it be worth picking up? I think it will.


Superior Spider-Man #17 Superior Spider-Man #18           It looks like Dan Slott’s previous hints to an appearance by the future web-head proved true as Spider-Man 2099 appears in the pages of both Superior Spider-Man #17 & #18. If stories like this are the result of Wolverine breaking time then I am in! I will be getting these for sure.




Morbius Living Vampire #9           No surprise that Morbius: The Living Vampire #9 is the last of the series. Joe Keatinge (W) and Richard Elson (A) try to bring closure to a book that Marvel never really promoted or involved with the larger Marvel universe. While I tried the first few issues, it was good, but needed to find it’s footing and sadly it will not get to fulfill its potential. Hopefully the character gets put into a supporting role in another book because the only way Morbius can work is to have a proper reintroduction into the Marvel Universe, in the background. Cultivate him to the point he can headline his own book for at least a year.


Hawkeye #15           Hawkeye is easily one of the best books Marvel is putting out and their covers are some of the most creative on the market, and issue #15 is an example of a strong cover design from artist David Aja.


X-Men Battle of Atom #1           With time already broken, what would be the best thing to add to the mix? Another team of X-Men, and this time from the future. X-Men: Battle of the Atom begins in September and Brian Michael Bendis (W) and Frank Cho (A), in the first issue of the main mini series. This issue kicks off a ten issue crossover. I will be checking out the first issue seeing if it would be worth waiting for the inevitable collection.


All-New X-Men #16 X-Men #5 Now Uncanny X-Men #12 Now           Also part of this X-Men event are: All-New X-Men #16, X-Men #5, and Uncanny X-Men #12.





X-Factor #262           The long running fan favorite series X-Factor, comes to an end with issue #262. This is a sad ending for a book that has survived so many crossovers, so many changes to the Marvel universe, and yet succeeded in carving it’s own niche, setting it apart from the other mutant titles on the stands. I am hoping that the announced second wave of Marvel Now includes a relaunched X-Factor. It isn’t a book that will stay dead for very long. Not to mention where the characters may land? I hope Multiple Man finds a home somewhere.


Gambit  #17           Gambit ends with its 17th issue. I am honestly surprised that the book lasted that long. Not to slight James Asmus (W) and Clay Mann (A), because they do great work. I just think Marvel did not support this book like they should have, much the same with the tragically under appreciated Journey Into Mystery which has been canceled.


Ultimate Comics Divided We Fall United We Stand TP           The Ultimate line has been hit or miss for me since the wholesale slaughter that was Ultimatum. Once in awhile a storyline will grab my attention and the write ups that appeared in the solicitations definitely grabbed my interest. I am happy to report that the entire story will be appearing in one 408 page collection. This is the way to change a comic book universe without killing off most of your characters. The USA is fragmented and while Captain America rallies the troops to help reform the crumbling country, Kitty Pryde leads to protect her kind from the deadly Sentinels. Miles Morales will do anything to prove he has what it takes to join the Ultimates to help when the country is at their darkest. With Brian Wood, Sam Humphries, and Brian Michael Bendis writing, I am sold.


And with that we complete our look at Marvel for September 2013. See you soon when we look at the rest of the book.

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