November 2012 DC Comics Diamond Previews Review

November 2012 DC Comics Diamond Previews Review

Let’s take a look and see what DC has in the pipeline to try and retain market share as Marvel rolls out new surprises in their Marvel Now initiative.


Justice League #16Aquaman #16           Justice League and Aquaman continue the cross-over “Throne of Atlantis”,  in each of their 16th issues. The internet breaking relationship of Superman and Wonder Woman is further explored, while we get to see what will be the beginning of the February launching Justice League of America title.



Superman #16Wonder Woman #16          I wish DC would release Shazam as a new standalone series. I have enjoyed reading the back ups but he has never been a character I gelled with and think it would be nice to see shorter back ups featuring reinterpretations of some of the more obscure or short lived Leaguers from the original DC Universe. I keep holding out hope that Aztek will appear somewhere in the New 52. If Shazam transitioned to his own series, it would sell. The creative team on the backup is providing solid work and would create what would be a top twenty book.


Threshold #1          Even with Justice League of America announced for a February launch, and the January launch of Threshold, they are going to fall short of the magical 52 in the New 52 as January brings about the cancellation of 4 more series, one of which has been a personal favorite since the relaunch.





Grifter #16Blue Beetle #16Legion Lost #16Frankenstein Agent of SHADE #16







 Stormwatch #16          Cancelled are: Grifter (No surprise, but sadly it does leave Stormwatch as the only surviving Wildstorm title. C’mon Jim, we want the Wildcats!, Blue Beetle (but his story seems to heading into the new Threshold sci-fi anthology), Legion Lost (probably should have been a maxi-series similar to The Shade, only because the comic book market has never proven able to maintain two Legion books for an extended period of time, and the concept lends itself better to a shorter story), and the one I am sad to see go, Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E..


Justice League Dark #16          These books had a little room to breathe, having been able to reach #16, but I found that Frankenstein had something different at the center of it’s hook. It was the B.P.R.D. Of the DC Universe, and it is sad to see it go. Judging from the recent solicitations Frankenstein will be hanging with John Constantine over in the pages of Justice League Dark. This has me very happy because this is one character that should always have a spot in the DC Universe.


It seems that immediately before I was about to email this entry in there was an announcement of two new series to the DC roster to replace the above mentioned cancelled titles, and both of them have close ties to the Justice League of America launch.


The most surprising is Vibe. The character that runs a close second to Aquaman for jokes at his expense. As much as Aquaman was returned to relevance with the relaunch it is going to be an uphill battle for the creative team of writer Andrew Kreisberg and artist Pete Woods to take this longtime DC punchline of a character and build him into someone strong enough to carry a solo title. The David Finch drawn cover that has popped up over at MTV Geek sure seems promising though.


          Katana will be jumping onto the solo series train as well with writer Ann Nocenti (who has unfortunately underwhelmed me but that could change) and artist Alex Sanchez (whose black and white cover over at MTV Geek looks beautiful).


Probably the biggest announcement for me is Jeff Lemire taking over writing duties on Green Arrow. This is all February news but I couldn’t help but share this. I will gush over a Jeff Lemire written Green Arrow next month!


Batman #16Batman and Robin #16Detective #16Batgirl #16








The Bat Family titles are having a scary time of it as Joker continues his reign of terror against the Caped Crusader, and all those that are part of his life. ‘Death of the Family’ impacts the 16th issues of Batman (one of the creepiest covers of the year), Batman and Robin, Detective Comics, Batgirl (another cover high on the creepy scale),
Nightwing #16Red Hood and the Outlaws #16Teen Titans #16Nightwing, Red Hood and the Outlaws, and Teen Titans. I am going to hold off on this until I purchase the collected additions, and if it is going to have the power I think it will have, would make an amazing Absolute candidate.



Green Lantern Corps #16Green Lantern New Guardians #16Green Lantern #16Red Lanterns #16Green Lantern Corps Annual #1








The Green Lantern titles bring an end to the “Rise of the Third Army” cross-over in the 16th issues of Green Lantern Corps., Green Lantern: New Guardians, Green Lantern, and Red Lanterns, and has a grand finale in Green Lantern Corps Annual #1.


The synopsis says it all leads to the set up of the next great Green Lantern event. That is one of the reasons I have avoided the Green Lantern books, it is like an exclusive club and if you haven’t been following it for the past few years the emotional payoff won’t be as great, and everything is leading to another event. If they did a year of stories, that was not part of an intertwined labyrinth of story I may give the books a try. For followers of this franchise I am sure it will be well worth the wait.


Animal Man #16Swamp Thing #16           A smaller, and fun cross-over is close to wrapping up in Animal Man #16, and Swamp Thing #16 as Rotworld: The Red Kingdom, and Rotworld: The Green Kingdom head into their second to last issues of this storyline that shows a devastated Earth after the Rot takes over. This is a fun read with ramifications for the major players, and a look at the horrors subjected on the citizens of the New 52 under the scheming plans of Anton Arcane.


Batman Beyond Unlimited #12           After the disgraceful reintroduction of Lobo was wasted by Rob Liefeld we have what looks to be a more proper Lobo over in Batman Beyond Unlimited #12 where our favorite cigar smoking, foul mouthed character makes his Beyond debut! I did drop this title after the first few issues to slim down my monthly pull list but this issue will be coming home with me. I need a proper Lobo fix where he isn’t always grimacing with far too many teeth!


That is my look at DC for the month of January 2013 and there are some interesting stories afoot but Marvel may be stealing their thunder. We will have to wait and see if DC has any kind of counter attack in place to help maintain its market share.


See you shortly when we look at Dark Horse, IDW, Image, and Valiant for January.

Good reading to all!

October 2012 DC Comics Diamond Previews Review

October 2012 DC Comics Diamond Previews Review


Change in employment has definitely altered my schedule, and my buying habits. Budget restraints have forced me to put comic book purchases on hold, and it will be about three more weeks until I pick up, and I cannot wait. I need a static schedule again, and I think it will get that way soon. Anyway, enough about me, let’s look at DC Comics and what they have for us in December.


Justice League #15Aquaman #15          Over in Justice League and Aquaman they begin a cross-over called “Throne of Atlantis”. This reminds me a little of Namor and Marvel’s Atlantis and their attack on the surface world. The similarities are hopefully only thematic. Rumors indicate that this is the storyline that is one of the catalysts for the new Justice League of America series launching in February. Justice League #15 is also the issue where the new artists, Ivan Reis, and Joe Prado debut. The origin of Shazam continues in the back up feature. When are they going to launch his own monthly already? With the Zero issue focusing on him, it is a little surprising they haven’t spring boarded him into his own monthly. With the recent cancellations announced there are sure to be new series launching in February, unless 52 isn’t the magic number for DC Comics anymore. We will have to wait and see what the February solicitations have for us.


Wonder Woman #15          Orion in Wonder Woman? The introduction of the New Gods? Yes please! Wonder Woman has proven to be an amazing series, with a direction that is so completely different from what has come before and it has been welcome. Wonder Woman is one of my must reads each month, and with the re-introduction of Jack Kirby’s cosmic addition to the DC Universe, it proves itself to be unexpected, and incredibly exciting. I cannot even begin to imagine the connection between the Amazon warrior and the New Gods.



Batman #15Detective #15Batman and Robin #15Batgirl #15








          Batman #13 proved to be one of the scariest takes on the Joker I have ever seen. The “Death in the Family” crossover continues in Batman #15, Detective Comics #15, Batman and Robin #15, Batgirl #15, Nightwing #15, Teen Titans #15, and Red Hood and the Outlaws #15. I am not normally a follower of Batman but that 13th issue kicked my butt. I may not buy the single issues but I will be picking up the collected edition for this, much the same way I am sure to pick up the “Court of Owls” collected edition. Scott Snyder is pulling me slowly into Batman, and if you have not been reading it, get #13, and come back for more.

Nightwing #15Teen Titans #15Red Hood and the Outlaws #15








Birds of Prey #15

The solicitation for Birds of Prey #15 indicate that they lose a team member. With the reveal of the Justice League of America roster, and Katana featured prominently on the cover this would be the issue where she bows out and heads to the big league, with a government controlled big league.





Green Lantern #15Green Lantern Corps #15Red Lanterns #15Green Lantern New Guardians #15







The Bat Family has “Death of a Family” and the Green Lantern family of titles continues on with further chapters in “Rise of the Third Army”. I do not follow the Green Lantern books so there is not much I can say about them. Much like the Bat Books I do feel that there are too many titles in the line. Red Lanterns seemed to have avoided the chopping block with the latest wave of cancellations but I can’t help but wonder if and when Red Lanterns will be joining them.


Phantom Stranger #3Sword of Sorcery #3          I was prepared to love Phantom Stranger, and not like Sword of Sorcery but I had it backwards. The art by Tony Bedard, and the wonderful writing of Christy Marx has turned Sword of Sorcery into one of my favorites. With Amethyst joining Justice League Dark I look forward to more of our Gemworld Princess’s adventures, both on Earth and in her own realm. This is fantasy done well and the sillier aspects of the characters original run have been polished into something new, modern, and entirely enjoyable. It may look like it is marketed towards a female demographic but there is enough action to bring the boys back to watch the young Princess’s adventures. Get this book! #3 has the confrontation between Amethyst and her evil Aunt Mordiel. As for Phantom Stranger, the less said the better. Dan Didio did it right with O.M.A.C. but with Phantom Stranger there seems to be some kind of disconnect that I can’t quite put my finger on.


Animal Man #15Swamp Thing #15Frankenstein Agent of SHADE #15          My favorite cross-over at the moment is Rotworld. Issues #13 of Animal Man, Swamp Thing, and Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E. all did an amazing job of world building, showing us the dramatic affects that the Rot has brought about in its conquest of the world. This dark future for the DC Universe is a very scary place and issue #15 of each of these series will bring us further into the conflict and with any luck give us a sign of hope because with the first chapters of this storyline under their belt they have shown one thing, the Rot infested DC Universe is a dark and scary place to reside. I hope they do a collected edition of this cross-over, it would be one of the rare times I double dip but this is an epic arc that deserves to be collected under one cover.


Team 7 #3          Team 7 is another book I was ready to write off but it grabbed me and pulled me in. It reminds me of a combination of Checkmate, and the best of Wildstorm. The betrayals will run deep, and even though the series takes place five years in the past, and we know where several of these characters end up I find myself on the edge of the seat as I read the book. Granted they have only released the Zero issue, and the official number 1, I still know that the second, and third issue will keep that feeling going. One can hope. The books I have latched onto since the beginning of the New 52 have stayed, with the exception of Frankenstein, so I am going to take my love of this title as a good thing, and just assume it will be around for awhile.


GI Combat #7          G.I. Combat #7 brings that war themed series to an end. Cannot say I am really surprised since this is essentially the replacement for another failed war comic, Men of War. I think DC Comics should take a break from this genre for awhile, or perhaps launch a dedicated series such as a New 52 Unknown Soldier series, just a thought.


Human Bomb #1          I have every belief that one of the new series that will launch during the first or second quarter of 2013 will be Freedom Fighters. After mini’s dedicated to the Ray, and Phantom Lady, we now have Human Bomb #1 (of 4) coming our way in December. Justin Grey and Jimmy Palmiotti bring the story and legend Jerry Ordway brings the art. The mini’s to date have not really captured my attention with the exception of the Ray, which had allot of good concepts, and an amazing character design that paid respect to the past while looking to the future. Phantom Lady might do the same but it is one of many books sitting in my pull pile at my comic book store.


Punk Rock Jesus #6          My DC Comics Pick of the Month goes to Punk Rock Jesus #6. This issue brings this mini-series to a close and Sean Murphy did something I almost wish he hadn’t. He makes me want more of this world. Chris (DNA descendant of Jesus) is a rock star, and will his heritage define him, or will he become something much different than the one that came before him? This issue takes place in Jerusalem and promises to show exactly the type of deity that Chris is.


Well that is DC Comics for December, and from what I see there is some interesting books coming out. I hope that DC can maintain some of that New 52 momentum against Marvel, who promises to steal back some of their market share with Marvel Now! I am rooting for you DC.

September 2012 DC Comics Diamond Previews Review

September 2012 DC Comics Diamond Previews Review

Justice League #14          It is time to turn our attention to DC Comics and what they have heading our way from them in November. DC continues planting the seeds for the 2013 Trinity War cross-over with Justice League #14. For those wanting to have the complete story this seems like the ground floor you would want to be on. I find it a little strange that a title that has only had 15 issues (that’s including the Zero Issue) is already looking at radically changing the dynamic of the team. Seems a bit soon, but so far the New 52 seems to have a plan in place and part of that plan would seem to be this Trinity War.



Earth 2 #6          Earth 2#6 seems to finally be leading to the formation of the much missed Justice Society, or a version of it at the very least. This is also the final battle between this Earth’s avatar of the Green, and the Rot, Green Lantern vs,  Grundy. Who will win? Chances are it will be Green Lantern, but in this new DC Universe one can never be sure.



Superboy #14Supergirl #14Superman #14

For fans of the Super-verse they have brought you “H’el on Earth”. The first chapters are spread amongst Superboy, Supergirl, and Superman, all in their 14th issues, and introduces us to a new Kryptonian, one that can take on the entire Super family, and from the looks of things, not break a sweat. The character apparently will change the course of an entire planet’s fate, but is that planet Earth, or will Krypton, and it’s history be changed? With his anti-Earth views, it may well be Earth, and that may not be a good thing.



Batman #14Batman and Robin #14Batgirl #14

Catwoman #14Suicide Squad #14          The Bat Family have a little cross-over of their own going on, not as large as Court of Owls, but one that many Bat fans have been clamoring for, the return of the cosmetically challenged Joker, in “Death of the Family”. Batman, Batman and Robin, Batgirl, Catwoman, and Suicide Squad (all 14th issues) are the first rounds in the Joker’s apparently deadlier, and more violent attack on everything that Bruce holds dear.



Green Lantern #14Green Lantern New Guardians #14          The third mini cross-over solicited in the New 52 for November is the continuing “Rise of the Third Army”. I have to admit to not following the Green Lantern family but from the solicitations, this looks big, and it looks like the Guardians are playing a very dangerous game, with the survival of the galaxy at stake. Oh, and the Justice League pay a little visit to the newest Green Lantern, and of course we will have the obligatory fight scene, where there will be misunderstandings and grudges built. This is sure to also play into the Trinity War in some form, especially with Baz becoming part of the recently announced Justice League of America.


Animal Man #14Swamp Thing #14Frankenstein Agent of Shade #14

The cross-over I have been looking forward to the most continues in the 14th issues of Animal Man, Swamp Thing and Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E.. I, of course, am talking about “Rotworld”Animal Man guest stars John Constantine, who somehow has managed to avoid being changed by the Rot, but how? Swamp Thing makes his way to Gotham City while combating the horrors that have filled the waterways of Rotworld, and in Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E our anti-hero is looking for a device called the Soul Grinder, the machine used to bring the title character to life, and perhaps the only weapon that can defeat the Rot. All three of these books are my DC Comics Picks of the Month.





Before Watchmen: Rorschach


Animal Man
Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E.
I, Vampire
Justice League Dark
Swamp Thing
Wonder Woman

August 2012 DC Comics Diamond Previews Review

August 2012 DC Comics Diamond Previews Review

With Marvel Comics complete we now turn our attention to DC Comics. September brought us a month of Zero issues and October returns all comics back to their current story-lines DC Comics is also the big winner of my recent pull list purge, and they remain virtually unscathed. I believe that this is a testament to the success of the New 52 initiative.

The internet is riddled with negative comments about DC’s relaunch and in some cases it is justifiable. What these naysayers seem to not notice is that the relaunch has worked. Sales for DC Comics are up, with a wonderful increase increase in both market and dollar share. It definitely worked for me, prior to the relaunch I was not into DC Comics.

The continuity was ridiculous and the characters seemed to be without direction, DC obviously not knowing what to do with there characters. While the relaunch has been exceptional in my opinion, they have had some miss-steps, Superman still seems to lack any distinct definition, and the whole Teen Titans debacle is a bit ridiculous. If they can actually claim that any of the Crisis’s took place and that Blackest Night happened, why could the Teen Titans have not existed.

I do admit that DC might be hiding something up their sleeves with relation to Donna Troy, and Wally West, but that might just be my optimistic side. I will say that I think that DC Comics actually has something big with those two, and many others I am sure. My favorite, but very short lived, DC character is Aztek and I am still hoping he will make an appearance at some point.


Wonder Woman #13          Not much in the way of superheroes has peeked my interest in the New 52, except 2 books. Both of them have a superhero pedigree but seem to walk on the Vertigo side of the relaunch. Wonder Woman is unlike anything that has come before. While certain moments in Diana’s pre 52 life still stand out. Mainly Phil Jimenez’s run. This is a Wonder Woman I care about. I am enjoying watching the girl changing into a woman and dealing with all of the skeleton’s in her and her family’s closet, while discovering that all that she knew about herself is irrevocably changed. The supporting cast is superb, and Brian Azzarello has surpassed himself, giving every character a time to shine, and he can take one panel and change things in that one little space. Nothing is throw away with this title. I cannot say enough about the art in this book. Sharp lines, surprisingly effective basic shading, the color is astounding, everything that brings you into Diana’s world, and keeps your interest. This is my Wonder Woman, words I never thought I would say.


Justice League Dark #13Justice League Dark Annual #1          The second superheroish title is Justice League Dark. October brings a double dose with issue #13, and the Justice League Dark Annual #1. These are the last two parts to Jeff Lemire’s first epic storyline. He is the reason I picked up this book, well that and the crossover with another favorite title of mine, I, Vampire. It is the showdown between the House of Mystery and the House of Secrets. Constantine’s team is completely defeated, and it looks like, according to the Annual solicit, that he may reach out to Frankenstein, and Amethyst, from the newly launched Sword of Sorcery, to join the fray. The art is slick and does an amazing job of transmitting tone throughout the story. The covers are some of my favorite since the relaunch, and that includes all of the titles.


DC Universe Presents #13          DC Universe Presents #13 introduces two more characters into the New 52, and one of them I am assuming will be involved with the supernatural corner of the DC Universe, and that is Blue Devil. I enjoyed reading about his exploits in the pre 52, and I hope that carries over into the relaunch. Black Lightening is also introduced in this story. Marc Andreyko, of Manhunter fame, tells the story of these two heroes who have to put their differences aside while unlocking a part of the DC Universe we have yet to witness.


Action Comics #13          Action Comics #13 is bringing another fan-favorite character into the New 52, Krypto! Grant Morrison is apparently changing things up for our Man of Steel in this issue. I am going to give this issue a try, in the off chance that the title starts displaying a direction.


Batman #13          Batman #13 is the moment several Bat-fans have been waiting for, the return of the one and only Joker, in the story “Death of the Family”. The cover is creepy, and the solicit suggests that this may be the darkest Joker we have seen to date. Batman and Joker fans will be picking this one up for sure, and for those new to Batman, this would be an excellent jumping on point, to witness the return of the greatest, and most dangerous, of Batman’s rogue gallery.


Batwoman #13          Batwoman #13 has my interest with a team up with Wonder Woman. Normally, at least until now, I rarely felt compelled out of my love of a character, to pick up their appearances in other books, but with DC I do. Batwoman and Wonder Woman team up in a story by J.H. Williams and W. Haden Blackman, with art by J.H. Williams providing the gorgeous art that he has made his trademark.


Green Lantern #13Green Lantern New Guardians #13Red Lanterns #13          The Green Lantern family of titles has a big month in October with each title being part of the status quo changing cross-over “Rise of the Third Army”. In Green Lantern #13, the mysterious new Green Lantern goes up against the Justice League and the Guardians release the first of the Third Army soldiers. Green Lantern #13 features the first strike of the Third Army, and huge changes for Guy Gardner. Green Lantern: New Guardians #13 has the debut of Carol Ferris Star Sapphire, and in Red Lanterns #13 Atrocitus is forced to make a terrible decision to preserve the Red Lantern Corps while one of their own dies. Exciting times for Green Lantern fans indeed.


The Phantom Stranger #1          2 books that started with a Zero issue make their proper #1 debuts in October. The Phantom Stranger #1 written by Dan Didio, and art by Brent Anderson and Scott Hanna, has the title character making a deal with Lord Trigon. A deal that will have dramatic repercussions rippling through the DC Universe.


Sword of Sorcery #1          Sword of Sorcery #1 is written by Jem writer Christy Marx, with art by one of my favorites Aaron Lopresti. Princess Amaya has grown up since we last saw her and times have changed. Not only does she have to deal with her duty as protector of Gemworld but also with the small fact that her family wants her dead. Sword of Sorcery #1 is my DC Pick of the Month.


Dial H #5          At the start of this column I mentioned that there were two superhero-type books I liked and maybe I should have included Dial H, but I couldn’t. Part of the reason I love this book so much is that it is dense with story and that story cannot be categorized. The superhero portions of the story redefine superheroes in the most bizarre of ways. I hope to see this book crossover with the more Vertigo like series in the New 52.


Animal Man #13          A storyline that has been brewing since the launch of the New 52 is “Rotworld”, and that kicks into high gear in October with Animal Man #13. The first part of the four part story “Rotworld: The Red Kingdom” guest stars Justice League Dark (Most Excellent), Beast Boy, Hawkman (based on the cover), and many heroes and villains of the DC Universe.


Swamp Thing #13          Swamp Thing #13 guest stars Poison Ivy, Deadman, and the Parliament of Trees and is the first part of “Rotworld: The Green Kingdom”. Swamp Thing learns how the Rot was victorious and has overtaken the Earth.


Frankenstein: Agent of Shade #13          Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E. #13 is tying into the “Rotworld” arc as well with the first issue of the three part “Rotworld: Secrets of the Dead”. Frankenstein takes the battle to the Rot in an attempt to stop its invasion of the Earth.


Swamp Thing Annual #1          Swamp Thing Annual #1 delves more into his rivalry with Anton Arcane, who has made his existence known in the recent issues of Swamp Thing. The first encounter of these enemies is the reason why Rotworld came to pass. In my opinion, the “Rotworld” crossover is definitely an example of how to do a crossover. Slow burn build up while exploring the characters mythos, and advancing their personal stories, and keeping everything amazingly in context with the larger story.


I, Vampire #13          I, Vampire #13 has me a little worried. I thought we had the storyline about Andrew going all evil and grrr already? Cain was pretty bad ass, and while the circumstances may be a little different this seems a little repetitive this early in the game. I will admit that having a human Mary, Queen of Blood running around is a little intriguing and will definitely be a huge adjustment for the character.


Deathstroke #13Grifter #13          For Rob Liefeld fans I have to apologize for what I am about to say, but I cannot be quiet. The covers for both Deathstroke #13, and Grifter #13 are ridiculous (and not in the hip street lingo kind of way). Deathstroke #13 in particular is disturbing. I do not see how those covers will attract readers, and quite honestly are part of the turn off for me.


Joe Kubert Presents #1          Joe Kubert Presents #1 is the first issue of a six issue miniseries. Joe Kubert brings us two stories that he both wrote and drew. One features Hawkman with the other being a story called “Spit”. Brian Buniak provides a story featuring Angel and Ape. Sam Glanzman also spins a tale about the U.S.S. Stevens.


Masters of the Universe: Origin of the Skeletor #1          Joshua Hale Fialkov, the writer of I, Vampire, is the reason I am purchasing Masters of the Universe: The Origin of Skeletor #1. This is a one shot that gives us the definitive reasons why he became one of the most evil despots ever.


The New Deadwardians #8          It is sad that Vertigo’s The New Deadwardians #8 is the last issue of this series. It has proven itself to be a glimpse into an amazing world that combines the best of crime procedurals with characters that go bump on the night. It is nice to see writers take genre’s (vampires and zombies) and create something completely new (at least to me). I hope this does well enough in trade that a second volume is announced at some point.


Punk Rock Jesus #4          Punk Rock Jesus #4 (of 6) brings us one step closer to then end of what is turning into my favorite miniseries of the year, and I have only read the first issue! The story of a genetically created clone of Jesus dealing with a world of reality television and corporate control, with supporting characters whose motives you are never quite sure of is fascinating. Sean Murphy provides beautiful, and at times gritty, black and white art that helps create the world that J2 exists in.




Before Watchmen: Minutemen
Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre
Before Watchmen: Rorschach
New Deadwardians
Punk Rock Jesus


Animal Man
Dial H
Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E.
I, Vampire
Justice League Dark
National Comics
The Phantom Stranger
Swamp Thing
Sword of Sorcery
Team 7
Wonder Woman


Action Comics #13
Batwoman #13
DC Universe Presents #13
JLA Presents: Aztek the Ultimate Man TP
Masters of the Universe: The Origin of Skeletor
Ravagers #5
Stormwatch Vol.1 HC
We Can Be Heroes Justice League 7-Pack

Dropped as of October

Birds of Prey
Phantom Lady

July 2012 DC Comics Diamond Previews Review

July 2012 DC Comics Diamond Previews Review

The long rumored Zero Month is upon us in September and DC Comics brings with it some final issues and a new wave. Justice League International was confirmed as canceled prior to the three revealed with these solicits, but that title is, in my opinion, only taking a break, and I fully believe it will be back after a facelift. This is also the month I review my pull list and make some pretty big decisions. DC Comics fared well, I have decided to drop Justice League, Fairest, and Earth 2 from my pull list. Wonder Woman and Justice League Dark are the only superhero titles I collect from DC Comics, and for anyone reading those, you know I use the term Superhero loosely as they have proven to walk quite well on the darker side of the DC Universe.


Let’s look at the three new series launching during Zero Month. Two of them will be making it onto my pull list, at least for the first arc, and longer I suspect.


Talon #0          The Batman family of titles, regardless of whether it needs to grow or not, brings us Talon #0. This is a direct spin off from the Court of Owls story line from the Bat books, and features Calvin Rose, an assassin who has managed to escape the grasp of the Court and is trying everything in his power to live a normal life. That life might just have to wait. The Court does not like when one of their own leave them, and in Calvin’s case, try to hunt him down, removing that loose end. I have never followed the Batman titles so this one will not be on my pull list, but a family of titles that can support Batwing will no doubt embrace Talon.


The Phantom Stranger #0           The first of two titles being added to my pull list is The Phantom Stranger #0. Dan Didio, who brought the wacky with the underrated OMAC is the writer for this title. Promising to follow up on the Free Comic Book Day story, we will see the who, how, and why for The Phantom Stranger, with more then enough mystery to keep us coming back for more. I hope. I love the darker side of the New 52 and I look forward to this adding to my favorite corner of the relaunch.


Sword of Sorcery #0           My DC Comics Pick of the Month goes to Sword of Sorcery #0. I now understand the Showcase for Amethyst coming out in August as this title introduces us to the New 52 Amethyst. She is a little bit older, and a little bit wiser, well maybe just a little bit older, and on the road with her mother. She is being hunted by an unknown, and powerful enemy, oh, and is the lost princess of Gemworld. Christy Marx, writer of Jem (Children of the 80’s will remember Jem) brings us a fantasy tale that will pay homage to what has come before but remix it for a modern day fan base. I am extremely looking forward to this title!


Justice League #0           Even though I am dropping it from my pull list, I will be picking up Justice League #0. Captain Marvel highlights the lead story in this issue and even though I was loving the slow burn of his New 52 origin, I couldn’t wait anymore, and much like the lead story about the League in every issue, I got bored with it. The second story in this issue is what has me excited. Pandora. This issue we find out more about this woman who is responsible for the entire New 52 Universe.


DC Universe Presents #0           DC Universe Presents #0 is an odd beast. Instead of presenting a story relating to a currently published character, or even telling a story set in the past, for a character that has yet to appear, they have focused on OMAC, Blackhawks’ Mother Machine, Hawk, Dove, and Mister Terrific. These stories also set the stage for some stories playing out in the DC Universe. This will need to be looked at at the store, still not sure if this will find its way home with me but it has piqued my curiosity.


Superman #0           Superman #0 brings another creative team change to the title. Scott Lobdell writes with Kenneth Rocafort providing the art. Scott Lobdell has never really appealed to me but Kenneth Rocafort has an iconic look to his characters and I will have to review this title on the stands to decide if it will come home with me. I am intrigued with the idea of seeing Krypton in the New 52.


Dial H #0           I cannot rave about Dial H enough! This title is the best Vertigo book not under the Vertigo imprint. China Mieville is creating a rich tapestry, different then any incarnation of this story that has come before. The dialed up superheroes that he is creating within these pages is mind boggling, and giving a needed shot in the arm of mainstream super heroics. Riccardo Burchielli provides dark moody artwork that plays well with the mysterious, and sometimes spooky atmosphere that China sets the stories in. If you like strange, dark, mixed with super heroics, get this book! Dial H #0 shows us one of the earliest users of the dial and reveals a dangerous future.


Justice League Dark #0           Justice League Dark #0  brings us a young John Constantine in the early days of the New 52. Even if this was not on my pull list I would be picking this up out of sheer curiosity. The John Constantine in the New 52 is honestly not that far off from the slightly darker Vertigo Constantine. I was worried when I heard he would be in the New 52 but through his appearances it has been shown that he still retains his biting attitude and sharp sarcasm that made him a fan favorite in the Vertigoverse. With my current favorite writer, Jeff Lemire, guiding the story I urge any fan of his, or John Constantine to pick up this book.


Animal Man #0          Animal Man #0, another Jeff Lemire title, is the origin of Buddy Baker! This title has been a solid title, it could use a little more action and a little less exposition but I cannot imagine missing an issue. This issue also promises to also reveal further story bits that are related to the upcoming Swamp Thing crossover “Rotworld”. Zero issues are the perfect jumping on point, and this issue will be no exception.


Team 7 #0           Adding more layers to the past of the New 52 is Team 7 #0. The cast is made up of characters that originally appeared in both the DC Universe, and the Wildstorm Universe. Team 7 is the counter measure for the appearance of Superman, and others like him. If these newly emerging heroes cross the line, Team 7 will remind them where that line is. Justin Jordan crafts the words and Jesus Merino handles the artwork. I have to admit that the artwork looks impressive but in my attempt to trim down my monthly pull list I might wait for the trade on this one. It is an espionage tale, involving superheroes and a shadowy government organization, and that combination is always fun.


Captain Atom #0Resurrection Man #0Voodoo #0          Captain Atom, Resurrection Man, and Voodoo each close off their runs with #0 issues. I have to say I am not surprised, each has lacked direction that made them relevant amongst the landscape of the New 52. That’s not to say that the characters aren’t interesting, because they are, but would be better suited in a team environment. With a possible Wildcats relaunch rumored we might see Voodoo appear soon.


Green Lantern #0          Green Lantern #0 introduces us to an all new Green Lantern. If this was before the New 52 I might have been more excited for this but after trying out the New 52 Green Lantern titles I have to say I am not a fan of them in the New 52. My pull list does not include a single Green Lantern family title, the last one to survive was Red Lanterns and I think I dropped that with issue 3. Before the relaunch they had these sweeping, epic stories, but told in a singular way. They seemed to have more direction, and for me at least, they are missing that now. For fans though I am sure they will love the #0 issues for they act as a prologue to the “Third Army” storyline that is coming up.


National Comics: Rose and Thorn #1           National Comics: Rose and Thorn #1 brings a complete 360 degree turn for the character. A teenage girl is attempting to live life outside of an institution, where she was held. The problem is a dark secret, that won’t let her forget what got her to where she is now.


The Shade #12          The Shade #12 brings this amazing series to an end. I am sad that this book isn’t monthly. It has had an incredibly written and beautifully drawn run. I don’t recommend picking up this issue unless you have read what has come before. If you want an amazing self contained story, told in a way that keeps it separate from all other titles and characters, that is dark, haunting, and full of intrigue I do recommend getting the previous 11 issues in the back issue bin, or wait for the eventual trade. This book needs some love so that DC will take notice and give us more of this character, and creative team. The Shade will be revealed as a hero or a villain at the end of this issue and as much as I want to know, I would have loved a bit of a longer road on the journey.


I, Vampire Vol. 1: Tainted Love TP          It’s another batch of trade paperbacks and hard covers presenting the first arcs for more of the New 52. The one I strongly recommend is I, Vampire Vol. 1: Tainted Love TP. I already have all the issues but it would read beautifully in trade. This is an amazing story that shows the world of the vampires in the New 52, and none of them sparkle. For true fans of the vampire genre, this is a book you should stop and take notice of.


All-Star Western Vol. 1: Guns and Gotham TP           All-Star Western Vol. 1: Guns and Gotham TP collects the first 6 issues of the All-Star Western series. This one fell off my pull list after issue 2, not because of quality but I wanted to have a whole story. The artwork and writing style lent themselves to long form, at least in my eyes. The quality of the words and pictures is top notch, with a haunting, grainy, yet still smooth style. I want to read this with a Whiskey and some country music playing in the background.


Justice League Dark Vol. 1: In The Dark TP          The third trade I want to mention is Justice League Dark Vol. 1: In The Dark TP. I started this series with #7, when the I, Vampire crossover hit, and I have been hooked ever since. Part of that love stems from the Jeff Lemire`s involvement, and while he is not involved in the original arc, I need to know the whys and hows of the founding of this team.



Before Watchmen: Minutemen
Before Watchmen: Rorschach
Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre
New Deadwardians
Phantom Lady


Animal Man
Birds of Prey
Dial H
Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E.
I, Vampire
Justice League Dark
National Comics
The Phantom Stranger
Swamp Thing
Sword of Sorcery
Wonder Woman


All-Star Western Vol. 1: Guns and Gotham TP
Justice League #0
Justice League Dark Vol. 1: In The Dark TP
Stieg Larsson’s The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Vol. 1 HC

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo vol 1