Sept. 3rd |
ACTION COMICS: Futures End #1Writer: Sholly Fisch
Penciller: Pascal Alixe
Cover: Lee Weeks |
Sept. 3rd |
AQUAMAN AND THE OTHERS: Futures End #1Writer: Dan Jurgens
Penciller: Sean Chen
Inker: Mark Irwin
Cover: Yvel Guichet |
Sept. 3rd |
BATWING: Futures End #1Writer: Jimmy Palmiotti & Justin Gray
Penciller: Eduardo Pansica
Inker: Julio Ferreira
Cover: Dan Panosian |
Sept. 3rd |
DETECTIVE COMICS: Futures End #1Writer: Francis Manapul & Brian Buccellato
Penciller: Scott Hepburn
Inker: Scott Hepburn
Cover: Jay Fabok |
Sept. 3rd |
EARTH 2: Futures End #1Writer: Daniel H. Wilson
Penciller: Eddy Barrows
Inker: Eber Ferreira
Cover: Giuseppe Camuncoli |
Sept. 3rd |
GRAYSON: Futures End #1Writer: Tom King
Penciller: Stephen Mooney
Inker: Stephen Mooney
Cover: Andrew Robinson |
Sept. 3rd |
GREEN ARROW: Futures End #1Writer: Jeff Lemire
Penciller: Andrea Sorrentino
Inker: Andrea Sorrentino
Cover: Andrea Sorrentino |
Sept. 3rd |
GREEN LANTERN: Futures End #1Writer: Robert Venditti
Penciller: Martin Coccolo
Cover: Billy Tan |
Sept. 3rd |
SWAMP THING: Futures End #1Writer: Charles Soule
Penciller: Jesús Saíz
Inker: Jesús Saíz
Cover: Jesús Saíz |
Sept. 3rd |
TRINITY of SIN: PHANTOM STRANGER: Futures End #1Writer: Dan DiDio / J.M. DeMatteis
Penciller: Phil Winslade
Inker: Phil Winslade
Cover: Guillem March |
Sept. 10th |
BATGIRL: Futures End #1Writer: Gail Simone
Penciller: Javier Garron
Inker: Javier Garron
Cover: Clay Mann |
Sept. 10th |
BATMAN: Futures End #1Writer: Scott Snyder & Ray Fawkes
Penciller: Aco
Inker: Aco
Cover: Jay Fabok |
Sept. 10th |
BIRDS OF PREY: Futures End #1Writer: Christy Marx
Penciller: Robson Rocha
Inker: Oclair Albert
Cover: Dan Panosian |
Sept. 10th |
CONSTANTINE: Futures End #1Writer: Ray Fawkes
Penciller: Juan Ferreyra
Inker: Juan Ferreyra
Cover: Juan Ferreyra |
Sept. 10th |
GREEN LANTERN CORPS: Futures End #1Writer: Van Jensen
Penciller: Igor Lima
Inker: Ruy José
Cover: Francis Portela |
Sept. 10th |
INFINITY MAN and the FOREVER PEOPLE: Futures End #1Writer: Dan DiDio
Penciller: Philip Tan
Inker: Jason Paz
Cover: Howard Porter |
Sept. 10th |
JUSTICE LEAGUE: Futures End #1Writer: Jeff Lemire
Penciller: Jedd Dougherty
Inker: Jedd Dougherty
Cover: Mike McKone |
Sept. 10th |
NEW SUICIDE SQUAD: Futures End #1Writer: Sean Ryan
Penciller: Andre Coelho
Inker: Scott Hanna
Cover: Jeremy Roberts |
Sept. 10th |
SUPERBOY: Futures End #1Writer: Frank Barberie
Penciller: Tyler Kirkham
Cover: Jorge Jimenez |
Sept. 10th |
SUPERMAN / WONDER WOMAN: Futures End #1Writer: Charles Soule
Penciller: Tom Raney
Inker: Tom Raney
Cover: Tom Raney |
Sept. 10th |
WORLDS FINEST: Futures End #1Writer: Paul Levitz
Penciller: Yildiray Cinar
Inker: Paul Neary
Cover: Stephen Segovia |
Sept. 17th |
BATMAN / SUPERMAN: Futures End #1Writer: Greg Pak
Penciller: Howard Porter
Cover: Aaron Kuder |
Sept. 17th |
BATMAN and ROBIN: Futures End #1Writer: Ray Fawkes
Penciller: Dustin Nguyen
Inker: Dustin Nguyen
Cover: Pat Gleason & Mick Gray |
Sept. 17th |
BATWOMAN: Futures End #1Writer: Marc Andreyko
Penciller: Jason Masters
Inker: Jason Masters
Cover: Rafael Albuquerque |
Sept. 17th |
GREEN LANTERN NEW GUARDIANS: Futures End #1Writer: Justin Jordan
Penciller: Dio Neves
Inker: Marc Deering
Cover: Diogenes Neves, Deering inks |
Sept. 17th |
JUSTICE LEAGUE UNITED: Futures End #1Writer: Jeff Lemire
Penciller: Jedd Dougherty
Inker: Jedd Dougherty
Cover: Mike McKone |
Sept. 17th |
RED HOOD and the OUTLAWS: Futures End #1Writer: Scott Lobdell
Penciller: Scott Kolins
Inker: Scott Kolins
Cover: Giuseppe Camuncoli |
Sept. 17th |
SUPERGIRL: Futures End #1Writer: Tony Bedard
Penciller: Ema Lupacchino
Cover: Giuseppe Camuncoli |
Sept. 17th |
TEEN TITANS: Futures End #1Writer: Will Pfeifer
Penciller: Andy Smith
Cover: Karl Kerschl |
Sept. 17th |
TRINITY of SIN: PANDORA: Futures End #1Writer: Ray Fawkes
Penciller: Francis Portela
Inker: Francis Portela
Cover: Guillem March |
Sept. 17th |
WONDER WOMAN: Futures End #1Writer: Charles Soule
Penciller: Rags Morales
Inker: Rags Morales
Cover: Tom Raney |
Sept. 24th |
AQUAMAN: Futures End #1Writer: Dan Jurgens
Penciller: Alvaro Martinez
Inker: Raúl Fernández
Cover: Yvel Guichet |
Sept. 24th |
BOOSTER GOLD: Futures End #1Writer: Dan Jurgens
Artist: Moritat, Steve Lightle, Stephen Thompson, Mark Irwin, Ron Frenz, Brett Booth, Will Conrad
Cover: Dan Jurgens, Norm Rapmund |
Sept. 24th |
CATWOMAN: Futures End #1Writer: Sholly Fisch
Penciller: Patrick Olliffe
Inker: Tom Nguyen
Cover: Terry & Rachel Dodson |
Sept. 24th |
HARLEY QUINN: Futures End #1Writer: Amanda Conner & Jimmy Palmiotti
Penciller: Chad Hardin
Inker: Chad Hardin
Cover: Amanda Conner |
Sept. 24th |
JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK: Futures End #1Writer: J.M. DeMatteis
Penciller: Andres Guinaldo
Inker: Walden Wong
Cover: Juan Ferreyra |
Sept. 24th |
RED LANTERNS: Futures End #1Writer: Charles Soule
Penciller: Jim Califiore
Inker: Jim Califiore
Cover: Scott Hepburn |
Sept. 24th |
SINESTRO: Futures End #1Writer: Cullen Bunn
Penciller: Igor Lima
Inker: Ruy José
Cover: Kevin Nowlan |
Sept. 24th |
STAR SPANGLED WAR STORIES featuring G.I. ZOMBIE: Futures End #1Writer: Jimmy Palmiotti & Justin Gray
Penciller: Scott Hampton
Inker: Scott Hampton
Cover: Dave Johnson |
Sept. 24th |
SUPERMAN: Futures End #1Writer: Dan Jurgens
Penciller: Lee Weeks
Cover: Ken Lashley |
Sept. 24th |
THE FLASH: Futures End #1Writer: Robert Venditti/Van Jensen
Penciller: Brett Booth
Inker: Norm Rapmund
Cover: Booth/Rapmund |