September 2012 Alternate Comics Diamond Previews Review part 1
I’m going to change things up a bit. Starting in this column, I am moving up Valiant and Dynamite, they will be with the rest of the “Back of the Book” section. This isn’t a slight on Dynamite’s publishing roster but more an appreciation for the intricate world building that Valiant has demonstrated thus far in their publishing line up. The releases have been well spaced, while still showing a world coming together, that is thematically, and story wise, a dozen times bigger then the universes that are homes to both Marvel, and DC. Valiant’s release schedule reminds me of a condensed method of the Marvel style of movie-verse building. A deliberate, and appreciated, slow roll out of the big players, yet you know that they are going to collide in some fashion, and when they do it will be big.
Well, with a paragraph about Valiant starting up this article, let’s look at what they have coming to us in November. The first book is also my Valiant Pick of the Month, the series premiere of Shadowman. Shadowman was another staple of the original Valiant universe and also one of the power players in that landscape. This new series is being written by Justin Jordan, and Patrick Zircher, with art provided by Patrick Zircher. It sets the stage for the story of the Shadowman, a protector of New Orleans, and the only one that can protect it from things that go bump in the night. I wish this series would be released in black and white.
The preview pages in Previews are stunning and help keep a dark edge on the book. I find that the artist’s true vision can really be seen without the addition of color. Books of a darker nature also work with a black and white style really well, again allowing the art to do allot of the storytelling. Horror needs to be raw and visceral, and a black and white story is raw as it fully exposes the artists ability, forcing them to fully relay the emotional impact through expressions. Patrick Zircher is clearly able to convey that emotion. Maybe a chase variant without color? Doubtful, but I would enjoy seeing one.
Master storyteller, Duane Swierczynski continues to ratchet up the tension, and the questions in Bloodshot. #5 starts a new storyline, and is the perfect jumping on point. The title character is slowly getting his life, and his memories back. His mind a virtual puzzle, with other people controlling the pieces. He wants his own life back and know who he truly was before he got turned into what he now is. One man can give him all the answers, but at a cost, the death of his creators. I cannot rave enough about this book and all the others that Valiant is putting out. I missed the initial run of the Valiant Universe, having been fully ensconced in the Marvel Universe at the time.
Faith is going to become one of my favorite characters of 2012, and she returns with her much dreamed of super abilities in Harbinger #6. The way Joshua Dysart has sprinkled her into the first arc definitely points to her becoming pivotal. I have heard that she did play a rather prominent part in the original run. With Valiant releasing hard covers of their earlier work I will definitely be paying a visit to the original Harbinger if, and when, they release it.

Fred Van Lente and Clayton Henry have done a wonderful job of bringing us the best buddy book on the stands right now. Archer & Armstrong delivers two strong leads who are supposed to be enemies but it is clear to see that the chemistry between the two opposes that idea. The dialogue is smooth and has a natural flow to it, especially considering the religion based conspiracy theory that fills the pages. The Eternal Warrior also makes their debut in issue #4 in November, plus a trip to Himalayas.
Dark Horse Comics shines the light on my second favorite Buffy character (first going to Drusilla) Willow Rosenberg, and her quest to return magic to the world. Willow and magic are synonymous for me. Jeff Parker is providing the words with Brian Ching bringing the pictures. One of my favorite cover artists, David Mack, also provides a stunning image of Willow, done in a way that makes her seem even more magical than she is.
My Dark Horse Comics Pick of the Month goes to a book that grabbed me with the cover, it could very well be the most disturbing, and amazing cover of the year. Colder #1 (of 5) grabs me with the cover, and puts DC’s disturbing new take on the Joker to shame, almost making Joker seem like a Disney character. The solicits point to a man who is dying, but can also cure peoples madness by “stepping” inside of them. The only problem is his health. He never gets sick, but his temperature is dropping, and when it hits zero, he dies. Paul Tobin (Writer) and Juan Ferreyra (Artist) are crafting what is sure to be a sleeper hit.
If any publisher is going to adapt Edgar Allan Poe it should be Dark Horse, no offense to the publishers that have previously tried. One of his most well known tales, The Conqueror Worm, is being adapted into a 32 page black and white one shot. Richard Corben is a 2012 Eisner Hall of Fame inductee and you don’t need to wonder why when you look at his long and extensive career. His style helped define Heavy Metal magazine and recently he left his mark on Hellboy. Conqueror Worm is a story that can have multiple meanings for anyone who reads it, and with Richard Corben involved that will be a good read, and the first in multiple readings.
A book for video game aficionados finally receives a translation into English and a North American release. Nintendo fans will no doubt jump onto The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia which hits shelves November. This book has everything for fans of Link. This is an unparalleled hardcover collection, including the complete history of our hero in green, including a complete chronology for all of the games. The designer of The Legend of Zelda, as well as Donkey Kong and Mario, Shigeru Miyamoto, provides an introduction to this 248 page book.
For an amazing slow burn readers should check out Bryan Wood’s The Massive. The world of DMZ could thematically exist in the same universe as this tale. Bryan Wood layers the characters relationships covering the wide range of human emotions. Each issue tackles the changes of the human condition that the Crash has forced upon the world.
Judge Dredd has hit North American theaters and now he comes to the comic book stores, and not as an import. IDW releases Judge Dredd #1 as the beginning of a new series of stories in a monthly ongoing. Duane Swierczynski has reinvigorated Bloodshot at Valiant and with the stories he is telling with that character, one cannot help but expect that same level of talent being unleashed on one of the UK’s hardest hitting, and enduring creations. After 35 years Judge Dredd is still protecting the 400 million residents of the 22nd century Megacity One. Nelson Danile and Paul Gulacy share art duties on what is sure to be a sleeper hit.

My IDW Pick of the Month goes to a long awaited comic book adaption of one of the most popular toy and cartoon franchises, My Little Pony. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic turned me into a Brony and I cannot wait to see what adventures Katie Cook and Andy Price are going to put Twilight Sparkle and her pony friends through. I am not typically one for variants but they are collecting all the covers into one box set where you will get all six of the variants in a slipcase cover, and since I will be adding this to my pull list I will especially look forward to the Jill Thompson cover. In this first issue the Mane Six have to investigate the strange behaviors of others in Ponyville before it’s too late. And just for the record Rainbow Dash is my favorite!
Even if Saga wasn’t the only Image book I was going to mention it still would have been my Image Comics Pick of the Month. After a brief (felt way too long) hiatus #7 is back and is the first issue of a new arc. This issue picks up right where the last left off, Marko, Alana, and their newborn, in space, in a ship made of wood. Allot of questions were asked in the first arc and I am expecting a few answers, and even more questions to come up with issue 7, and I look forward to revisiting this world with Brian K. Vaughn and Fiona Staples.