May 2013 Alternate Comics Diamond Previews Review

Now that we have the big 2 out of the way we can look at the rest of Previews. First up is Dark Horse who is continuing with the push of it’s superhero franchises and re-establishing a shared universe amongst them. This is a smart move since I am sure that the Star Wars books will at some point switch to in-house. I don’t say this out of any negative emotions towards Dark Horse, it is just the reality of the situation, and in no way reflects the incredibly high level of quality they have set for their books.
Catalyst Comix reintroduces us to Frank “Titan” Wells, Amazing Grace, and the Agents of Change. This is a nine issue mini and is no doubt a testing ground. If the response is good it would more than likely transition to ongoing, and nine issues will be easier to gain a bead on its sustainability after the initial sales drop off.
Captain Midnight #1 is the first issue of an ongoing by Joshua Williamson (W) and Fernando Dagnino (A), and is billed as a key title in this new superhero push. I know very little of this character and while it may not go home with me I will check it out on the stands and maybe it can convince me in person. The Paolo Rivera variant cover is very eye catching.
The New York arc continues in The Massive #14. Brian Wood is a writer who knows how to build a world and provide an amazing narrative on today’s society. The art team is stupendous and I question why this concept has not been put forward for consideration as a television series, it would be groundbreaking, much like it’s comic counterpart is now. Part DMZ but with a tighter link to today’s politics The Massive is a page turner without equal on the stands.
The Strain is a new series on FX but you can see the story unfold in comic book form when the second series is launched. The Strain: The Fall #1 by David Lapham (W), Mike Huddleston (A) picks up right where they left off in the first volume. The vampire virus is gaining a strong hold in Manhattan and it may be too late to stop them, or can Dr. Goodweather rally from his failure kill the Master in the first volume, and stop this plague? Get in on the ground floor in preparation for what is sure to be one of the most talked about television shows soon to hit the small screens.
Mass Effect fans take note that they are getting a monthly, and it begins in the pages of Mass Effect: Foundation #1. The lead writer of both Mass Effect #2 and #3, Mac Walters, takes on the writing duties of this new monthly. The back story of Mass Effect is immense and it will be fun to see where they take this series, and if anything from the book will make it’s way into future game installments? This is worth keeping an eye on.
I am not sure if they have been announced, but a Dragons Age 3, and Mass Effect 4, would be nice launch titles for the much rumored X-Box 720.
Yet another Judge Dredd series launches with Judge Dredd Classics #1. The stories have been recolored and reprint classic Dredd tales. First up is “Block Mania” and after that should be the much loved Apocalypse War.
Image Comics brings another new launch by an outstanding creative team. Howard Chaykin has long been one of my favorite artist’s and Matt Fraction is an amazing writer, and together they bring us a noir story set in 1951 New York City involving murder and television back when it was glamorous! Satellite Sam #1
Jamal Ingle has been receiving allot of good press about his creation Molly Danger. She arrives in Molly Danger Book 1 HC. The concept of a young girl protecting New York for more than 20 years from non stop Supermechs is enough of a concept to grab me.
Archaia is following up the #0 issue of Cyborg 009 with a new graphic novel hardcover. Archaia knows how to present hardcovers and I love the format and cover treatments of their books as well as the spine. This story brings the Cyborg 009 to our time and re-imagines them with a contemporary twist.

Aspen is bringing us the next addition to their 10 for 10 celebration of their tenth anniversary in the form of Fathom #1. A new direction is hyped in the solicitation, although I am not familiar with any direction so I am wondering if this will be new reader friendly?

I will predict Uber continues to be a hit for Avatar for a long time coming. The #0 issues was amazing and I cannot wait to see this dark world built in front of me. Gillen has proven time and again that he is a writer who is really making a name for himself and a talent worth following. Issue #3 of this series about Nazi developed super humans continues to show us what affect that would have had and how the world responds. If you can get your hands on the first couple of issues I strongly suggest you do.
Boom Studios is launching a new title that could very well be a companion to the vampire world of True Blood. Day Men #1 by Matt Gagnon (W), Michael Alan Nelson (W), and art by superstar Brian Stelfreeze, tells the story of those that protect the vampires and their holdings during their dangerous daylight hours when they cannot risk exposure or they will die. While their masters sleep the Day Men fix and protect that which belongs to the vampires. The premise sounds exciting and helps bring us a different side of the much used vampire concept.

Over at Dynamite, one of their longest running female characters gets a relaunch and a new creative team. Fan loved creator Gail Simone writes the tales of Red Sonja, in Red Sonja #1 with art by Walter Geovani, and a slew of variant covers, which are all orderable, not just incentives, thank you Dynamite.

The big news at Valiant is the ending of the Harbinger Wars. The ending is very top secret at the moment, and the only thing announced about post war is that with the August shipping Bloodshot #14, it gets renamed Bloodshot and H.A.R.D. Corps.

Issue #13 is the last with the team of Duane Swierczynski (W) and Barry Kitson (A) and the incoming team have pretty big shoes to fill. Issue #14 of Harbinger is the other closing chapter for this cross-over and I can’t wait to see how it ends. Bloodshot and Harbinger have intrigued me from the start and for them to cross over in such a way is a wonderful thing to behold. Everything works and nothing seems forced.
Valiant is also bringing us the next new release in July with Quantum and Woody #1 by James Asmus (W) and Tom Fowler (A). The story of brothers who find themselves with abilities, and the seemingly endless ability to make more of a mess than help, comes out on July 10. I will be picking this up to see if I will want it on my trade list. I was a fan of the original Quantum and Woody so I have a strong connection to the characters but will try to reign in that bias when I read the relaunched comic.
Well that brings us to the end of Previews for July shipping product. See you soon for August.