July 2013 DC Comics Diamond Previews Review
Time to visit the latest issue of Previews Magazine. The July 2013, 298th issue, for merchandise appearing in stores beginning in September 2013.

Let’s take a look at the first line wide event and the latest attempt by DC Comics to maintain some sort of relevance, possibly to justify the continued use of the term “New 52”, namely “Forever Evil”. This will show us exactly what would happen if the villains did in fact win. With the villains only taking over for the one month it is interesting that the associated mini series is 7 issues. If it is shipping monthly it makes me curious how this story will play out. Geoff Johns is writing the main mini series, with art provided by David Finch and Richard Friend.
The villain take over doesn’t mess up the issue numbering, instead adding a decimal point to the pre crossover month issue number. While there are several of these villain issues I would love to take home I am going to tough it out until the Omnibus edition is released. Let’s take a peek though at some of the more interesting issues that will be showing up.
e league, may 2013 diamond comic previews, superman, trinity war, upcoming comics septemb
Each time I see a post Liefeld Lobo I breathe another sigh of relief that he did not create any type of new standard for that character. He takes over in Justice League #23.2: Lobo. It looks like they are crafting the bad ass Lobo that comic book fans know and love. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
Justice League #23.3: Dial E by the Dial H writer China Mieville, and a roster of 20 artists including such favorites as Jeff Lemire, David Lapham and many, many others, brings us what appears to be the actual final Dial H story. I am happy that DC allowed this. I believe this shows allot of respect for what they were trying to do with the title. With the theme of the month being one that tells the story of when evil wins, four criminals find a lost E Dial and find themselves pursued by someone, or someones, in the shadows. 20 pages and 20 artists is a fitting way to bring this story to a close until it get’s dusted off again.
Dan Didio is writing Justice League Dark #23.2: Eclipso. That just does not sound like a good fit to me and I wonder why someone more familiar with the characters, like Lemire, or Fawkes, didn’t give it a go. Either way I will read it in the Omnibus but it would be one I would be on the shelf about as a single issue.
On the other hand, putting someone like Matt Kindt, who produces Mind MGMT, an amazing book, onto Earth 2 #15.2: Solomon Grundy, you cannot help but be intrigued. Matt Kindt crafting the origins of a classic DC character, even on an alternate Earth, is rife with possibilities. This book should be a must buy, and has sleeper hit written all over it.
All I can say, looking at the dynamic cover for Action Comics #23.1: Cyborg Superman, is that DC needs to produce Cyborg Superman as an action figure in their New 52 line. Michael Alan Nelson (W) and Mike Hawthorne (A) brings to light the connection between Krypton and Cyborg Superman.
Batman and Robin #23.2: The Court of Owls by James Tynion IV (W) and Jorge Lucas (A) is not only one of the creepiest covers and makes me think of the disturbing film, The Strangers, but a chance to see just how far they will go to maintain control once evil has won.
My favorite DC villain, but one that I find has been handled wrong since the launch of the New 52, Poison Ivy, is taking over in Detective Comics #23.1: Poison Ivy. Derek Fridolfs, whose writing credits are mainly with the digital arm of DC, including: Batman: Li’l Gotham, Arkham Unhinged, Justice League Beyond, and Arkham City, is taking to the printed page as he and artist Javier Pina, and bringing us a story about her evolution in the absence of the Batman. I hope this brings the character to a place where she will truly shine and become an integral part to the New 52.
Batman fans have a reason to celebrate in September when the Eisner Award-winning series, Batman Black and White returns in the form of a six issue mini series. The roster of creators is massive and includes such luminaries, and fan favorites, such as: Chip Kidd, Neal Adams, John Arcudi, Sean Murphy, and many more. With the creators involved it doesn’t matter what the stories are, they are virtually guaranteed to give Batman fans what they want.
The 75th anniversary of the Man of Steel is being celebrated by DC Comics with two different collections. First up is Superman: A Celebration of 75 Years HC. This is 384 pages of stories from all periods throughout his career. With a whose who of comic creators: Jerry Siegel, Joe Kelly, Alan Moore, Joe Shuster, Curt Swan, and many more, this is for fans of the stranger from Krypton.
Superman could not have reached this milestone without intrepid reporter Lois Lane. She gets her own celebration in Lois Lane: A Celebration of 75 Years HC. Also 384 pages with Jerry Siegel, John Byrne, Gran Morrison, Greg Rucka, Phil Jimenez and several others contributing, this represents some of the best and most memorable moments with Lois Lane.
Having read nothing but good things about Injustice I am excited to order Injustice: Gods Among Us Vol. 1 HC. This collects the first six issues of the digital series in one collection. The chance to go further in depth into the dark, and morally split DC Universe that Injustice takes place in is exciting. With Justice Lords being my favorite characters in the animated Justice League universe, I look forward to seeing another take on that story.
Having read the first two issues of Astro City, I cannot heap enough praise on this series by Kurt Busiek (W), Brent Anderson (A) and Alex Ross (Cover) which brings us back to a city, and characters that hold a special place in our comic book hearts, and injects new life into something that was already perfect to begin with.

DC continues to roll out the amazing figures in the New 52 line. In December they bring the deluxe action figure Swamp Thing to comic shop shelves. This is going to be a wonderful edition to the line, with a height of 9.75” and a 15” wingspan, it will be one of the biggest released to date. Another villain joins the line up as we get the New 52 version of Deathstroke in action figure form. The only one I am missing to date is Darkseid and I regret not ordering him at the time. One day he will be mine.
That brings an end to our look at DC Comics. See you soon with Marvel!