March 2014 Alternate Comics Diamond Previews Review

March 2014 Alternate Comics Diamond Previews Review


Hello comic book fans. This is the third and final look at the product shipping to comic book stores starting in May 2014. Marvel and DC are done so let’s see what the other publishers have to offer.


Star Wars Darth Maul Son of Dathomir #1          While Marvel has gone into meetings recently considering their direction with the Star Wars comics Dark Horse is still releasing some exciting product. Season 6 of the amazing Clone Wars series recently came to a close but Dark Horse has Star Wars: Darth Maul-Son of Dathomir. It is a four issue mini-series that tells a story originally intended for the animated series. After being sliced in half, and being rejected by his mentor, Darth Maul is pretty pissed (being cut in half would tick me off as well) and he intends to take on all of his enemies with an army of Mandalorians. Darth Maul was the best thing to come out of The Phantom Menace and an angry Darth Maul is even better.


Brain Boy Men From Gestalt #1           Brain Boy is back in the four issue mini Brain Boy: The Men From G.E.S.T.A.L.T.. Fred Van Lente is again penning the adventures of Agent Price and instead of a power hungry, powerful leader of a military controlled country he is pressed into action against a politically driven cult leader who wants the President dead. The first mini and the zero issue pulled you in and, at least for me, made this a character to watch. Issue 1 is out in May. Pick it up and while you’re at it look for the trade collecting the first mini and the zero issue. You will not be disappointed.


Dark Horse Presents #36         The anthology that could, Dark Horse Presents, is ending its current run with issue in #36 in May but it will be back in a slightly smaller (page count) and lower price version, so be on the lookout.


TMNT 30th Anniversary Special         I still can’t believe that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are at the 30th Anniversary Special but they are and IDW is celebrating with a 30th Anniversary 48 page anthology featuring stories from Kevin Eastman, and many other creators who have helped guide the heroes in a half shell through all of the different publishers over the years. It still blows me away that they premiered when I was only 9. The price tag of $7.99 is a little high but for such a classic set of characters that have withstood the test of time it is completely worth it, plus the cover from the co-creators of Eastman and Laird is totally worth it.


Trees #1         Warren Ellis has always been a writer I enjoyed but with the recent brilliance of Moon Knight over at Marvel, I am more inclined to pick up a book with his name attached and Image has a first issue with him writing and Jason Howard on art that has piqued my interest. The solicitation is cryptic and involves aliens being among us but even though I know very little going in Warren Ellis is writing science fiction and that is all I need to know. Trees #1 is out the last week of May and I look forward to him playing in a sandbox of his creation.


COWL #1         With the plethora of superhero books and universes hitting the stands it makes sense to try something different with the genre. Kyle Higgins (W), Alec Siegel (W) and Rod Reis (A) are going to do just that when they unionize them in C.O.W.L. #1. In Chicago the superheroes have to battle not just super villains but a public that grows weary of the antics. This means the heroes have to try and prove their worth a little more but can they do that while dealing with corruption within their own union? I don’t know but I want to find out.


Afterlife with Archie #7 Francavilla Afterlife with Archie #7 Pepoy         For regular readers you know one of my favorite titles and that is Afterlife With Archie and this month is no different. Advance solicited for June is issue 7, and it begins the second arc and with an ominous title like “Betty R.I.P.” you know it isn’t going to end well. In a series that has clearly demonstrated that no one is safe that storyline title should make you nervous. This is also a chance to further see the rest of Archie’s America while the gang, those left anyway, try to celebrate Thanksgiving in the forest of Pennsylvania. Things don’t go well, but for the Riverdale survivors does it ever in a world overrun by the living dead?


Clive Barkers Nightbreed #1         Years ago I remember watching Nightbreed for the first time and Clive Barkers brilliance shone on the big screen. He returns to that world writing new stories with Marc Andreyko and being joined by Piotr Kowalski on art in Clive Barker’s Nightbreed #1. This is the same world but new stories set in both the past and present. Boom Studios should have a hit on their hands with this one since the visionary creator is directly involved and cannot for Marc, his work has been a critical favorite with his DC series Manhunter being one of most cherished fan favorite series from the pre New 52 DC.


Chaos #1 Campbell Chaos #1 Rafael sub         They may not be celebrating a 30th Anniversary but Purgatory, Chastity and Evil Ernie, amongst others, are coming back when the Chaos Universe gets relaunched with Chaos #1 (of 6). While I was a huge fan of these characters and collected my fair share of bad girl comics I will be skipping this only because Tim Seeley is writing. His writing style is not for me and I admit I am a little sad I will be missing this but for fans of his writing, and of the Chaos Universe do not hesitate to pick this up. As we approach release for this I may change my mind because at the end of the day it may be something I like and writers have surprised me before.


Rai #1 A Crain Rai #1 B Hitch Rai #1 C Segovia Rai #1 D Allen Rai #1 Plus Edition         The last book I want to bring up is from Valiant. They are launching a new initiative known as Valiant First which aims to not only bring a new number one each month but also make sure that their books are at the top of their reading piles, and Rai #1 by Matt Kindt (W) and Clayton Crain (A) is sure to hit the top of mine. The artwork is fully painted and looks beautiful with a dark moody look at the Valiant Universe of the year 4001 A.D., and if you have read Mind Mgmt you know what kind of writer Matt Kindt is and what kind of pedigree he brings to what is sure to be a big release. Ignoring the brujaha that the first issue cover caused, this tale of a warrior who is driven to protect the billions of citizens of the Japan of the future looks to be a solid and entertaining read. Check out the previews online and judge for yourself but it is books like this that make Valiant a publisher to watch.


The summer months are coming up which means, much like the temperatures, the publishers are sure to be heating up in the next few months. See you in a few weeks when we see what is hitting in June of this year. As usual good reading to all of the fan boys and fan girls out there.

March 2014 DC Comics Diamond Previews Review

March 2014 DC Comics Diamond Previews Review


Let’s pay a visit to DC Comics and what they will be shipping starting in May 2014.  With Forever Evil finally over the DC Universe heads into the next chapter of it’s editorially controlled story. Where Marvel seems to be allowing more creative freedom and very different takes on its characters DC seems to be going for the opposite. Most titles are serious and generic superhero titles.


Wonder Woman #31          The prime example for me is Wonder Woman, which is one of the rare titles that launched with the first wave and has maintained a strong independent voice on the comic stands, but that is even coming to an end when the creative team is changed and they bring the book more in line with her Justice League character. What this means to me is that DC is losing the one book that has truly shone a light on a character that has struggled in the past to find her own voice and identity, and turning it into another generic superhero book.


This limits my excitement for DC, who does not seem to want their characters to be different from each other, but instead they are all to be cut from the same dark and serious superhero mold. Not all of DC is like this and the creators are doing what they can with what little freedom they are allowed but as a fan I am just sharing my impressions. With that out of the way let’s look at some of the more interesting solicitsin Previews.


New 52 Futures End #1          A second weekly is joining the lineup in May. Futures End begins with a bang as a Justice League member dies. With that being said I am looking at this series as more of an Elseworlds as fans know DC would never make such drastic changes permanent. Grifter appears in the first issue and Stormwatch and their fate are discussed in the fourth issue. This is a relief as with the cancellation of Stormwatch (not surprising considering the title never found a voice through its entire run) there are no Wildstorm characters of prominence in the DCU in the regular line, and many of those characters have so much potential that has been thoroughly wasted since the launch.


One other exciting story point is the introduction of Batman Beyond into DC continuity. He is on a mission to stop whatever dark future will presumably envelop the DCU. As a self admitted geek I can’t help but wonder about the conundrum this will create. If Batman Beyond goes back in time to prevent a dark future, and ends up being successful then in the future Batman Beyond would not need to go back in time creating a paradox. I know this may not matter to most and that time travel is not a real thing (at the moment) but my logic cannot shake this point, hence the Elseworlds view I have of this title. It may sound like I am bad mouthing the title but it will be on my pull list because, logic aside, this book has a list of strong creators involved (Brian Azzarello, Jeff Lemire, Aaron Lopresti, Art Thibert, etc.) and should be a fun read. The first 4 issues drop in May.


Justice League United #1          Animal Man by Jeff Lemire may be cancelled but his adventures will continue in Justice League United #1 written by Lemire and drawn by Mike McKone. While Justice League of America seemed like nothing more than a really drawn out Forever Evil prelude where the characters were driven purely by the crossover, United will hopefully allow these characters to grow, plus they are in Canada, which has been ignored on a regular basis by DC Comics. It will be nice to see our country represented. Issue #1 follows up on the April shipping 0 issue and will be added to my pull list, for the time being.


Secret Origins #2          Secret Origins #2 is out in May and its lead story is Batman. A strange addition, and really a wasted edition as Batman’s origin is being played out in his main title written by Scott Snyder.  The other two origins could hold promise though as we will be treated to the beginnings of Aquaman and Starfire.


Batman Eternal #5          The other weekly continues in May with issues #5-8 of Batman Eternal hitting stands. I will pick this up for the entire run as long as Scott Snyder stays involved.


Batman and Frankenstein #31          Frankenstein: Agent of SHADE was one of my favorite books when the New 52 launched but since it did not feature Batman, or Superman it wasn’t supported by readers (readers who still claim to want something different, and still do) and the character is relegated to occasional appearances. He makes a surprising appearance when he joins Batman on his search for Robin in Batman and Frankenstein #31. Anytime Frank appears and mutters “Hurrrmmm” I am onboard.


Movement #12          The Movement comes to a close in May with its twelfth issue. This is a solid book that didn’t have a chance in a market where new DC concepts are rejected by readers in favor of more of the same. Here is hoping that the characters that Simone wrote will make appearances elsewhere.


Sadly that brings an end to our look at DC Previews for May. With the recent announcement of more launches in the coming months I look forward to potentially having more books to highlight.