March 2013 Alternate Comics Diamond Previews Review

March 2013 Alternate Comics Diamond Previews Review

In between work, prepping to move, and trying to channel my creative muse I have gotten behind on this article, but here it is, our look at the back of the Previews for comics coming out in May of 2013.


X #1         We begin our look at some of the publishers from the front of the book, beginning with Dark Horse. When Ghost was reintroduced in the pages of Dark Horse Presents and then a mini-series (which became an ongoing) I had no idea it was a precursor to the reappearance of a re-imagined superhero universe. X, another character recently brought back to the pages of Dark Horse Presents, and is now getting a 4 issue mini-series. Duane Swierczynski is writing and if his work on Bloodshot over at Valiant is any indication, this book will be one to jump on. I predict this series will graduate to an ongoing. Eric Nguyen is the artist on this relaunch, and his style fits well with the dark story of a man combating a corrupt police department teamed up with an extensive criminal establishment.


Michael Avon Oemings Victories #1 TranshumanDark Horse Presents #24         Michael Avon Oemings The Victories begins it ongoing series in May, and joins X and Ghost as part of the larger superhero universe they are re-launching. Also joining the superhero fray over at Dark Horse is Blackout, premiering in Dark Horse Presents # 24. This is a new character created by Frank Barbiere (W), and Micah Kaneshiro (A). This is another example of what makes Dark Horse Presents an amazing anthology. Not only do they bring us stories that matter about fan favorite characters, with an amazing creative team, but also introducing us to brand new creations. I am unsure why other anthologies don’t look at what works, but until then Dark Horse Presents has a niche all of its own.


Angel & Faith #22 Isaacs cover Angel & Faith #22 Morris coverBTVS Season #9 Freefall #21 Noto cover BTVS Season #9 Freefall #21 Jeanty cover         







         Angel & Faith #22, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer #21 are the first issues for each titles respective last story arcs. Over in Buffy we get a little bit of an old school feel when Xander, Willow, and Buffy are back as the beloved Scooby Gang, on a mission to protect something very special to them. The three of them back together makes me miss the television show even more. I think it’s almost time to re-watch the series from the beginning again.


Doomsday.1 #1         IDW brings a new series by John Byrne who handles not only the writing but the art as well. Byrne is hit or miss with me, and sadly, mostly a miss. I know that there are allot of Byrne fans out there and while his work isn’t bad, it never resonated with me. He has my attention with Doomsday.1 for two reasons. First it is a four issue mini-series, so the commitment isn’t that long (I hate dropping titles before a story has ran its length) and the subject matter intrigues me. I am a fan of stories involving the apocalypse and natural disasters. The premise of the series sees the crew of the International Space Station, including a Canadian (go home team), witness a massive solar flare ravage the Earth. They venture planet-side and see what is left of the civilization they once knew. As long as this is more captivating than Lab Rats or his Doom Patrol I can’t wait.


My Little Pony Friendship is Magic #7My Little Pony micro series #4 Fluttershy         Anyone who knows me knows I love My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and if you have been on the fence, then May is the time to try it, as the first trade paperback is released and collects the first four issues of this wonderfully delightful series. Bronies, and all Pony fans take note, the creative team of Katie Cook (W) and Andy Price (A) have done an amazing job of capturing the voices of the Mane 6 and this is one of the strongest licensed comics on the market.


Ten Grand #1         Image Comics is bringing Joe’s Comics back with a J. Michael Straczynski penned series called Ten Grand. I have never been a big fan of Straczynski but I know many that are. Ben Templesmith brings his gritty, beautifully rendered characters and settings to what is sure to be a dark and moody tale, that is also a little bit of a love story. Based on Ben Templesmith I may have to take a look at this on the stands.


All New Secret Skullkickers #1         Dear Skull-Kickers, your little comics in joke with the relaunches and the retitling isn’t all that funny anymore. At this point anyone wanting to pick up your books may be turned off. Numbers could tell me otherwise and that is fine, but my interest in this one, note joke is pretty done.


Archies 1000 pg Comics Digest TP         Archie fans are being given an amazing deal in May with the release of the Archies 1000-page Comics Digest TP. The kicker is the price, $14.99. For a whopping $15.00 you get an amazing collection that tells classic stories from Riverdale. Archie Comics may not deliver universe shattering battles with monsters, heroes, demons, or villains, but they tell solid stories that can bring a smile to your face, and take you to a place that is a nice break from the world around us today.


Uber #1 Propaganda poster cover Uber #1 wrap coverUber #1          Avatar Press is bringing out the first issue of a new ongoing I am extremely excited about, Uber. This is written by Kieron Gillen who has proven his mettle with Journey Into Mystery (Loki is now a favorite of mine thanks to Kieron), and drawn by Caanan White. This series shows us a World War II that went differently when the Nazi’s bring super soldiers onto the battlefield. This book has been automatically added to my pull list, and I highly recommend anyone else who has or has not experienced the writing of Kieron Gillen because he is a master at character building and the world that Kieron and Caanan builds will be compelling to say the least.


Occupy Comics #1         I want to take a quick moment, not to necessarily discuss books but actually a new publisher, Black Mask Studios. This is a new indie start-up and the brain child of Steve Niles, Brett Gurewitz, and Matt Pizzolo. With the talent involved this is going to be a publisher to watch. Well I think I may discuss books after all because they do have an impressive mini-series coming out that includes an astounding roster: Alan Moore, David Lloyd, Mike Allred, Ben Templesmith, Art Spiegelman, Charlie Adlard, JM DeMatteis. The book is Occupy Comics, and as you can easily tell from the title, it is directly related to the Occupy movement and will help raising funds for said movement. The series documents, and discusses what is behind the Occupy movement and why it is important. Three issues with over 50 comic book creators makes this worth looking at.


Suicide Risk #1         Boom Studios is releasing a new series that seems to have a new take on the superhero genre. Mike Carey creates and writes while Elena Casagrande provides the pictures for this story of a world where heroes don’t exist, well very few of them anyway. Some heroes don’t need powers and that is a good thing because on this planet only the villains have the numbers. Leo Winters is a cop who has seen several of his comrades fall to the villains and he decides that he needs to make more of a difference. Can he do so, and who will help them. With the world described and the storyline, how can anyone not at least try Suicide Risk #1?


Archer & Armstrong #1 one dollar debut edBloodshot #1 one dollar debut edHarbinger #1 one dollar debut ed         For those that have not jumped onto the Valiant bandwagon, as most comic fans SHOULD, May is providing all five of the first issues from there current monthlies for only a dollar each. For five dollars you can get the number one issues of Shadowman, Harbinger, Bloodshot, Archer & Armstrong, and X-O Manowar.

X-O Manowar #1 one dollar debut edShadowman #1 one dollar debut ed          Get addicted then pick up the trades to catch up because once you start reading any of these, depending on your genre tastes, you will become hooked. My personal favorites are Harbinger, and Bloodshot, which are both involved in the Harbinger Wars which enters it’s second month in May.


Well that is the back of the book for the May releases, see you soon when we look at June.

New Comics Scheduled to Arrive April 3, 2013

New Comics Scheduled to Arrive April 3, 2013

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1 for $1 the Massive #11 FOR $1 THE MASSIVE #1  
Abe Sapien & Terrible #1 ABE SAPIEN DARK & TERRIBLE #1 (OF 3)  
Action Comics #19ACTION COMICS #19
Adventure Time Fionna & Cake #2ADVENTURE TIME FIONNA & CAKE #2 (OF 6) – 2ND PTG
Age of Apocalypse #14 AGE OF APOCALYPSE #14 XT     
Age of Ultron #4 AGE OF ULTRON #4 (OF 10)     
All New X-Men #10ALL NEW X-MEN #10 NOW
Ame Comi Girls #2AME COMI GIRLS #2
Animal Man #19ANIMAL MAN #19
Archie #642 Archie Meets Glee pt 2ARCHIE #642 ARCHIE MEETS GLEE PT 2
Assassins Creed GN vol 01 Desmond ASSASSINS CREED GN VOL 01 DESMOND
 Assassins Creed GN vol 02 AquliusASSASSINS CREED GN VOL 02 AQUILUS
Avengers vs X-Men TP AVENGERS VS X-MEN TP    
 Batman and Robin Annual #1BATMAN AND ROBIN ANNUAL #1   
Batwing #19BATWING #19
Batwoman HC vol 02 Drown the World BATWOMAN HC VOL 02 TO DROWN THE WORLD (N52)
Blackacre #5BLACKACRE #5 (MR)
Borderlands Origins #3 - 2nd ptgBORDERLANDS ORIGINS #3 (OF 4)  – 2ND PTG
Castle A Calm Before Storm #4CASTLE A CALM BEFORE STORM #4 (OF 5)
Crossed Badlands #24CROSSED BADLANDS #24 (MR)
Dark Shadows #15DARK SHADOWS #15
 Dark Tower Gunslinger Evil Ground #1DARK TOWER GUNSLINGER EVIL GROUND #1 (OF 2)
Deadpool #7DEADPOOL #7 NOW2
Detective #19DETECTIVE COMICS #19
Dial H #11DIAL H #11
 Disney Fairies GN vol 11 Most Precious GiftDISNEY FAIRIES GN VOL 11 MOST PRECIOUS GIFT
 DMZ TP vol 01 On the GroundDMZ TP VOL 01 ON THE GROUND (MR)  
 Dungeons & Dragons TP vol 03DUNGEONS & DRAGONS TP VOL 03 DOWN    
Earth 2 #11EARTH 2 #11
Eerie Comics #1 EERIE COMICS #1
Fables TP vol 01 Legends in Exile FABLES TP VOL 01 LEGENDS IN EXILE NEW ED (MR)
Fairest #14FAIREST #14 (MR)
 Fairies Magazine #13FAIRIES MAGAZINE #13
Fashion Beast #8 wrap coverFASHION BEAST #8
GFT Robyn Hood vs Red Riding Hood #1 cvr A Salgado GFT Robyn Hood vs Red Riding Hood #1 cvr B Mychael GFT Robyn Hood vs Red Riding Hood #1 cvr C Cafaro GFT Robyn Hood vs Red Riding Hood #1 cvr D Cafaro 

GI Joe Special Missions #2GI JOE SPECIAL MISSIONS #2
Green Arrow #19GREEN ARROW #19
Green Lantern #19GREEN LANTERN #19 (WRATH)
Harbinger Wars #1 HARBINGER WARS (VU) #1 (OF 4)
Hypernaturals #10HYPERNATURALS #10
Indestructible Hulk #6 NowINDESTRUCTIBLE HULK #6 NOW2
Jack of Fables TP vol 08 The Fulminate Blade JACK OF FABLES TP VOL 08 THE FULMINATE BLADE TP
Kill Shakespeare  #2 Tide of BloodKILL SHAKESPEARE TIDE OF BLOOD #2 (OF 5)
Last of Us American Dreams #1LAST OF US AMERICAN DREAMS #1 (OF 4)
Legends of Dark Knight #7LEGENDS OF THE DARK KNIGHT #7
Looney Tunes #212LOONEY TUNES #212
Masks #5MASKS #5
Mind the Gap #9MIND THE GAP #9
 Miss Fury #1MISS FURY #1 
 Peter Panzerfaust TP vol 01 The Great EscapePETER PANZERFAUST TP VOL 01 THE GREAT ESCAPE
Phantom Stranger #7PHANTOM STRANGER #7
Popeye #12POPEYE #12
 Preacher TP vol 08 All Hells A ComingPREACHER TP VOL 08 ALL HELLS A COMING (MR)
Red She Hulk #64RED SHE-HULK #64 NOW2
Savage Sword of Conan TP vol 13 SAVAGE SWORD OF CONAN TP VOL 13
Scooby Doo Where Are You #32SCOOBY DOO WHERE ARE YOU #32
Shadowman #6 Johnson cvrShadowman #6 Zircher cvrSHADOWMAN (VU) #6
Smallville Season 11 #12SMALLVILLE SEASON 11 #12
Snapshot #3SNAPSHOT #3 (OF 4)
Son of Merlin #3SON OF MERLIN #3
Sonic the Hedgehog #247SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #247
Spawn #230SPAWN #230
Star Wars Dark Times Fire Carrier #3STAR WARS DARK TIMES FIRE CARRIER #3
Stormwatch #19STORMWATCH #19
Superior Spider-Man #4 - 2nd ptgSUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN #4 – 2ND PTG
Superior Spider-Man #7SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN #7 NOW
Swamp Thing #19SWAMP THING #19
 Thanos Rising #1THANOS RISING #1 (OF 5)
 Transformers Spotlight Trailcutter #1TRANSFORMERS SPOTLIGHT TRAILCUTTER #1
 Transmetropolitan TP vol 04 The Bew ScumTRANSMETROPOLITAN TP VOL 04 THE NEW SCUM (MR)    
Transmetropolitan TP vol 07 Spiders Thrash TRANSMETROPOLITAN TP VOL 07 SPIDERS THRASH NEW ED
Uber #0 Uber #0 Propaganda Poster cover Uber #0 Wrap cover UBER #0 (MR)
Ultimate Comics X-Men #25ULTIMATE COMICS X-MEN #25
Winter Soldier #17WINTER SOLDIER #17
Wolverine #1 Now WOLVERINE #1 NOW
Wonder Woman TP vol 01 BloodWONDER WOMAN TP VOL 01 BLOOD (N52)  
Worlds Finest #11WORLDS FINEST #11
 X-O Manowar TP vol 02 Enter NinjakX-O MANOWAR (ONGOING) TP VOL 02 ENTER NINJAK

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