January 2013 DC Comics Diamond Previews Review
DC Comics has a few interesting items coming out in March of 2013. Some excitement from February continues to spill over into March with the second issue of Justice League of America by Geoff Johns (W) and David Finch (A) continues the true motives of the League members while the back up brings us the hero formally known as Martian Manhunter, now known only as Manhunter, into the spotlight when his motives for both the Justice League of America and the Justice League start to become clear.
Another follow up issue to be excited about is Green Arrow #18. In February the new creative team of Jeff Lemire (W) and Andrea Sorrentino (A) brought there own spin onto this misunderstood character. I haven’t read their first issue yet but I have the sneaky suspicion that this is going to be a run that defines who Green Arrow is in the New 52.

Dial H readers should be sure to check out Flash #18 by Brian Buccellato (W) and Marcio Takara (A) which promises a twist ending that impacts Dial H. Seems like an odd spot for a secret crossover of sorts and I might pick up this issue just for that reason. This might be an interesting way to bring some of the more Vertigo inclined New 52 readers (myself included) to give the superheroes another go. I can’t see myself picking up the Flash on a monthly basis but something like this makes me curious.
Following Grant Morrison can be tricky but Andy Diggle will be doing just that when he takes over the writing reins of Action Comics in issue #18 with Tony S. Daniel and Batt providing art. There isn’t much about this title that interests me but I have to say that I would be intrigued with Snyder, or Lemire tackling the blue clad boy scout. That being said, expect some major gushing about the upcoming Man of Steel.

Most of the Bat Books in March deal with the tragic ending of the Jokers grand return in Death of the Family. My money is still riding on Damian to bite the big one, with Alfred running a possible second, and Joker offing himself as my third. This is entirely speculation on my part as I decided to follow the Bat crossovers in trade so I could be entirely off base on my prediction.
Oh Batgirl you are quite the talked about title. Issue #18 sees the first of two issues guest written by Ray Fawkes. I love the guest writing credit. For those that do not know, Gail Simone the writer of the series had been fired from the book, and from DC, and then when fan outrage reached a feverish peak they rehired her, and put her back on…..wait for it……Batgirl. I am happy that she is back on the book because in the end I believe it is better for Ray Fawkes. With the fan love that Simone receives she would have been a tough act to follow.
Oh Green Lantern titles, when I look at your titles and read your solicitations you seem to be getting more like a private club every month as “Wrath of the First Lantern” marches through the 18th issue of each series. I dare not pick up these books for fear that I will not understand what is happening. The creative teams are solid but it would be nice for some simpler stories for a little while.

My favorite corner of the New 52, the Dark, has some interesting stories making their way through the ether. In February Hellblazer ended its historic run over at Vertigo and in March the kingpin of the DC supernatural landscape, Constantine, gets his first issue in his new ongoing brought to you by Robert (W) and Renato Guedes (A). The way Marvel uses Wolverine, and now Iron Man, namely appearing in every comic, is similar to Constantine, but with Constantine, it is believable. This is a man that can traverse between realms with the ease of crossing a threshold. This means his appearances in Constantine #1, Justice League Dark #18, Sword of Sorcery #6, and a couple of other guest appearances I am sure, all the more believable.
Animal Man #18 by Jeff Lemire (W) and Steve Pugh (A) and Swamp Thing #18 by Scott Snyder (W) and Yanick Paquette (A) both bring us the epilogue of “Rotworld” and what it has changed about two of the darker heroes in the DC Universe. Issue #18 is also the end of this creative teams run on the book and I hope whoever takes over after provides us the continuing love story, saga of a man trying to find himself, and guardian of the green, in a way that will keep us coming back for more.
Threshold #3 gives us another new look at an old character, and it’s not Spoiler, nor Wally West, nor Donna Troy, but Captain Carrot, this time re-envisioned as Captain K’Rot! If anyone can make this work it is writer Keith Giffen. Speaking of Giffen, his art on Legion of Super-Heroes may be a reason to try this book again. Fun is what Legion had been missing.
Ame-Comi Girls #1….this leaves me speechless and not in a good way.

March sees another set of collections get released. Some worth noting including the first collection of Dial H. Dial H Vol. 1: Into You TP collects issues #0-6. For a very Vertigo experience in the New 52 look no further than this book. The second Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E. Trade, and Swamp Thing Vol. 2 both hit shelves that month as well.
For fans of old school Wildstorm we get The Authority Vol. 1 HC with a creative roster that is unmatched, including, but not limited to: Warren Ellis (W), Mark Millar (W), Bryan Hitch (A), Frank Quitely (A), and many others. With the horrible treatment of many Wildstorm characters in the New 52 (I am looking at you Stormwatch) it is refreshing to be able to go back and read the stories that made these characters great.
Vertigo is releasing the trade for Punk Rock Jesus, perhaps the best mini-series of 2012 and 2013. Written and drawn by Sean Murphy, this book makes amazing use of it’s black and white colour palette and exposes allot of the weakness’s of the human race, of you and I. Sean Murphy has created one of his seminal works that is going to be talked about for years to come. Get this trade and see why comics are amazing.
It isn’t often that I mention merchandise in this column but I have to admit a new addiction. The DC Direct New 52 figures. I picked up the 7 figure box set of the Justice League and I am blown away at the details bestowed up these figures. From a statuesque Wonder Woman, to a Cyborg so souped up on detail that you will look at the figure non stop out of amazement, to the sexiest Aquaman I have ever seen. The paint application is flawless and I want more. I am excited to add a Green Arrow to the line up and the Green Lantern Simon Baz figure in March. I am not into Green Lantern (see earlier comments) but with figures that look this amazing, it inspires you to get them all.
That is my look at DC, see you soon with the Back of the Book review.