December 2012 Marvel Comics Diamond Previews Review

December 2012 Marvel Comics Diamond Previews Review

          Marvel Now! I applaud you, nay, I give you a standing ovation! You are truly showcasing yourself as the House of Ideas. After trying the bulk of your offerings to date, I have been nothing but impressed. All gushing aside, let’s see what Marvel has coming in February of 2013!


Guardians of the Galaxy #0.1 Now          Guardians of the Galaxy is getting it’s first issue of a new ongoing, and it’s a #0.1 issue. Brian Michael Bendis is writing and one of my favorites, Steve McNiven is providing the art. Near the end of his Avengers run it became a little drawn out and I was anxious for him to leave the books, but he is the reason I have the interest I do now, and he is also the reason I am finding a new love of the X-Men (no offense to previous creative teams) and I cannot wait to see what he does to kick start the soon to be movie stars, The Guardians of the Galaxy.


Iron Man #6 Now          A misfire in my eyes, was the Gillen penned, Land drawn Iron Man. The first issue did not gel on any level for me and there is something creepy about all the strange smiles Land draws that I find way to distracting. It looks like a world populated by mannequins, in odd, smiling poses. In issue #6 however, he appears to be donning space armor, perhaps the armor he is going to wear on his upcoming stint as a Guardian of the Galaxy?


Nova #1 Now          Nova #1 fills me with a combination of excitement, and nervousness. Excitement because the creative team is amazing! Jeph Loeb is a writer, whose career is full of amazing stories, with so many more to come, and Ed McGuinness is an artist who has a strong fluid style, that is easily recognizable as his. He is what makes me nervous. When I heard about a Nova relaunch I imagined it a little less kid friendly. When I say kid friendly I mean the style of art. It has a cartoony feel to it. I am going to give the first arc a go but I make no promises.


Uncanny X-Men #1 Now          For the first time ever I think Cyclops is an interesting character. For years I have wanted to reach through the comic book page and smack Scott. He has been boring, whiny, and missing any semblance of a back bone. That is different now. Following Avengers Vs. X-Men and Scott’s life changing encounter with the Phoenix he is a changed man. He has become much more aggressive then we are used to seeing him. He still has his emotional moments, but now instead of showing weakness, those moments seem to be building his resolve, making him stronger, finally Scott Summers is complicated, and interesting. His attitude, and look get remakes in the Brian Michael Bendis written Uncanny X-Men, which launches with a whole new #1 in February.


          With a brief introduction to the team playing out in All-New X-Men, we see that Magik, Magneto, Emma, and Scott take up residence in the original Weapon X lab that Wolverine was created in, we see Scott creating the new Xavier’s. Seems like an interesting concept and puts Scott and his team somewhere between the Xavier’s original idea for the X-Men and the Brotherhood that Eric once ran. Having Chris Bachalo as artist will definitely add to the book as Bachalo demonstrates an amazing ability to really use emotions in panels in one of the most effective ways I have ever seen. The most important part is Emma, starting with Generation X, we have been treated to a character evolution that took a character who most people did not really care about, to a character that is essential to the X-Men Mythos. With her recent intergalactic jilting at the hands of her lover, she is sure to be pissed, and that is when Emma is at her most fun.


The Fearless Defenders #1 Now          The Defenders were not gone long as a new series, titled The Fearless Defenders, fills their void. This is a different take on the property and starts with Valkyrie and Misty Knight beginning to assemble the team, while staying alive. I like books that have strong female leads and hope that they catch on. The creative team is not one I have read allot of but Cullen Bunn (writer) is a mainstay at Marvel, and the art, provided by Will Sliney, looks nice in the previews.


Uncanny Avengers #5 Now          Uncanny Avengers #5 by Rick Remember (writer) and Olivier Coipel (artist) unveil further additions to the lineup with Sunfire, Wonder Man, and Wasp join the team. It is a given that Havok would have leadership issues, with a lineup like this one it should be expected, and I honestly think that Havok may have been the wrong choice for the team leader. Before anyone accuses me of hating Havok, I don’t. He is and always will be my favorite of the Summer’s brothers.


          This is a team of big egos, and big abilities, and the purpose of the team carries a big amount of responsibility, all of which Havok may not be ready for. The solicit promises a death of a major character, and by an Avenger nonetheless. I hope it’s not a mutant who did it, they have been through more than enough. Either way Rick Remember is a talent unlike any other and if anyone can juggle, and make work, this diverse cast, he is the man. Olivier Coipel is an artist I hold in high regard and find he draws my eye into the page with his layouts and backgrounds.


Secret Avengers #1 Now          My current favorite Marvel title, Secret Avengers, is launching with new #1 issue and a new creative team of Nick Spencer writing, and Luke Ross drawing. Good creative team? Check. The lineup includes Nick Fury Jr., Hawkeye, Hulk, Black Widow, Winter Soldier, Maria Hill and Phil Coulson. Intriguing lineup? Check. The best part? They won’t remember these missions ever happened. This sounds like a wonderfully logical direction for the book. They are creating something new out of a concept that was only starting to find its footing under Remember’s guiding hand. This is my Marvel Pick of the Month.


Indestructible Hulk #4 Now Captain America #4 Now Journey Into Mystery #649 Now All New X-Men #7 Now








          Marvel Now has successfully increased the amount of Marvel on my pull list with Indestructible Hulk, Captain America, Journey Into Mystery, and All-New X-Men becoming mainstays.


Red She-Hulk #62 Now X-Men Legacy #6 Now           So far the only mis-steps in my eyes are Red She-Hulk (was it even needed?), Iron Man (Extremis…again?) and X-Men: Legacy (again….needed?).





Deadpool #5 Now Fantastic Four #4 Now FF #4 Now Thor God of Thunder #5 Now







          I haven’t tried Deadpool (never liked the character), Fantastic Four (interesting hook to the first arc though), FF (have not heard good things about it, sadly), and Thor. My budget can only go so far.


Alpha Big Time #1          And because no one demanded it, the first issue in a five issue Alpha mini-series. And that is all I have to say about that.


Dexter #1          Dexter fans will be pleased. The previously solicited Dexter five issue mini-series is back and February will bring us #1. Jeff Lindsay, who created the character, is the writer, which means that these characters should bring to the page what you see in the show in terms of tone and character. This is one of the best ways to do media tie ins, with the involvement of the shows creative team. This is a smart way to entice fans of one medium to pay a visit to another.


X-Men #41Astonishing X-Men #59          Going out with a whimper is a book I fear had fallen by the wayside months ago. X-Men #41 is the last for the series. This is something that should have happened sooner. Sure, the creative teams have at times been solid enough, but this book has rarely had any idea what to do with itself. I wouldn’t be surprised to see this relaunch soon though, perhaps another Bendis written book. Now if only they could bring Astonishing X-Men to an end.


Powers Bureau #1          Retitled and re-solicited, Powers: Bureau #1 by Brian Michael Bendis (writer), and Michael Avon Oeming (artist) comes our way in February. This time Deena is playing in a larger pond, power crimes still, but this time they are Federal. Her former partner, Walker, joins her as the crimes are bigger and so are the stakes.


New Warriors Omnibus HC vol 01          Well I told myself that I would not order any more large ticket items until I am caught up on my current orders. After 1 month I am allot closer and because of that I could not resist ordering the New Warriors Omnibus Vol. 1 HC. Clocking in at 1,064 pages and featuring the first twenty-six issues plus various other comics, detailing the earliest phase of the New Warriors career. This is one title that I was surprised didn’t come out of the Marvel Now! Initiative. $99.99 is an excellent value for this much story, about some of the most interesting characters in the Marvel Universe. I could list all of the artists involved but between the writers and the artists, it is the cream of the crop of the comic book professionals that worked during the 80’s and 90’s.


Avengers Season One Prem HC          The final book to talk about is the Avengers: Season One book. Allot of fans wondered where this book would land in the House of Idea’s publishing schedule, and some even thinking that it would not appear. Well I was thrilled when it was announced that Peter David was writing the book. I am not overly familiar with the art team but if they are consistent with the dynamic art that has appeared in some of the Season One books than I am sure it will look amazing. Peter David is the draw for me, and the reason why I am picking it up.


          That is it for Marvel in February, see you shortly with DC.