November 2012 Marvel Comics Diamond Previews Review
I cannot lie, Marvel Comics may become my favorite publisher again, sorry Valiant, as they roll out even more Marvel Now releases, and they are an exciting batch! The second X-Force book is out in January, and this time it is the Pyslocke led Uncanny X-Force. The line up and hairstyles have me excited, as does the creative team of Sam Humphries (Fraggle Rock, Ultimates) writing and art provided by Ron Garney. First lets address the hairstyles, and one in particular, Storm’s. The mohawk is back and it is paired perfectly with a modern X-Force redesign of one of her trademark 80’s costumes. The mohawk was always one of my favorite hairstyles of the African goddess.
As for lineup we get a member, or former member of Alpha Flight, Puck! I am anxious to see how he is brought into the story as this was never the type of book I pictured him in. The strangest team member is Spiral. I may not be aware and have missed something, but I am not sure how she will come to be a member, considering her status as villain through most of her career. I will give props to the designer of her uniform, it works well beside the others, while appearing original and strong on it’s own design sensibilities. Overall the characters, and their redesigns would intrigue me enough to pick this up, but we also get the reintroduction of one of the best known, but missing for several months, former X-Men, Bishop.
I have a strong suspicion that Sam Humphries is going to knock this out of the park and, while moving ahead with his own stories of the X-Universe’s kill squad, respect all that Rick Remember built before. Sam definitely has allot more pressure on his hands compared to the team behind the adjective less X-Force because Sam’s team, while most of the members have changed, already has a history, and a fan loved back story. I think this is going to be one of the breakout hits of the Marvel Now initiative and it is my Marvel Pick of the Month for January, 2013. I should also add that it is nice to see Betsy taking on enemies in more than a one piece swimsuit.
For the past few months I have noticed that there are certain writers I will follow pretty well anywhere, Jeff Lemire, and Rick Remember for example. Well I think I can add Jonathan Hickman to that list. He is wonderfully suited for New Avengers #1 because of the potential in the cast. Black Panther is essentially the leader of, what some may consider, the largest collection of ego’s in the Marvel Universe, namely the Illuminati. The players are mostly the same: Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Black Bolt, Mr. Fantastic, Beast, Namor, and Black Panther.
Beast? You ask? Well I won’t spoil it, but if you check out the end of Avengers Vs. X-Men #11 you will see why Professor Xavier is missing. The big elephant in the room will be the slight grudge that team leader T’Challa will have against Namor, who, while possessed by the Phoenix, destroyed Wakanda. I am expecting that to be dealt with, or at least talked about in issue #1.
One thing that has me worried is that it seems to be another time travel/parallel universe type event that kicks off the inaugural storyline of this relaunch. Hickman proved that he can tell unpredictable stories with an amazing layering of plots, and sub-plots with Secret Warriors, and that he can make the cliche sounding idea into something more. Steve Epting provides the art and if the early preview art is anything to go by he is a good fit for this type of book. It looks to be dark, and moody, which works well in a series about the most powerful, banding together to try and fix the universe, in a possibly covert style. His facial expressions are strong and really pull you into the world, bringing emotion to couple with Hickman’s words. Doctor Strange? Has the former Sorcerer Supreme regained the title?

I have never been a huge fan of the Spider-Man comics since the Amazing Spider-Man 2099 series. I am in luck, or I will be, if the rumors are true about the identity of the man behind the mask in Superior Spider-Man #1. Miguel O’Hara has been bandied about as the one replacing the one and only Peter Parker. This will be interesting as Marvel will not have a Peter Parker web slinging in either the 616 universe or the Ultimate universe, in his own book. I could be wrong but I think that while Peter isn’t in his books, he may still don the red and blue in an Avengers book. With someone like Miguel as Spider-Man, he would probably not have the easiest time of just joining the Avengers.
Even with an expanded roster I would hope that they pick and choose who fills their ranks carefully, and Spider-Man, while maybe not as powerful as Miguel, will remain as a main cast member. Again I could be wrong but it wouldn’t surprise me if that happened. Of course it could be Alpha. With a special printing of his appearances in a 0.1 issue being released in January, that could a clue. If that is the case then I will probably pass on this book as Alpha was one of the most disappointing new characters, which is totally my own opinion, he may have struck a chord with other readers, but not with me.
I may not be picking up Savage Wolverine #1, but that does not stop me from admitting that having Frank Cho as both artist and writer, almost made me do it. I am not a fan of Wolverine solo, and generally I like team books more, where I find Wolverine really shines. However, Frank Cho illustrating a story that takes place in the Savage Land, and featuring Shanna, makes this a book that will be at the top of many fans must read lists. The only thing I find a bit disconcerting is the playing with Wolverine’s memory schtick. That poor mind of his must be so jumbled by this point. If the story quality matches that of the art this book that will save it and it will be one to watch.
We are going to keep going on the Marvel Now tip with another high profile launch, that of much beloved, and missed Young Avengers #1. Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie are the new driving force for this new assemblage of young heroes to take on the Avengers moniker. Kieron Gillen, who was a fan favorite with his Journey Into Mystery run will be importing Loki from that series, into the role of, what seems to be, the driving force of this new team. The line up is a mixture of original members, and some new additions. Wiccan, Hulkling, and Hawkeye join up with Loki, Marvel Boy, and Ms. America in a tale that seems to worryingly start in an alternate dimension? It would seem to be the world where Ms. America resides, at least at the start of the story, is not the one we are familiar with. If it is another alternate Earth then I am curious as to why that seems to be an important story point in several Marvel comics? Either way I will be picking this book up, and I can already see more issues in my future.
A book that I am hoping does well, and one I am looking forward to is the story of Morbius the Living Vampire, who has his own ongoing series ship with a #1 issue. Previously only having had written for Image, Joe Keatinge brings the words for this tale of a vampire trying to fit into a world that has left him behind. Richard Elson provides dark images that brings us into this deadly characters life. My fingers are crossed for a Blade appearance as he has been conspicuously absent from the Marvel Now information that has been coming out. I am also going to put my wish out there in the interwebs and imagine that we could eventually see a return of the Midnight Sons, but that may just be a pipe dream. This book will be near the top of my read pile.

One of my favorite series releases the final two issues of its run before it is relaunched under the Marvel Now initiative. I am talking about the Rick Remember written Secret Avengers. Issues #36, and 37 bring an end to the long running Descendants storyline that has been brewing for a large portion of Remembers run. I am going to be sad to see this title go, even though I am quite intrigued in the new direction, but find this run to be one of my all time favorite runs. Rick Remember tightly paces this book with all of the characters getting some moments to shine, and chances to display their personalities with it all feeling natural. The cast is very large but Remember manages it perfectly which adds further to my excitement over his upcoming Avengers run.
Deadpool comics sell well and for the second time I am going to give him a go. The recently completed Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe started off promising but kind of petered out at the end where it got too meta for me. The new series “Deadpool Killustrated” combines my love of superheroes with a fondness for literary classics. Deadpool takes on Moby Dick in this first issue written by Cullen Bunn, and drawn by Matteo Lolli. What caught my eye immediately is the cover by Michael Del Mundo. I want that as a poster.
Well it was nice to write an entry for Marvel Comics that was exciting. In recent months the Avengers Vs. X-Men cross-over felt a bit draining, even with my happiness over the end result, but now that the new landscape of the Marvel Universe is being explored I cannot wait to see how it functions as a cohesive universe.
On a side note, shortly after I wrote this, Disney purchased LucasArts granting them the rights to the Star Wars franchise, and it got me wondering, How long until Marvel is publishing the Star Wars comics or are they going to stay at Dark Horse? I would be thrilled if they moved over to Marvel. That is not a slam towards Dark Horse who puts out some amazing product, but a realistic possibility, especially when one looks at the publishing of Pixar/Disney titles originally through Boom, then Marvel.
See you soon with my look at DC Comics for the first month of the new year.