November 2012 DC Comics Diamond Previews Review

November 2012 DC Comics Diamond Previews Review

Let’s take a look and see what DC has in the pipeline to try and retain market share as Marvel rolls out new surprises in their Marvel Now initiative.


Justice League #16Aquaman #16           Justice League and Aquaman continue the cross-over “Throne of Atlantis”,  in each of their 16th issues. The internet breaking relationship of Superman and Wonder Woman is further explored, while we get to see what will be the beginning of the February launching Justice League of America title.



Superman #16Wonder Woman #16          I wish DC would release Shazam as a new standalone series. I have enjoyed reading the back ups but he has never been a character I gelled with and think it would be nice to see shorter back ups featuring reinterpretations of some of the more obscure or short lived Leaguers from the original DC Universe. I keep holding out hope that Aztek will appear somewhere in the New 52. If Shazam transitioned to his own series, it would sell. The creative team on the backup is providing solid work and would create what would be a top twenty book.


Threshold #1          Even with Justice League of America announced for a February launch, and the January launch of Threshold, they are going to fall short of the magical 52 in the New 52 as January brings about the cancellation of 4 more series, one of which has been a personal favorite since the relaunch.





Grifter #16Blue Beetle #16Legion Lost #16Frankenstein Agent of SHADE #16







 Stormwatch #16          Cancelled are: Grifter (No surprise, but sadly it does leave Stormwatch as the only surviving Wildstorm title. C’mon Jim, we want the Wildcats!, Blue Beetle (but his story seems to heading into the new Threshold sci-fi anthology), Legion Lost (probably should have been a maxi-series similar to The Shade, only because the comic book market has never proven able to maintain two Legion books for an extended period of time, and the concept lends itself better to a shorter story), and the one I am sad to see go, Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E..


Justice League Dark #16          These books had a little room to breathe, having been able to reach #16, but I found that Frankenstein had something different at the center of it’s hook. It was the B.P.R.D. Of the DC Universe, and it is sad to see it go. Judging from the recent solicitations Frankenstein will be hanging with John Constantine over in the pages of Justice League Dark. This has me very happy because this is one character that should always have a spot in the DC Universe.


It seems that immediately before I was about to email this entry in there was an announcement of two new series to the DC roster to replace the above mentioned cancelled titles, and both of them have close ties to the Justice League of America launch.


The most surprising is Vibe. The character that runs a close second to Aquaman for jokes at his expense. As much as Aquaman was returned to relevance with the relaunch it is going to be an uphill battle for the creative team of writer Andrew Kreisberg and artist Pete Woods to take this longtime DC punchline of a character and build him into someone strong enough to carry a solo title. The David Finch drawn cover that has popped up over at MTV Geek sure seems promising though.


          Katana will be jumping onto the solo series train as well with writer Ann Nocenti (who has unfortunately underwhelmed me but that could change) and artist Alex Sanchez (whose black and white cover over at MTV Geek looks beautiful).


Probably the biggest announcement for me is Jeff Lemire taking over writing duties on Green Arrow. This is all February news but I couldn’t help but share this. I will gush over a Jeff Lemire written Green Arrow next month!


Batman #16Batman and Robin #16Detective #16Batgirl #16








The Bat Family titles are having a scary time of it as Joker continues his reign of terror against the Caped Crusader, and all those that are part of his life. ‘Death of the Family’ impacts the 16th issues of Batman (one of the creepiest covers of the year), Batman and Robin, Detective Comics, Batgirl (another cover high on the creepy scale),
Nightwing #16Red Hood and the Outlaws #16Teen Titans #16Nightwing, Red Hood and the Outlaws, and Teen Titans. I am going to hold off on this until I purchase the collected additions, and if it is going to have the power I think it will have, would make an amazing Absolute candidate.



Green Lantern Corps #16Green Lantern New Guardians #16Green Lantern #16Red Lanterns #16Green Lantern Corps Annual #1








The Green Lantern titles bring an end to the “Rise of the Third Army” cross-over in the 16th issues of Green Lantern Corps., Green Lantern: New Guardians, Green Lantern, and Red Lanterns, and has a grand finale in Green Lantern Corps Annual #1.


The synopsis says it all leads to the set up of the next great Green Lantern event. That is one of the reasons I have avoided the Green Lantern books, it is like an exclusive club and if you haven’t been following it for the past few years the emotional payoff won’t be as great, and everything is leading to another event. If they did a year of stories, that was not part of an intertwined labyrinth of story I may give the books a try. For followers of this franchise I am sure it will be well worth the wait.


Animal Man #16Swamp Thing #16           A smaller, and fun cross-over is close to wrapping up in Animal Man #16, and Swamp Thing #16 as Rotworld: The Red Kingdom, and Rotworld: The Green Kingdom head into their second to last issues of this storyline that shows a devastated Earth after the Rot takes over. This is a fun read with ramifications for the major players, and a look at the horrors subjected on the citizens of the New 52 under the scheming plans of Anton Arcane.


Batman Beyond Unlimited #12           After the disgraceful reintroduction of Lobo was wasted by Rob Liefeld we have what looks to be a more proper Lobo over in Batman Beyond Unlimited #12 where our favorite cigar smoking, foul mouthed character makes his Beyond debut! I did drop this title after the first few issues to slim down my monthly pull list but this issue will be coming home with me. I need a proper Lobo fix where he isn’t always grimacing with far too many teeth!


That is my look at DC for the month of January 2013 and there are some interesting stories afoot but Marvel may be stealing their thunder. We will have to wait and see if DC has any kind of counter attack in place to help maintain its market share.


See you shortly when we look at Dark Horse, IDW, Image, and Valiant for January.

Good reading to all!