October 2012 Alternate Comics Diamond Previews Review part 2

October 2012 Alternate Comics Diamond Previews Review part 2

Finally I present to you the last article for December’s Previews. This is where we look at what is lovingly referred to as the back of the book.


Deathmatch #1          The first book I happened upon that is one to watch, and one that will be coming home with me is from Boom Studios, Deathmatch #1. Paul Jenkins, who wrote one of Marvel’s best Inhuman stories ever writes a story that answers fan-boys prayers, indirectly. We have all thought of a story where the heroes we love are pitted, in a life or death battle with villains, and other heroes, a story where characters do die. Captain America simile, check, Thor simile, check, Hulk simile, check, are you seeing an Avengers like pattern here? I am sure that we will see a Superman like character, or even a Batman like character in these pages. While many may consider this fan-boy fan fiction, I trust Paul Jenkins to bring characters that we care about to these pages. The characters at the big two are tied into franchising and merchandising deals and rarely can they be played with in such a way. I know I am comparing heavily to the big two, and really focusing on Marvel similarities but that has to have been the original intent, or hook as it was, for this series, and I applaud it, and cannot wait to see who wins, and who loses. With the introductory issue of 32 pages for $1.00 there is no reason for this to not come home with you. This is my Back of the Book Pick of the Month.


The Red Ten #1          Publisher Comixtribe brings us an indie sensation that proved the little guys can bring it. The Red Ten debuted at the New York Comicon last year and went on to sell thousands of issues at only 50 retail locations. This caught Diamonds attention, and they signed a distribution deal that will now bring this new spin on Agatha Christie’s “Then There Were None” to the masses, and I intend to hop on. It is exciting when someone brings something different to the world of superheroes and I always enjoy the opportunity to visit these new worlds where the bigger publishers fear to tread.


Cannabis Fantasy Cool Coloring Book          Rarely will I write about a coloring book but I am looking forward to the Cannabis Fantasy Cool Coloring Book from Last Gasp. This will be a gift for a few of my friends, you know who you are.






History of Nintendo SC vol 01 1989-1980History of Nintendo SC vol 02 1980-1991          For video game aficionados a treat arrives for under the tree in the form of the first two books chronicling the history of Nintendo. The History of Nintendo Volume 1 covers the years 1889-1990 in 242 pages, and Volume 2 gives us the lowdown on years 1980-1991 in 200 pages. Did you know Nintendo started with playing cards, created the infamous “Love Tester” and even dabbled in Love Hotels? No? Well these books are for you, and an amazing way to see what came before Mario the plumber.


That actually brings to a close the Decembers Previews. As you can see this was a short entry but there wasn’t allot that really grabbed me in Previews for this month, but the items that did will be wonderful additions to my collection.


Next month we look at the offerings for January, as long as the Mayan’s weren’t right….just kidding. See you next month