October 2012 DC Comics Diamond Previews Review
Change in employment has definitely altered my schedule, and my buying habits. Budget restraints have forced me to put comic book purchases on hold, and it will be about three more weeks until I pick up, and I cannot wait. I need a static schedule again, and I think it will get that way soon. Anyway, enough about me, let’s look at DC Comics and what they have for us in December.

Over in Justice League and Aquaman they begin a cross-over called “Throne of Atlantis”. This reminds me a little of Namor and Marvel’s Atlantis and their attack on the surface world. The similarities are hopefully only thematic. Rumors indicate that this is the storyline that is one of the catalysts for the new Justice League of America series launching in February. Justice League #15 is also the issue where the new artists, Ivan Reis, and Joe Prado debut. The origin of Shazam continues in the back up feature. When are they going to launch his own monthly already? With the Zero issue focusing on him, it is a little surprising they haven’t spring boarded him into his own monthly. With the recent cancellations announced there are sure to be new series launching in February, unless 52 isn’t the magic number for DC Comics anymore. We will have to wait and see what the February solicitations have for us.
Orion in Wonder Woman? The introduction of the New Gods? Yes please! Wonder Woman has proven to be an amazing series, with a direction that is so completely different from what has come before and it has been welcome. Wonder Woman is one of my must reads each month, and with the re-introduction of Jack Kirby’s cosmic addition to the DC Universe, it proves itself to be unexpected, and incredibly exciting. I cannot even begin to imagine the connection between the Amazon warrior and the New Gods.

Batman #13 proved to be one of the scariest takes on the Joker I have ever seen. The “Death in the Family” crossover continues in Batman #15, Detective Comics #15, Batman and Robin #15, Batgirl #15, Nightwing #15, Teen Titans #15, and Red Hood and the Outlaws #15. I am not normally a follower of Batman but that 13th issue kicked my butt. I may not buy the single issues but I will be picking up the collected edition for this, much the same way I am sure to pick up the “Court of Owls” collected edition. Scott Snyder is pulling me slowly into Batman, and if you have not been reading it, get #13, and come back for more.

The solicitation for Birds of Prey #15 indicate that they lose a team member. With the reveal of the Justice League of America roster, and Katana featured prominently on the cover this would be the issue where she bows out and heads to the big league, with a government controlled big league.

The Bat Family has “Death of a Family” and the Green Lantern family of titles continues on with further chapters in “Rise of the Third Army”. I do not follow the Green Lantern books so there is not much I can say about them. Much like the Bat Books I do feel that there are too many titles in the line. Red Lanterns seemed to have avoided the chopping block with the latest wave of cancellations but I can’t help but wonder if and when Red Lanterns will be joining them.

I was prepared to love Phantom Stranger, and not like Sword of Sorcery but I had it backwards. The art by Tony Bedard, and the wonderful writing of Christy Marx has turned Sword of Sorcery into one of my favorites. With Amethyst joining Justice League Dark I look forward to more of our Gemworld Princess’s adventures, both on Earth and in her own realm. This is fantasy done well and the sillier aspects of the characters original run have been polished into something new, modern, and entirely enjoyable. It may look like it is marketed towards a female demographic but there is enough action to bring the boys back to watch the young Princess’s adventures. Get this book! #3 has the confrontation between Amethyst and her evil Aunt Mordiel. As for Phantom Stranger, the less said the better. Dan Didio did it right with O.M.A.C. but with Phantom Stranger there seems to be some kind of disconnect that I can’t quite put my finger on.

My favorite cross-over at the moment is Rotworld. Issues #13 of Animal Man, Swamp Thing, and Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E. all did an amazing job of world building, showing us the dramatic affects that the Rot has brought about in its conquest of the world. This dark future for the DC Universe is a very scary place and issue #15 of each of these series will bring us further into the conflict and with any luck give us a sign of hope because with the first chapters of this storyline under their belt they have shown one thing, the Rot infested DC Universe is a dark and scary place to reside. I hope they do a collected edition of this cross-over, it would be one of the rare times I double dip but this is an epic arc that deserves to be collected under one cover.
Team 7 is another book I was ready to write off but it grabbed me and pulled me in. It reminds me of a combination of Checkmate, and the best of Wildstorm. The betrayals will run deep, and even though the series takes place five years in the past, and we know where several of these characters end up I find myself on the edge of the seat as I read the book. Granted they have only released the Zero issue, and the official number 1, I still know that the second, and third issue will keep that feeling going. One can hope. The books I have latched onto since the beginning of the New 52 have stayed, with the exception of Frankenstein, so I am going to take my love of this title as a good thing, and just assume it will be around for awhile.
G.I. Combat #7 brings that war themed series to an end. Cannot say I am really surprised since this is essentially the replacement for another failed war comic, Men of War. I think DC Comics should take a break from this genre for awhile, or perhaps launch a dedicated series such as a New 52 Unknown Soldier series, just a thought.
I have every belief that one of the new series that will launch during the first or second quarter of 2013 will be Freedom Fighters. After mini’s dedicated to the Ray, and Phantom Lady, we now have Human Bomb #1 (of 4) coming our way in December. Justin Grey and Jimmy Palmiotti bring the story and legend Jerry Ordway brings the art. The mini’s to date have not really captured my attention with the exception of the Ray, which had allot of good concepts, and an amazing character design that paid respect to the past while looking to the future. Phantom Lady might do the same but it is one of many books sitting in my pull pile at my comic book store.
My DC Comics Pick of the Month goes to Punk Rock Jesus #6. This issue brings this mini-series to a close and Sean Murphy did something I almost wish he hadn’t. He makes me want more of this world. Chris (DNA descendant of Jesus) is a rock star, and will his heritage define him, or will he become something much different than the one that came before him? This issue takes place in Jerusalem and promises to show exactly the type of deity that Chris is.
Well that is DC Comics for December, and from what I see there is some interesting books coming out. I hope that DC can maintain some of that New 52 momentum against Marvel, who promises to steal back some of their market share with Marvel Now! I am rooting for you DC.