August 2012 DC Comics Diamond Previews Review

August 2012 DC Comics Diamond Previews Review

With Marvel Comics complete we now turn our attention to DC Comics. September brought us a month of Zero issues and October returns all comics back to their current story-lines DC Comics is also the big winner of my recent pull list purge, and they remain virtually unscathed. I believe that this is a testament to the success of the New 52 initiative.

The internet is riddled with negative comments about DC’s relaunch and in some cases it is justifiable. What these naysayers seem to not notice is that the relaunch has worked. Sales for DC Comics are up, with a wonderful increase increase in both market and dollar share. It definitely worked for me, prior to the relaunch I was not into DC Comics.

The continuity was ridiculous and the characters seemed to be without direction, DC obviously not knowing what to do with there characters. While the relaunch has been exceptional in my opinion, they have had some miss-steps, Superman still seems to lack any distinct definition, and the whole Teen Titans debacle is a bit ridiculous. If they can actually claim that any of the Crisis’s took place and that Blackest Night happened, why could the Teen Titans have not existed.

I do admit that DC might be hiding something up their sleeves with relation to Donna Troy, and Wally West, but that might just be my optimistic side. I will say that I think that DC Comics actually has something big with those two, and many others I am sure. My favorite, but very short lived, DC character is Aztek and I am still hoping he will make an appearance at some point.


Wonder Woman #13          Not much in the way of superheroes has peeked my interest in the New 52, except 2 books. Both of them have a superhero pedigree but seem to walk on the Vertigo side of the relaunch. Wonder Woman is unlike anything that has come before. While certain moments in Diana’s pre 52 life still stand out. Mainly Phil Jimenez’s run. This is a Wonder Woman I care about. I am enjoying watching the girl changing into a woman and dealing with all of the skeleton’s in her and her family’s closet, while discovering that all that she knew about herself is irrevocably changed. The supporting cast is superb, and Brian Azzarello has surpassed himself, giving every character a time to shine, and he can take one panel and change things in that one little space. Nothing is throw away with this title. I cannot say enough about the art in this book. Sharp lines, surprisingly effective basic shading, the color is astounding, everything that brings you into Diana’s world, and keeps your interest. This is my Wonder Woman, words I never thought I would say.


Justice League Dark #13Justice League Dark Annual #1          The second superheroish title is Justice League Dark. October brings a double dose with issue #13, and the Justice League Dark Annual #1. These are the last two parts to Jeff Lemire’s first epic storyline. He is the reason I picked up this book, well that and the crossover with another favorite title of mine, I, Vampire. It is the showdown between the House of Mystery and the House of Secrets. Constantine’s team is completely defeated, and it looks like, according to the Annual solicit, that he may reach out to Frankenstein, and Amethyst, from the newly launched Sword of Sorcery, to join the fray. The art is slick and does an amazing job of transmitting tone throughout the story. The covers are some of my favorite since the relaunch, and that includes all of the titles.


DC Universe Presents #13          DC Universe Presents #13 introduces two more characters into the New 52, and one of them I am assuming will be involved with the supernatural corner of the DC Universe, and that is Blue Devil. I enjoyed reading about his exploits in the pre 52, and I hope that carries over into the relaunch. Black Lightening is also introduced in this story. Marc Andreyko, of Manhunter fame, tells the story of these two heroes who have to put their differences aside while unlocking a part of the DC Universe we have yet to witness.


Action Comics #13          Action Comics #13 is bringing another fan-favorite character into the New 52, Krypto! Grant Morrison is apparently changing things up for our Man of Steel in this issue. I am going to give this issue a try, in the off chance that the title starts displaying a direction.


Batman #13          Batman #13 is the moment several Bat-fans have been waiting for, the return of the one and only Joker, in the story “Death of the Family”. The cover is creepy, and the solicit suggests that this may be the darkest Joker we have seen to date. Batman and Joker fans will be picking this one up for sure, and for those new to Batman, this would be an excellent jumping on point, to witness the return of the greatest, and most dangerous, of Batman’s rogue gallery.


Batwoman #13          Batwoman #13 has my interest with a team up with Wonder Woman. Normally, at least until now, I rarely felt compelled out of my love of a character, to pick up their appearances in other books, but with DC I do. Batwoman and Wonder Woman team up in a story by J.H. Williams and W. Haden Blackman, with art by J.H. Williams providing the gorgeous art that he has made his trademark.


Green Lantern #13Green Lantern New Guardians #13Red Lanterns #13          The Green Lantern family of titles has a big month in October with each title being part of the status quo changing cross-over “Rise of the Third Army”. In Green Lantern #13, the mysterious new Green Lantern goes up against the Justice League and the Guardians release the first of the Third Army soldiers. Green Lantern #13 features the first strike of the Third Army, and huge changes for Guy Gardner. Green Lantern: New Guardians #13 has the debut of Carol Ferris Star Sapphire, and in Red Lanterns #13 Atrocitus is forced to make a terrible decision to preserve the Red Lantern Corps while one of their own dies. Exciting times for Green Lantern fans indeed.


The Phantom Stranger #1          2 books that started with a Zero issue make their proper #1 debuts in October. The Phantom Stranger #1 written by Dan Didio, and art by Brent Anderson and Scott Hanna, has the title character making a deal with Lord Trigon. A deal that will have dramatic repercussions rippling through the DC Universe.


Sword of Sorcery #1          Sword of Sorcery #1 is written by Jem writer Christy Marx, with art by one of my favorites Aaron Lopresti. Princess Amaya has grown up since we last saw her and times have changed. Not only does she have to deal with her duty as protector of Gemworld but also with the small fact that her family wants her dead. Sword of Sorcery #1 is my DC Pick of the Month.


Dial H #5          At the start of this column I mentioned that there were two superhero-type books I liked and maybe I should have included Dial H, but I couldn’t. Part of the reason I love this book so much is that it is dense with story and that story cannot be categorized. The superhero portions of the story redefine superheroes in the most bizarre of ways. I hope to see this book crossover with the more Vertigo like series in the New 52.


Animal Man #13          A storyline that has been brewing since the launch of the New 52 is “Rotworld”, and that kicks into high gear in October with Animal Man #13. The first part of the four part story “Rotworld: The Red Kingdom” guest stars Justice League Dark (Most Excellent), Beast Boy, Hawkman (based on the cover), and many heroes and villains of the DC Universe.


Swamp Thing #13          Swamp Thing #13 guest stars Poison Ivy, Deadman, and the Parliament of Trees and is the first part of “Rotworld: The Green Kingdom”. Swamp Thing learns how the Rot was victorious and has overtaken the Earth.


Frankenstein: Agent of Shade #13          Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E. #13 is tying into the “Rotworld” arc as well with the first issue of the three part “Rotworld: Secrets of the Dead”. Frankenstein takes the battle to the Rot in an attempt to stop its invasion of the Earth.


Swamp Thing Annual #1          Swamp Thing Annual #1 delves more into his rivalry with Anton Arcane, who has made his existence known in the recent issues of Swamp Thing. The first encounter of these enemies is the reason why Rotworld came to pass. In my opinion, the “Rotworld” crossover is definitely an example of how to do a crossover. Slow burn build up while exploring the characters mythos, and advancing their personal stories, and keeping everything amazingly in context with the larger story.


I, Vampire #13          I, Vampire #13 has me a little worried. I thought we had the storyline about Andrew going all evil and grrr already? Cain was pretty bad ass, and while the circumstances may be a little different this seems a little repetitive this early in the game. I will admit that having a human Mary, Queen of Blood running around is a little intriguing and will definitely be a huge adjustment for the character.


Deathstroke #13Grifter #13          For Rob Liefeld fans I have to apologize for what I am about to say, but I cannot be quiet. The covers for both Deathstroke #13, and Grifter #13 are ridiculous (and not in the hip street lingo kind of way). Deathstroke #13 in particular is disturbing. I do not see how those covers will attract readers, and quite honestly are part of the turn off for me.


Joe Kubert Presents #1          Joe Kubert Presents #1 is the first issue of a six issue miniseries. Joe Kubert brings us two stories that he both wrote and drew. One features Hawkman with the other being a story called “Spit”. Brian Buniak provides a story featuring Angel and Ape. Sam Glanzman also spins a tale about the U.S.S. Stevens.


Masters of the Universe: Origin of the Skeletor #1          Joshua Hale Fialkov, the writer of I, Vampire, is the reason I am purchasing Masters of the Universe: The Origin of Skeletor #1. This is a one shot that gives us the definitive reasons why he became one of the most evil despots ever.


The New Deadwardians #8          It is sad that Vertigo’s The New Deadwardians #8 is the last issue of this series. It has proven itself to be a glimpse into an amazing world that combines the best of crime procedurals with characters that go bump on the night. It is nice to see writers take genre’s (vampires and zombies) and create something completely new (at least to me). I hope this does well enough in trade that a second volume is announced at some point.


Punk Rock Jesus #4          Punk Rock Jesus #4 (of 6) brings us one step closer to then end of what is turning into my favorite miniseries of the year, and I have only read the first issue! The story of a genetically created clone of Jesus dealing with a world of reality television and corporate control, with supporting characters whose motives you are never quite sure of is fascinating. Sean Murphy provides beautiful, and at times gritty, black and white art that helps create the world that J2 exists in.




Before Watchmen: Minutemen
Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre
Before Watchmen: Rorschach
New Deadwardians
Punk Rock Jesus


Animal Man
Dial H
Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E.
I, Vampire
Justice League Dark
National Comics
The Phantom Stranger
Swamp Thing
Sword of Sorcery
Team 7
Wonder Woman


Action Comics #13
Batwoman #13
DC Universe Presents #13
JLA Presents: Aztek the Ultimate Man TP
Masters of the Universe: The Origin of Skeletor
Ravagers #5
Stormwatch Vol.1 HC
We Can Be Heroes Justice League 7-Pack

Dropped as of October

Birds of Prey
Phantom Lady

Aug 2012 Marvel Comics Diamond Previews Review

Aug 2012 Marvel Comics Diamond Previews Review


The October solicits are upon us and I finally did something I had been doing a little of but sat down and seriously looked at my pull list. I wanted to decrease my monthly single issues allowing me more room to purchase trade paperbacks and original graphic novels, and after a couple of hours (not joking) I have completed my task. Some of my choices might surprise people, at the end of the day this will allow me to focus on the characters and franchises that I have grown to love.


I want to start with Marvel Comics this month for two reasons: 1) The Marvel Now initiative is launching, and 2) Marvel was affected most by my pull list downsizing.


Marvel Now! Point One #1          Marvel Now! Point One #1 is an introduction into the new status quo and features a who’s who of Marvels creative pool. Little is known of the actual stories in this issue but I am assuming it was similar to the peeks we saw in the first Marvel Point One issue, a mixture of genres, and style that brought to light some slightly faded characters, and threw them into the spotlight.


 Uncanny Avengers #1          My Marvel Pick of the Month is going to the new Rick Remember penned Uncanny Avengers #1. John Cassady (one of my favorite artists) is handling the art chores for this team that combines the world of the X-Men with that of the Avengers. The starting roster of Thor, Scarlet Witch, Captain America, Rogue, Wolverine and team leader Havoc is intriguing and I actually tried to dislike the idea of this title but as it moves closer to it’s launch date I find myself increasingly excited at the story potential for such a mixture of characters and personality types. It is a powerhouse of a team, but also one that is riddled with emotional scarring from their collective pasts. I have the distinct feeling that this book will become the corner stone of the new Marvel Universe post Avengers Vs. X-Men and I want to be in on the ground floor.


A Plus X #1          A+X looks to be an anthology title that will feature two stories each month, pairing an X-Men related character with an Avengers related character. Looks promising enough and with an introductory creative team including the likes of Jeph Loeb, Warren Ellis, and Dale Keown, it could tell some good stories. I tried the Vs. title of the Avengers Vs. X-Men event and it wasn’t my cup of tea so I will probably pass this title up, but for fans of both franchises I am sure this is going to make them happy.


AVX: Consequences #1          AVX: Consequences is a mini-series that has its purpose in its title. This intrigues me and I find myself hoping that this is a little more of a personal series then just a tour of the post Avengers Vs. X-Men landscape. Kieron Gillen has been proven to be an excellent writer, and Tom Raney provides the art. I think this might be the hidden gem of this entire storyline, one can hope anyway.


Just a quick thought, with all of the AVX spin offs and mini-series, one was noticeably missing, a Front Line mini-series. This would have been the perfect storyline to really explore the storyline from a regular persons view, and see who supports who.


Avengers #31          With my recent pull list purge I am happy to say Avengers is staying. I went back and forth with this title but with the knowledge that Bendis is leaving the title I am going to hang tough while the guard changes. Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy Bendis but there has been so much for so long that I need a Bendis break. This final arc seems to be heading to quite a climax, ensuring that Bendis’s playground will be ready for the new creative team!


Secret Avengers #32          My favorite Avengers title has been Secret Avengers for some time. This book highlights characters that normally don’t get the chance to shine in other books, but Remember seems to have a firm grasp of the characters and their interactions seem genuine. The only character that is throwing me off is Captain Britain, his personality seems a bit off from what I am used to from him. That is, in my eyes, the only flaw of this book. Remember pays tribute to what has happened before, while telling its own story. Even the chapters that were part of the Avengers Vs. X-Men debacle worked within the larger tapestry of it’s own story. The beautiful covers by Arthur Adams is a definite plus.


Avengers Academy #38          The adults get poker, and the kids get flag football. Avengers Academy #38 brings us the much requested match between Avengers Academy and the Jean Grey School. I was relieved to see this title still being solicited, all of the Marvel Now! Information has me worried about a couple of the titles I do collect. While I did have this one removed from my pull list I am still watching the solicits and hope to come back to it when the concept speaks to me a little more.


Allot of titles are ending in October, no doubt to make way for Marvel Now! Relaunches at some point. Those titles ending their runs include: Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Incredible Hulk, Fantastic Four, FF, New Mutants, and X-Men: Legacy. I am not sad in the slightest to see most of these runs end. Even after relaunch I am sure most of these books will get another new #1.


Red She Hulk #58          Hulk becomes Red She-Hulk with issue #58. I understand how I haven’t read the book with any regularity and my knowledge of the Red She-Hulk is limited, but I don’t understand this change. I will check this out on the stand, and while I do like the idea of a female led Marvel comic book, it needs to feel a little more fluid.


Daredevil - End of Days #1          Daredevil fans take note, Bendis, Mack, Janson, and Sienkiewicz, some of the most celebrated creators attached to the man without fear, bring us his final story – Daredevil: End of Days #1 . Ben Urich has a writing assignment that is full of mystery, what was Matt Murdock’s final secret?


Spaceknights #1          Marvel always has a reason for dipping into their backlist, and Spaceknights #1 (of 3) is intriguing. This collects the 2000 Spaceknights mini-series by Jim Starlin and Chris Batista. I have three guesses, this is being developed as an animated series for Disney, with storytelling similar to Power Rangers, they will be major players in the cosmic Marvel arena, or perhaps, and I realize this could be a stretch, the Spaceknights are getting their own series as part of the Marvel Now! Initiative. I am expecting an announcement either way in the next couple of months.


Dexter #1          Dexter fans can get a fix of their favorite crime fighting serial killer with this new five issue mini-series which pits him against the Skid Row Slasher, Miami’s newest serial killer, all during his high school reunion. New York Times Bestselling Author, Jeff Lindsay adds more layers to one of the most popular TV shows of this generation.


          As you can tell I made several changes, it is always tough to slim down a pull list but every once in awhile you have to sit back and look at what you do collect, and decide if you are collecting out of a weird feeling of obligation or if you have a genuine love for the characters, or creators. The answers may surprise you.


AVX: Consequences
Secret Avengers
Space Punisher
Uncanny Avengers
X-Treme X-Men


Fear Itself: Journey Into Mystery Premiere HC
Marvel Now! Point One #1
Oz: The Marvelous Land of Oz TPB


Captain Marvel
Uncanny X-Force
Uncanny X-Men
Wolverine & the X-Men