July 2012 DC Comics Diamond Previews Review
The long rumored Zero Month is upon us in September and DC Comics brings with it some final issues and a new wave. Justice League International was confirmed as canceled prior to the three revealed with these solicits, but that title is, in my opinion, only taking a break, and I fully believe it will be back after a facelift. This is also the month I review my pull list and make some pretty big decisions. DC Comics fared well, I have decided to drop Justice League, Fairest, and Earth 2 from my pull list. Wonder Woman and Justice League Dark are the only superhero titles I collect from DC Comics, and for anyone reading those, you know I use the term Superhero loosely as they have proven to walk quite well on the darker side of the DC Universe.
Let’s look at the three new series launching during Zero Month. Two of them will be making it onto my pull list, at least for the first arc, and longer I suspect.
The Batman family of titles, regardless of whether it needs to grow or not, brings us Talon #0. This is a direct spin off from the Court of Owls story line from the Bat books, and features Calvin Rose, an assassin who has managed to escape the grasp of the Court and is trying everything in his power to live a normal life. That life might just have to wait. The Court does not like when one of their own leave them, and in Calvin’s case, try to hunt him down, removing that loose end. I have never followed the Batman titles so this one will not be on my pull list, but a family of titles that can support Batwing will no doubt embrace Talon.
The first of two titles being added to my pull list is The Phantom Stranger #0. Dan Didio, who brought the wacky with the underrated OMAC is the writer for this title. Promising to follow up on the Free Comic Book Day story, we will see the who, how, and why for The Phantom Stranger, with more then enough mystery to keep us coming back for more. I hope. I love the darker side of the New 52 and I look forward to this adding to my favorite corner of the relaunch.
My DC Comics Pick of the Month goes to Sword of Sorcery #0. I now understand the Showcase for Amethyst coming out in August as this title introduces us to the New 52 Amethyst. She is a little bit older, and a little bit wiser, well maybe just a little bit older, and on the road with her mother. She is being hunted by an unknown, and powerful enemy, oh, and is the lost princess of Gemworld. Christy Marx, writer of Jem (Children of the 80’s will remember Jem) brings us a fantasy tale that will pay homage to what has come before but remix it for a modern day fan base. I am extremely looking forward to this title!
Even though I am dropping it from my pull list, I will be picking up Justice League #0. Captain Marvel highlights the lead story in this issue and even though I was loving the slow burn of his New 52 origin, I couldn’t wait anymore, and much like the lead story about the League in every issue, I got bored with it. The second story in this issue is what has me excited. Pandora. This issue we find out more about this woman who is responsible for the entire New 52 Universe.
DC Universe Presents #0 is an odd beast. Instead of presenting a story relating to a currently published character, or even telling a story set in the past, for a character that has yet to appear, they have focused on OMAC, Blackhawks’ Mother Machine, Hawk, Dove, and Mister Terrific. These stories also set the stage for some stories playing out in the DC Universe. This will need to be looked at at the store, still not sure if this will find its way home with me but it has piqued my curiosity.
Superman #0 brings another creative team change to the title. Scott Lobdell writes with Kenneth Rocafort providing the art. Scott Lobdell has never really appealed to me but Kenneth Rocafort has an iconic look to his characters and I will have to review this title on the stands to decide if it will come home with me. I am intrigued with the idea of seeing Krypton in the New 52.
I cannot rave about Dial H enough! This title is the best Vertigo book not under the Vertigo imprint. China Mieville is creating a rich tapestry, different then any incarnation of this story that has come before. The dialed up superheroes that he is creating within these pages is mind boggling, and giving a needed shot in the arm of mainstream super heroics. Riccardo Burchielli provides dark moody artwork that plays well with the mysterious, and sometimes spooky atmosphere that China sets the stories in. If you like strange, dark, mixed with super heroics, get this book! Dial H #0 shows us one of the earliest users of the dial and reveals a dangerous future.
Justice League Dark #0 brings us a young John Constantine in the early days of the New 52. Even if this was not on my pull list I would be picking this up out of sheer curiosity. The John Constantine in the New 52 is honestly not that far off from the slightly darker Vertigo Constantine. I was worried when I heard he would be in the New 52 but through his appearances it has been shown that he still retains his biting attitude and sharp sarcasm that made him a fan favorite in the Vertigoverse. With my current favorite writer, Jeff Lemire, guiding the story I urge any fan of his, or John Constantine to pick up this book.
Animal Man #0, another Jeff Lemire title, is the origin of Buddy Baker! This title has been a solid title, it could use a little more action and a little less exposition but I cannot imagine missing an issue. This issue also promises to also reveal further story bits that are related to the upcoming Swamp Thing crossover “Rotworld”. Zero issues are the perfect jumping on point, and this issue will be no exception.
Adding more layers to the past of the New 52 is Team 7 #0. The cast is made up of characters that originally appeared in both the DC Universe, and the Wildstorm Universe. Team 7 is the counter measure for the appearance of Superman, and others like him. If these newly emerging heroes cross the line, Team 7 will remind them where that line is. Justin Jordan crafts the words and Jesus Merino handles the artwork. I have to admit that the artwork looks impressive but in my attempt to trim down my monthly pull list I might wait for the trade on this one. It is an espionage tale, involving superheroes and a shadowy government organization, and that combination is always fun.

Captain Atom, Resurrection Man, and Voodoo each close off their runs with #0 issues. I have to say I am not surprised, each has lacked direction that made them relevant amongst the landscape of the New 52. That’s not to say that the characters aren’t interesting, because they are, but would be better suited in a team environment. With a possible Wildcats relaunch rumored we might see Voodoo appear soon.
Green Lantern #0 introduces us to an all new Green Lantern. If this was before the New 52 I might have been more excited for this but after trying out the New 52 Green Lantern titles I have to say I am not a fan of them in the New 52. My pull list does not include a single Green Lantern family title, the last one to survive was Red Lanterns and I think I dropped that with issue 3. Before the relaunch they had these sweeping, epic stories, but told in a singular way. They seemed to have more direction, and for me at least, they are missing that now. For fans though I am sure they will love the #0 issues for they act as a prologue to the “Third Army” storyline that is coming up.
National Comics: Rose and Thorn #1 brings a complete 360 degree turn for the character. A teenage girl is attempting to live life outside of an institution, where she was held. The problem is a dark secret, that won’t let her forget what got her to where she is now.
The Shade #12 brings this amazing series to an end. I am sad that this book isn’t monthly. It has had an incredibly written and beautifully drawn run. I don’t recommend picking up this issue unless you have read what has come before. If you want an amazing self contained story, told in a way that keeps it separate from all other titles and characters, that is dark, haunting, and full of intrigue I do recommend getting the previous 11 issues in the back issue bin, or wait for the eventual trade. This book needs some love so that DC will take notice and give us more of this character, and creative team. The Shade will be revealed as a hero or a villain at the end of this issue and as much as I want to know, I would have loved a bit of a longer road on the journey.
It’s another batch of trade paperbacks and hard covers presenting the first arcs for more of the New 52. The one I strongly recommend is I, Vampire Vol. 1: Tainted Love TP. I already have all the issues but it would read beautifully in trade. This is an amazing story that shows the world of the vampires in the New 52, and none of them sparkle. For true fans of the vampire genre, this is a book you should stop and take notice of.
All-Star Western Vol. 1: Guns and Gotham TP collects the first 6 issues of the All-Star Western series. This one fell off my pull list after issue 2, not because of quality but I wanted to have a whole story. The artwork and writing style lent themselves to long form, at least in my eyes. The quality of the words and pictures is top notch, with a haunting, grainy, yet still smooth style. I want to read this with a Whiskey and some country music playing in the background.
The third trade I want to mention is Justice League Dark Vol. 1: In The Dark TP. I started this series with #7, when the I, Vampire crossover hit, and I have been hooked ever since. Part of that love stems from the Jeff Lemire`s involvement, and while he is not involved in the original arc, I need to know the whys and hows of the founding of this team.
Before Watchmen: Minutemen
Before Watchmen: Rorschach
Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre
New Deadwardians
Phantom Lady
Animal Man
Birds of Prey
Dial H
Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E.
I, Vampire
Justice League Dark
National Comics
The Phantom Stranger
Swamp Thing
Sword of Sorcery
Wonder Woman
All-Star Western Vol. 1: Guns and Gotham TP
Justice League #0
Justice League Dark Vol. 1: In The Dark TP
Stieg Larsson’s The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Vol. 1 HC