June 2012 Marvel Comics Diamond Previews Review
We have had our look at DC Comics for August, now it is time to turn our attention to Marvel Comics.

Avengers Vs. X-Men is in its final act, and several other comics have returned to their own storylines. Allot of the tie ins did not feel fluid, or really seemed to have a purpose, it felt like the writers were not given much of an option about participation, and if some of them did, shame on them for putting out what they did. There have been rare glimmers of fun during the crossover so far, with my favorite tie-ins coming from the team out in space, in Secret Avengers. The rest of the tie-ins are usually around the bottom of my read pile.
New Avengers #29 does have me excited because of an appearance from the Illuminati. This concept of the power players of the Marvel Universe deserves more room to develop but has very few appearances. In New Avengers the Illuminati, knowing they have failed to stop the Phoenix before, group together one last time to try and do what they have never been able to before. Will they stop it? Doubtful. Will it be fun to read about this group of characters trying to get over grudges, resentments, and mistrusts? Absolutely!
Over in Wolverine & The X-Men #15 a classic team of sorts is assembled. Xavier, Rachel, Beast, Angel, and Iceman charge into battle, led by Wolverine charge into battle. Wolverine & The X-Men has done a good job of advancing bits and pieces of it’s own story while including the Avengers Vs. X-Men story beats and that gives me hope that this will be another fun issue. With a line up like Wolverine is leading it is sure to be nothing if not interesting.

Avengers Academy leaves the main Avengers Vs. X-Men storyline behind and deals with the fall-out, the closing of Avengers Academy. Issues #34 and 35 bring parts 1 and 2 of “Final Exam”. With the actual ending of the crossover unknown it is too soon to speculate if this is truly the final exam or if the Academy will be welcoming any new students in the near future. Either way this will be staying on my pull list.
ecret Avengers is also back to it’s previous story and we find out why the Shadow Council is doing what their doing. A new Masters of Evil makes their presence known, all this and Max Fury as well. So much happens in this book that it normally sits on top of the Avengers in my read pile.
Zeb Wells helps celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man over in Avenging Spider-Man #11 where he teams up with the most important person in his life, May Parker. For Spider-Man fans this will be a must purchase, but Zeb Wells has proven in the past that he can always bring something different to the table, and is more than capable of handling Spider-Man and the most important supporting member of his cast.

That 50th Anniversary is also going to brings us back to different moments of Spider-Mans past with Peter Parker, Spider-Man #156.1, Sensational Spider-Man #33.1 and 33.2, and Web of Spider-Man #129.1 and 129.2. It’s a busy month for Spider-Man fans, lucky for my wallet I prefer seeing him in a team because this is allot of Spidey.
Matt Fraction has proven that he can tackle the spy genre with amazing skill, and I hope he brings that kind of sensibility to help flesh out the Avengers resident bowman, Clint Barton (a.k.a. Hawkeye). David Aja brings an amazing eye for layouts to Hawkeye #1. Hawkeye is out to prove (again?) that he is one of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, this time with a sidekick, ex-Young Avenger Kate Bishop. The only thing I question about this book is the fact that Hawkeye has proven time and again that he has every right to be an Avenger, and an A-Lister. He has proven himself, so lets hopefully get some good stories where he holds up his reputation because he shouldn’t have to fight for it at this point.
Punisher vs. a six armed space Hulk? Yes please. Space Punisher #2 (of 4) is one I am excited to read. I like to have a selection of fun comics where I can just read, and enjoy, without worrying about any kind of continuity or crossover. There should be more of these put out by the big two.

The ClanDestine continue their return to the Marvel Universe in Daredevil Annual #1 and Wolverine Annual #1. Marvel Tales by Alan Davis Parts 2 and 3 close off the story began in Fantastic Four Annual #33.
If the early pencilled pages preview of Gambit #1 are any indication, writer James Asmus, and artist Clay Mann, have a very nice looking book hitting the stands in August. I appreciate the fact that the solicitation stresses that Bella Donna is not in this issue. This means that James and Clay might actually be adding something new to Remy’s story instead of rehashing that which has come before. I am not entirely sure why Gambit is getting another solo book launch at this time but I will roll with it for the first arc, besides I am a sucker for a pretty face, and Remy has that in spades.
Another out of continuity mini-series makes its debut, Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe #1-4 (of 4) ships weekly in August. Cullen Bunn writes and Dalibor Talajic draws the Merc with a Mouth as he cuts a bloody swath through the Marvel Universe. I was a fan of the mini-series Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe and I hope this brings the same level of homicidal wackiness that that one provided. With the horror genre one that Cullen has proved he can handle with ease I would assume that he is the right man to illustrate just how far Deadpool can take his depraved lunacy and answer the question, when does Deadpool go from funny to disturbing? That question alone propels this book to Marvel Pick of the Month!

That’s it for Marvel in August, coming shortly will be a look at IDW, Dark Horse, Dynamite, and Image for August!
Astonishing X-Men
Avengers Academy
Avengers Vs. X-Men
AVX vs
Captain Marvel
Dark Avengers
Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe
Fury Max
Hulk (Mayan Rule Storyline – up to and including #57)
New Avengers
Secret Avengers
Space Punisher
Uncanny X-Force
Uncanny X-Men
Wolverine & The X-Men
X-Treme X-Men
Dr. Strange: Season One Premiere HC
Essential Warlock Vol. 1 TPB
Ultimate Comics Ultimates by Johathan Hickman Vol. 1 TPB