by David Grouix
Hey comic book fans. Each month when Previews is released I will be going over it with a fine tooth comb looking for anything that might be a hidden surprise, buried deep in the back half of the catalogue, or something that is a key issue, for either a character, a storyline, or a creator. Since this is my first article I will only be focusing on new series, or new story lines, and will not normally touch on things that are already running, unless they are incredibly noteworthy.

Let’s start with the Previews dated April 2012, with most product shipping June 2012, unless otherwise noted. For the sake of the order of the products I will not be discussing the product featured in the opening pages and will dive right into the first section starting on page 30, Dark Horse Comics. The first book I am going to mention is ‘The Massive’. This is a book by the creator of DMZ, Brian Wood, and is his first creator owned work since that series came to underwhelming close. As much as I am not a fan of how the series came to an end, there is no denying he can build an amazing world, and one that is “post-crash, post-disaster, post-everything”, seems to be right up his alley. With beautiful clean artwork this looks like a survival story unlike anything out there, this will be added to my pull list.
Page 32 highlights a new take on the zombie genre by Gilbert Hernandez, co-creator of of indie hit ‘Love and Rockets’. ‘Fatima: The Blood Spinners‘ is an ongoing series that combines zombies, drug lords, and over the top violence, with a storyline that envisions a new take on the white hot Zombie genre. This is one I will be checking out.
On page 35 is ‘Dark Horse Presents’ #13, and the anthology continues it’s tradition of premiering new characters, creating hidden gems, or re-envisioning existing characters, and this issue is no different with a reboot of Ghost. Elisa Cameron, the supernatural crime fighter is back. With a new mini-series recently announced to follow this story, this is one to get if you are a fan of this long missing character. Plus, you will get a new Aliens story by John Layman, and that is always a good thing.

I have personally grown a little tired of Buffy, don’t get me wrong, I love the television series, and most of the comic books have been average to above average, but sometimes the toys need to be put away so that they seem new when brought back out, but page 36 grabbed my attention with a new five issue mini-series called, ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Drusilla‘. The subject matter made me take notice as Drusilla is one of my favorite characters in the Buffyverse, but the true excitement about this mini-series is the writer, Juliet Landau, the actress who played the crazy vampire, is writing this herself. Who knows the psyche of the twisted vampire better?. Centering on a hunt for Drusilla, this story will take a documentary filmmaker into the past, present, and future, as he hunts for his dark obsession. This promises to be a thrill ride highlighting more of the barely explored dark past of a fan favorite character from one of the most beloved franchises in pop culture history.

Page 74 begins the DC Comics section, and probably the most divisive comics coming out, Before Watchmen. I admit to being a person that does think the story has been told with these characters but two of the mini-series will be making their way onto my pull list, both of them written by Darwyn Cooke. Before Watchmen: Minutemen is a six issue mini-series written and drawn by Darwyn Cooke, and Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre is a four issue mini-series written by Darwyn Cooke and Amanda Conner, with Amanda providing artwork. Both of these series remind me of Justice League: New Frontier, and based on that I will be picking up both of these Before Watchmen books. These will be the ones to watch.
Earth Two #2 brings Mr. Terrific into the fold, and introduces the Jay Garrick Flash to the world. While I am not a fan of the costume design for the character I am excited to see new takes on such loved characters.
If Liefeld wasn’t involved I would be picking up Deathstroke #10 for The Hunt for Lobo, but I am not a fan of him as a creator, but for Lobo diehards, this would be worth checking out.
For the trade waiters we see the release of several of the New 52 first collections. The main one I will be picking up will be the Demon Knights Vol. 1: Seven Against the Dark. No hardcover for this collection, which makes me kind of disappointed but with such a fringe type of title I cannot expect it to get the same treatment as Superman or Batman. Either way I will be picking this up.
I wish The Invisibles Omnibus HC was a little more in my budget but for those that can shell out more than $150.00 this is definitely worth it. If you are a fan of Grant Morrison or existential comics, this would be an amazing collection totaling 1,536 pages, and all three volumes of the controversial title with shorter stories from two anthologies also present. This massive book includes THE INVISIBLES #1-25, THE INVISIBLES VOL. 2 #1-22, THE INVISIBLES VOL. 3 #12-1, and stories from ABSOLUTE VERTIGO #1 and VERTIGO: WINTER’S EDGE #1.
Scalped comes to an end in June with it’s sixtieth issue. I have not followed this series, as the subject matter does not appeal to me, but one cannot deny the critical claim this title has had lauded upon it, as well as the writing ability of Jason Aaron.
On page 150, IDW Publishing really wants you to know that they have the Mars Attacks license and I will be trying their new take on the property. They are launching a new series with a staggering 55 variant covers, highlighting the original trading cards put out years ago. I will be buying one cover, and with John Layman of Chew fame writing I think this will be a great first issue.

Kiss fans will be happy as a new series launches from IDW. The series starts in 1920’s Chicago but promises ramifications across time and space. I am not a fan myself but know plenty that are excited about this book.
Image Comics celebrates the 20th Anniversary of Spawn with issue #220, which promises to, well honestly I am not sure what it promises. I have not followed Spawn for years but for an indie comic book to hit this issue number is monumental, and even though Spawn is not the seller it used to be, this achievement has to be appreciated.

Image Comics have been on a hot streak and Planetoid #1 on page 182 looks to carry on that tradition. A science fiction title that sees an ex-soldier carving out his living as a space pirate on a harsh, abandoned industrial planet. I have to admit that the draw for me is on two fronts, one, it is one person doing the art, and story, Ken Garing, which allows complete control for the creator, and two, his art is gorgeous, if you have ever visited his blog, you know what I am talking about.

Creator Owned Heroes #1 has a great list of creators attached, Niles, Palmiotti, Gray, Noto, and Mellon. It is Phil Noto doing artwork for Palmiotti, and Grays “Triggergirl 6”. Noto always does amazing line work, simple, expressive, with each character taking on a life of their own under the pencils of Noto.
Saga #4 is out in June. Saga is standard Brian K. Vaughan, which means it is amazing. With one of the hardest #1 issues to get, the series is still in its early run so now is the time to hop on!

Archaia Entertainment is offering one of the best deals I have ever seen. United Free Worlds, a 240 page hardcover, is being presented at an awesome price of $7.95. I do not know allot about the title but with a Star Wars vibe, and a ridiculously low price says to me that this is worth the risk! 240 pages, hardcover, this is a no brainer. In a world where we are constantly swamped with new titles, and high price points, a low price for so much is a welcome change. Order this, you would be crazy not to.
Dynamite Entertainment is doing a mini-series that puts Alan Moore to shame with the sheer number of characters appearing. With 2012 upon us Dynamite is tapping the Mayan doomsday prophecy to create a story that includes Vampirella, Red Sonja, Kulan Gath, Dracula, Eva, Allan Quartermain, Athena, Dorian Gray, Purgatory, Herbert West The Reanimator, Pantha, and a whole lot more. Written by Ron Marz, who has proven he can handle extensive mythos over at Top Cow has me excited to see how he is going to put all of these together in one story.
Valiant is back and bringing back one of my favorite concepts, Harbinger. Written by Joshua Dysart, looks to redefine what it means to be a Harbinger, and what it means to the future of human history. I have purposely avoided looking for more information on this project because I want to be surprised. The preview art looks great and this is one I would pick up, knowing nothing about it.
Last but certainly not least is Marvel Comics. The company is in the midst of their latest epic storyline, Avengers Vs. X-Men, and as such most of those two franchises are entirely tied into the epic. June is also the month that sees The Thunderbolts rebranded into the Dark Avengers with issue #175. With Jeff Parker writing I am looking forward to this. Luke Cage is sticking around but everything else is changing. My only concern is that this is yet another Avengers title and with five monthly Avengers team titles I hope Jeff can carve out a niche for himself and his squad of vigilante Avengers.
This one is not really on my radar but allot of people will be picking it up, Spider-Men, a five issue mini that kicks off with the first two issues. Speculation amongst fans is that this will feature the first in continuity meeting of both the Ultimate Spider-Man and the 616 Spider-Man. With Bendis, king of witty dialogue, writing, and Sara Pichelli providing art, this will be a must have for allot of fans.
The Hulk #53 kicks off a storyline involving the Mayans, second comic to do so this month. It is of note that this storyline will be featuring Alpha Flight, and Machine Man. Two properties that are constantly handled wrong so I am excited to see what Jeff Parker can do for them.
Astonishing X-Men #51 sees an X-Men wedding, and rumors are that it is Northstar and his boyfriend Kyle. This is already on my pull list so this is already going to be sitting in my file.
The critically acclaimed Punisher Max is back in with continuity stories. Untold Tales of the Punisher Max is a five issue mini-series written by Jason Starr. If you are a fan of the original series, you should hop onto this!
That’s it, that’s all. Below you will see what I will be getting. If you have any tips on what you think will be hot, let me know!
Good Reading
And just so everyone can see what I read, this is my pull list.
United Free Worlds HC
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Drusilla
Dark Horse Presents #13
Fatima: The Blood Spinners
The Massive
Animal Man
Before Watchmen: Minutemen
Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre
Demon Knights Vol. 1: Seven Against the Dark TPB
Dial H
Earth 2
I, Vampire
Justice League
The New Deadwardians
Swamp Thing
Wonder Woman
Mars Attacks
Creator Owned Heroes
Amazing Spider-Man
Astonishing X-Men
Avengers Academy
Avengers Vs. X-Men
AvX: Vs
Dark Avengers
Hulk (starting with #53)
Secret Avengers
Uncanny X-Force
Uncanny X-Men
Wolverine and the X-Men